The Invitation

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3rd P.O.V

It was a stormy night as usual in Shepherd's Hill. Dark skies loomed over the town, a chilling breeze blew through the winds and the roads were completely empty. Rain hailed down on the town, barraging any and everything it came into contact with. However, a single black car could be seen driving down the road. Its make was... unique. At least in Shepherd's Hill standards. 

Abruptly, it stopped in the middle of the road while the people in the car looked out to a certain house through tinted windows. 

???1: This is the place, right? 

???2: Yes. 

???3: I'll send the letter through. 

The right back car door opened, revealing a woman with long flowing black hair that reached down to her hips. She wore a simple outfit, a red top, a skirt and high heels. Over her shoulder was a small black leather purse. The woman had crystal blue eyes which seemed almost lifeless, despite the beautiful hue they had to them. Letting out a low sigh, she approached the house, taking a look at it. 

The house in front of her was old and run down, almost. You'd think that no one lived here, but that wasn't the case. Reaching into her purse, the woman pulled out an envelope addressed to "Our one and only son". With the envelope in hand, she approached the front door and realised there was no way to slip it through the door. However, when she looked at the bottom of the door, there was just a big enough gap to slip it under. Crouching down, she slipped the envelope through the door. 

After that, she then banged on the door repeatedly, hoping to wake up the person living here. And it worked. 

Inside the house, sleeping on a couch, a young man around the age of 18 could be seen slowly waking up. The only clothes he had on were a pair of jeans. His torso was exposed revealing various scars ranging from burn marks to what appeared to be claws or whips. His hair was split in two right down the middle with the left side being black hair and the right side being white hair. His white hair hovered over his face, covering the right side. 

Annoyed by the banging on his door, he finally woke up, revealing a similar crystal blue left eye. However, through a small gap of his white hair, a sinister crimson eye could just about be seen. The man stood up from the sofa and immediately noticed the door stopped banging. Still annoyed, he approached the front door, only to see the envelope. 

He ignored it and opened the door, seeing a car drive away. 

Man: The hell? 

Confused but not bothering to care, the man shut the door and picked up the envelope. As soon as he read who it was addressed to, he let out a miserable groan. 

Man: Well, well... Looks like dear old "mom" and "dad" finally decided to get in contact with me. What kind of bullshit are they spouting out now...?

Walking back to the sofa, he dropped down on it and opened the envelope, reading the letter. 

"Dear Mutasim, we understand there's been a few bad incidents between us. But we want to make things up to you. Since its your 19th birthday tomorrow, we decided to put on a party just for you in your old home, Silent Hill. We made sure to invite that girl you had a crush on too, lets you two catch up. She's missed you a lot, you know. If you're not going to come for your family, at least come for your friend, okay? 

Love, Your mother and father who wish to make amends"

Mutasim: ... I smell bullshit. 

The man mumbled to himself. But at the same time, it had been a while since he last spoke with his one and only friend. Sighing, he leaned back against the sofa and picked up some of his hair, noticing how long it was now. 

Mutasim: I should clean up if I'm gonna see her again. And Silent Hill is basically a whole night's drive away. 

Annoyed, Mutasim stood up, got cleaned up, cut his own hair a little and dressed up. His outfit consisted of a simple black t-shirt, jeans and boots. To keep himself warm and dry from the rain, he wore a black trench coat that reached down to his feet. 

Once he was completely finished, he took one last look at the inside of his ruined house before leaving... 

Unaware that this would be the last time he saw his home for awhile...

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