What Is This Funk?!

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As soon as they had arrived at the Ravingrat town, their camper was filled with a great funk. "Umm, Stilton, did you have beans for the breakfast?" Hercule accused him. "No!" Geronimo replied. He hates his beans a lot. By a minute the stench was getting more and more disgusting. " I thought that it was you!"  Geronimo cried. "Excuse me? What do you mean by that?" Hercule looked offended. "For your very own kind information, I don't eat beans, I hate them!" And Hercule continued. "Then where is the smell coming from?!😒" Geronimo squeaked.

They had started to fight like toddlers. But, after a moment their fight was interrupted by Benjamin. "Listen here!" Benjamin announced. The smell we are talking about is coming from this factory. Actually the smell was coming from outside the factory. It seemed like someone was throwing waste unnecessarily on a particular area. For the investigation Hercule had took outa pair of his binoculars and handled it to Stilton after viewing the factory. "Take a sneak peek Stilton." Hercule suggested. So Geronimo followed his order. He saw, and discovered that... "Impossible!"  It was a very huge and tall factory. "How can this be possible? How can this gigantic factory be built in only one night?"😮 The building was made up of cement and wood. It was surrounded by a barbed wire. And if they looked at top of the factory, it had a dusty- black cloud. It was feeling a bit weird. The cloud was situated above a food factory! The factory was looking really odd because of the cloud.

As, they further investigated. They saw that the trucks of the food factory carried a steady file. It was being used whenever the truck entered and left the factory. At the entrance gate, the rodents working at the factory had to press a special code into the keypad. "Rancid Rat tails" What important goods were those trucks carrying? Hercule muttered. He was admiring. Besides that. there was sign at checkpoint which had read: 'No Trespassing. Only for the Employees of the Factory.' They had hidden in a low- hilly area of the factory. Geronimo had found out that the plants near the factory had all turned yellow! The grass on which he was standing was very dry. There was a steam coming out from the factory. Holey shit! The steam was in the disgusting color of orange and was running all over on the factory.

The factory was polluting the environment very badly! The night had visited them, but still the trucks didn't stop from entering and leaving it. Till the time the factory had a look like neon lights, which made the factory look like a daylight. They decided to rest for a few hours and then start working on the mission. They were making some plans so that they can solve this case on a ease. Thinking, how to get into the factory for getting the updates of it. If they are successful in that, then they can make a document on whatever the factory is producing with proof.

 The campfire continued to be in flames, all of the four had marked to have a step- by - step plan. Benjamin had noted down everything which was included in the plan.

 1. Hercule and Geronimo will have a sneak- peak at the tree which is close to the factory and try to get inside it and start to find some clues.

2. Benjamin and Bugsy Wugsy will hide out nearby both of them.

3. A  cell phone will be given each one of them. Hercule and Geronimo will keep a contact with the mice VIA their cell phone.

4. If Hercule and Geronimo find something, then they will communicate to the mouselets and they will have to research about it online in the bananacamper.

5. If the mouselets lose their contact then they will have to call out for help!

"Hmm, I get it, but how should we sneak into the factory?" Hercule noted.🤔Their bananacamper didn't look exactly same and muddy and gray like the trucks. The factory guard would doubt on them.

Right after a moment an idea had popped in Benjamin's head. "I know we can put mud all over the vehicle." Benjamin advised. "Mud on my bananacamper?!" Hercule sobbed.😟 "Please help me, I think I would get a heart- attack. Call the ambulance!" Hercule sometimes does a lot of overreacting. "Umm, Hercule if you're done then can we please continue with our plan?" Geronimo muttered. The main factor of the plan was that if they had entered the factory without any disturbance, they still didn't know the secret code. But surprisingly, both of the mouselets had also found the code. "We're two steps ahead of you Uncle G!" She announced. They had used the camera lens to zoom on the truck drivers who were punching the code.

"Great work!" Hercule announced. "Why don't we eavesdrop on the plan." Sitting in the campfire Hercule had planned to have a secret code name for all the four. Hercule will be 'Banana One' Geronimo will be 'Banana Two' and the three mouselets will be 'Banana Three'.  They all went for the plan. Hercule started," Banana One to Banana two. Do you recall me?" He had started to scream out loud until Geronimo didn't answer him. "Yes! Yes! I can hear you clearly!" One thing about Hercule is that he just loves to play secret agent plays. He just starts getting into it. They had now splattered around mud all over the camper and the two mouselets had wished them "Good Luck!" 

As long as they had reached the door. The truck driver had tapped in the code and the door behind him had opened an closed. Luckily, Benjamin knew the code." Banana Two to Banana Three, can you please share the secret code to me? So that we both can open the gates?"       ++++++ "Code? What are you talking about?" 🙄At that time Geronimo had froze for a moment. After a while she had started to read out some series of numbers. Now Geronimo understood. Bugsy all loves to pull out ones paws.

Right after it, the network between them was lost! Panic had seized them. "What are we going to do now?" Geronimo cried. "Don't worry. Why fear when Hercule is here." Hercule smirked. The code had slipped off Geronimo's mind, but Hercule knows the perfect way to memorize everything. Here's how he remembered...

3   The number of green warts Hercule had on his face.

11 The number of bananas kept on Hercule's table at home.

8  The number of wheels on Hercule's camper.

35 The number of days left until Geronimo's sis (Thea) birthday.

2 The number of Seconds Hercule thought about Geronimo's sis.

4 The number of minutes Hercule like his egg to be boiled.

96 His granny Ironcheesker's age.

After reading out the code the truck drivers behind them started to honk. This had become like a pure nightmare! Hercule then started to tap the code: 3- 11- 8- 35- 2- 4- 96. The door of the Furever foods factory had opened. Soon, the bananacamper was also in. 

One of the guards had directed them to a parking slot. They were having a doubt on both of them. They asked suspiciously, "How come your truck is far away different from the others?" The both of them got on their nerves. "Uh, you know this is the latest model we've got." Hercule sputtered. The guard looked very skeptical. "Why not ordinary when anyone can be extraordinary?" Hercule looked so dramatic for this situation. This was the last option for the two. After a lot of drama the guard didn't move a part of its body. He had turned into a statue.😶

Okay, I got what you're trying to say. The guard continued. " Now, tell me how many mice would you need to unload?" The guard said. The situation was a bit odd! Hercule gulped. "Umm, unload the camper?" They maybe have been found out for this.  "Help?" He scoffed. " Me and my friend a solid body builders. We don't need anyone's hep in this. Thanks for it!" Again the guard had turned into a statue, but then the another truck came for unloading their goods, so the guard had waved on them.

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