Onto The Mission

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They both started to find the clues. Geronimo was about to ask how the  cheesy clue  would look like, but before he could, Hercule pointed at Geronimo's snout. "Did you notice you have a green wart on your face?" Hercule squeaked. 

"Huh?" Geronimo screamed out loud. He then scurried out from the vehicle and went to see himself in a rearview mirror. But strangely, Hercule also had green warts on his snout. Right after it, Geronimo got an attack of hiccups. Then, Hercule started burping like an expert. A few seconds later, Geronimo's stomach began to gurgle and ache very badly. He had looked at Hercule and found that he was also clutching his stomach too! Right after it they both shouted as loud as they could. "I have got to dash to the bathroom! This situation was getting worse every second. Every rodent in the new mouse city was facing Now! Quick!" Luckily, Geronimo's office was right next door to them. As Geronimo entered his office "MOOOVEEEE GET OUT OF THE WAYYYYY; INCOMING!" He was screaming so loud that everyone had drawn away from there.

Soon, when he came out of the bathroom, the editor of the Rodent's Gazette, Kreamy O' Cheddar was looking a bit worried. "It happened to you too, Mr. Stilton?" She was suffering form stomachache the whole week. Merenguita Cheesepowder told that she had been sprouting green warts on her snout. "Me too!" Zeppola Zap agreed. She seemed that she had dressed up like a Halloween witch! Even Geronimo's cousin Trap, who is chilled and relaxed about everything is still being worried. He told, "Ever since I had done nothing but just running to the bathroom. Suddenly, he again went running towards the bathroom. Oh God! This situation was truly not good at all. Few moments later, an alert came in the screen of the office. It had a notice that every Rodent in the New Mouse City is suffering from symptoms of food poisoning, stomachache which also had the peculiar green warts!

When Geronimo was about to finish the alert, Flip Hotpaws had entered in the office room. He owns his own local dinner station. He was literally carrying food for a whole army. "What happened?" Geronimo asked. Pinky Pick was amazed. She is the assistant editor in his office. "Bugsy Wugsy, Benjamin and all of his classmates are coming for visiting your office!" Yeah. Of course. Geronimo smacked his paw on his forehead. "How could I have forgotten it?" He said in a disturbed manner. Each year, the school Benjamin goes to, has their field trip to the Rodent's Gazette, with their class teacher Miss Angel Paws. All the students visit paper factories or offices, as Miss Angel Paws wanted them to know that how a daily paper is born. When Geronimo asked Hercule to tell more information about the cheesy case, suddenly a bunch of mouselets were gathering inside the building, and had started to ask questions from Geronimo. "Mr. Stilton, is it true that you have been doing this job since you were in diapers? ..Mr. Stilton, Mr. Stilton! Do you have a girlfriend?" 

"Can we come to your house this week?" All these questions made him dizzy. He told to hold on for a second, and have a small and a quick break. Flip Hotpaws bought some of his cheesy treats for us to taste. Geronimo saw that the mouselets were just stuffing the treats in their mouth one after the other. There was only one mouse who wasn't eating cheese. It was Miss Angel Paws. She was allergic to cheese. Hmm... Interesting! Miss Angel Paws was the only one who didn't have a green warts. Hercule was being aware of whit is going on in the surroundings. Suddenly a storm began to form in Geronimo's stomach. It was so loud that he could barely hear himself squeaking. He had to go to the bathroom. "I think I have forgotten something at home. I will be right back." How embarrassing was that! "Nothing can be done of this ." It is so disgusting for all of us. 

Ok, coming back to the case. The next morning, Hercule knocked a t Geronimo's door. Unexpectedly Benjamin and Bugsy Wugsy came running to his house. Those two little mouselets wanted to help both of them.  How sweet! "We want to help too!" the both squeaked. The both knew that Hercule and Geronimo are solving a mysterious case involving the fake cheese. "Can we please help you both Uncle G! We promise that we won't mess up with it." They both requested. Bugsy could drive any mouse crazy! Geronimo was unable to decide for these two sweet and loving mice. At one point, Benjamin is Geronimo's favorite nephew. Geronimo would feel bad if he says no to his nephew." Guess what uncle G! We have already researched about your cheesy case! Here is what is sounds like." Then Benjamin continued.

In the Ravingrat town, someone has just built up a huge factory named 'The Furever Foods.' The factory was built in just a night! Within the last week it has been noted down that many trucks are heading towards the factory. Many mysterious machines have been delivered to the factory. There are many cables which has been put up so that no one can pass through it. From the last week, all the rodents are suffering from having green warts in their body. Except the ones who didn't eat the cheese don't have a green wart. (Like Miss Angel Paws or others)

"Super! Nice Information! You two know how to research on a particular topic." Like they both did in this case. It was surely worthy of it. "So, what should we do next?" Hercule asked. "Can we come too?" The two mice asked excitedly. "Sure but, maybe it is a bit dangerous. I am a bit afraid that if something happened to you both then..." "Don't worry Uncle G! We will do it without getting in danger." They both squeaked. But Hercule wasn't concerned about it . He agreed without thinking. More the amount, more it is merrier. "Ok, enough of chatting now, let us get back into the mission." said Hercule. Come on now, the bananacamper is waiting for us. Let's all hit the road!

Have you ever seen Hercule's  bananacamper. It actually looks pretty much incredible. It is an acceptable means of transportation. It is humongous, a bit modern, and a very huge space for a house to fit in. Actually it is a house. Hercule generally lives in that space. While they were entering the camp, Hercule had introduced the three of them every corner of his bananacamper. Then Hercule had begun exploding his music so loud that Geronimo could barely hear himself squeak. His ears were ringing from that sound. "LA! LA! LA! LAAA!" Hercule screamed.

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