Chapter 31

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Harley's POV

We had just got in the car, and I was sitting next to Felix. This car was huge, having 2 rows, so it went Chan and Han in the front 2 seats, Me and Felix in the second row, and Changbin, Hyunjin and Mana in the back. I am honestly surprised Han didn't get the seat Changbin is in, but I guess Hyunjin said no.

They had the radio on and there was chatter heard around us, Chan had just started driving again. I looked at Felix and anxiously picked at my fingers. He looked back at me, almost looking as nervous.

"So... Hi... With no glass this time.." he said softly.

"Hi... With no glass...." I said before laughing softly.

He smiled at me and leaned towards me, taking my hand. I panicked and almost didn't let him, but started to relax as he started playing with my fingers again. I think this is a nervous habit of his.

I sat my other hand on top of ours and started playing with his rings.

"You really like rings don't you," I said softly, looking up at him because he was staring at me playing with them.

"Yeah, help make my hands look better, plus I love to accessorize," he said smiling, holding up his other hand too.

"I love to accessorize too! I just can't wear many rings because my fingers are too short and big."

"I like your fingers... They make mine look less small..."

"I think my hand is bigger than yours, Lix."

"No way!!! It is not!!" He gasped, being offended and taking his hand out of mine, holding it up to mine.

They were almost the same size... Almost. His were smaller by not even a centimeter. He pouted and pulled his hands away, hiding them in his lap.

"Noooo, Lixie!!!" I said sadly, reaching for them.

He just huffed and kept them in his lap. I reached and put my hand on his arm, gently pulling at it and taking his hand again, playing with the friendship rings he has with Hyunjin. He smiled at me and stopped pouting.

"I love your hands how they are... And I love when you wear your cute rings, they do make your hands look nice." I said to him, not even realizing I was speaking aloud.

"I think they're cute when they're holding yours." He said softly.

Welp, I just died. Lee Felix killed me.
Chan interrupted before I could say anything back.

Mana's POV

As I slid in, I noticed I was beside Hyunjin and Changbin was beside him. I squished myself to the wall, away from Hyunjin out of nerves.

"Hi Mana," he said to me, "you know you can scoot over, I won't bite."

I nodded and scootched a tiny bit. He smiled at me and put an arm around me, pulling me closer, almost into a hug.

"I wanted to hug you so bad earlier... It breaks my heart to see you cry."

I was dying inside, the Hwang Hyunjin was practically cuddling me.

"Oh... I'm sorry I just... Was really happy to see you and meet my idols and it was just so nerve wracking and I was like, dying." I rambled, looking up at him.

He was staring down at me, smiling happily, "don't be sorry, I understand, I just don't want to see you cry ever again."

I shook my head, "I'll try!"

Mana And Harley's AdventuresOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant