Nightmares Unleashed

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Mutasim P.O.V

Jolting awake, I gasped for air as I jumped up. Heavy breaths left my lips as my eyes scanned the area around me, only to see that I was outside of the church and in the fog. Recovering my breath and calming down, I slowly stood up from the ground. 

Mutasim: Ugh... Great... So... I came back to my birth home, tried to intervene in a forced marriage, got my ass beaten by a phallic-shaped monster, met the spirit of a girl and then had sex with two other monsters... What the hell have I been smoking? 

???: Hehe! Definitely sounds crazy, but its actually quite real. 

I turned to my left, coming face-to-face with Alessa! 

Mutasim: Huh?! How are you-

Alessa: Remember, you became host to my spirit. So you're the only one that can see me. And like I said, the girls will join you two. 

She nodded behind me, prompting me to turn around. Upon doing so, I was greeted by the same two women that I became intimate with. Except now, the Pyramid Head was clothed once again. 

Mutasim: But I thought the church was keeping them out. 

Alessa: It is. But once you let Hell break loose... There's no defences left. 

I nodded slowly. 

Mutasim: Alright then. 

I turned away from the girls and approached the church. From the outside, I could hear the song "Here comes the Bride", except it was so much darker now. The keys were all played far too deeply and heavily. Planting my hands on the doors, I pushed them open, entering the church and crashing the wedding once again. 

As soon as I made my presence known, everyone looked right at me, astonished. 

Dad: Y-You survived? 

Mutasim: Surprised? 

Old lady: Have you finally reconsidered? 

I looked at Heather, seeing the panic in her eyes. I let out a sigh and decided to play along, nodding. 

Mutasim: Y...Yes. 

My answer seemed to make the entire town happy as they suddenly applauded and cheered. My "dad" approached me and patted my shoulder. 

Dad: I'm glad you finally see sense. Cmon, let's get you a proper suit. 

Mutasim: Is that really necessary? 

Dad: Of course it is! Its your wedding day! You want to look your best for Heather, don't you? 

He held my arm and dragged me off. I reluctantly followed him to another room as he showed me a few wedding suits I could've worn. After picking a simple black suit with a black tie, we left the dressing room and approached the altar. I walked up to Heather and saw she was still slightly panicking. 

Old lady: We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of these two souls, the mother and father of God. Do you, Cheryl Mason, take Mutasim Lycan to be your lawfully wedded husband? 

The barefoot lady grabbed her head and forced her to nod, making her cry. I clenched my fists, restraining myself from lashing out at the eyebrow-less woman. 

Old lady: And do you, Mutasim Lycan, take Cheryl Mason to be your lawfully wedded wife? 

Mutasim: I do. But... I have a gift for the rest of the town, if that's okay. 

Old lady: A gift...? 

I nodded and winked at Heather, signalling that everything would be okay. Her eyes widened, but she became a little calmer. In one swift motion, I raised my hand up to my mouth and bit deep into it, drawing blood. It stung painfully, but I was able to draw blood which allowed some sort of acid-like substance to drop onto the church floor. And just like that... Hell spread throughout the church. 

A/n: 1:44 

The church began to warp into a nightmarish version of its former self. Barbed wire coated the walls, the doors and windows were completely sealed off with rusty bars and from the ceiling, hung a bloodied statue of a woman. The ground underneath the altar opened up, allowing a familiar blue dressed figure to emerge. The woman smiled sinisterly as her eyes grew dark and barbed wire emerged from the ground. 

Alessa: You scratch my back, I scratch yours. 

The first set of barbed wires approached Heather and cut the bonds restraining her. As soon as she was freed, she immediately ran into my arms. 

Mutasim: Hey. Hey. Its okay. Its okay.

Heather: What the hell is going on?! 

Mutasim: You're not squeamish about blood, are you?

Heather: ...No?

Mutasim: Well, let's just say there's gonna be a lot of it. 

With that said, Alessa hurled forth endless waves of barbed wires, ripping and tearing through the people of Silent Hill with no mercy. Screams of terror erupted from the church as blood and body parts flew through the air as the barbed wire tore them apart. Heather buried her face into my chest, avoiding watching all the death and carnage. I couldn't blame her. But I knew that deep down, these creatures deserved it. 

The old lady was given one of the worst deaths as barbed wire grabbed her limbs and held them apart. Another wave of barbed wire went up her dress, tearing through her entrance and then ripped her in half. 

It didn't take long for the entire church to be murdered in such a brutal fashion. 

Heather: Is... Is it over? 

Mutasim: Yeah. Still a horrid sight, but... 

Heather: I think I'll be okay. Maybe... 

I nodded and patted her back, reassuring her everything was fine. But... Of course things wouldn't be so simple. From where the altar once was, a strange book floated in mid air. Alessa's eyes widened. 

Alessa: No! 

She tried to reach for it with barbed wire, but it was too late. The book opened up and before any of us knew it, the entire hall burst into a blinding light. 

I don't know what happened after that, but I knew that the way I'd view the world would be a lot more different. 

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