The Friendly Invisible Creature

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Mutasim P.O.V

I spent far too long in that one isolated room. Every few hours or so, I would receive a notification from that app I was forced to install. It all started off with pictures that I had taken, either with myself or with Heather. As if that wasn't weird enough, the more this happened, the more I noticed a strange figure lurking in the shadows of the pictures. It was large and had a skull-like head. But I couldn't see its body, it was just the head. 

But now, it extended beyond the phone. Out of the corner of my eyes, I thought I kept seeing the creature, making me slightly paranoid, but at the same time I knew I could handle it thanks to Alessa's paranormal powers. And I didn't stop worrying about Jessica and Heather, hoping that they were okay. As the Foundation promised, they provided food and a bed for me, making this small isolated room my little mini home. A really shitty one. 

Right now, I was lying down on the ground, gazing mindlessly up at the ceiling. 

Alessa: I don't think I've ever been more bored in both life and my afterlife than now. And that's really saying something. 

Mutasim: No kidding. How much longer do I have to be stuck in this room? You people already know I'm seeing shit! Let me out now! 

No response from the intercom which just frustrated me. I let out a sigh and shook my head. 

Mutasim: I'm just gonna get some sleep...

I turned to my side, facing the wall, closed my eyes and did my best to fall asleep. However, I didn't get to do even that as I caught the same strange figure hunched over me, watching me sleep. As soon as I turned to try and see it, it just vanished, making me groan in annoyance. 

Mutasim: I absolutely hate this shit...! Its not even scary anymore, its just annoying! What the hell is even the test here? To see how long it takes for me to go crazy? 

I muttered under my breath. After the first day I spent here, whoever it was on the speakers stopped talking to me, leaving me only with Alessa and the furry creature that kept haunting me. Leaning my back against the wall, I sighed. Once more, I felt the phone vibrate, prompting me to look at the phone, like I've been doing every 6-8 hours. However, this one was different. Much more different to the rest. 

Instead of it being in a random location from my past, it was in this room! Not only that, but it was a selfie taken right beside me! And now I could see the creature fully. Its entire body was coated in fur and somehow, it had long black hair. Its skull still stood out as the most easily recognisable feature, but upon closer inspection, I could tell this thing was a female. I mean, it has boobs so I think its safe to assume. Unless these SCPs somehow believe in genitual mutilation but whatever. 

The creature had her arm wrapped around my shoulder and she seemed to be smiling. The picture looked like it was taken from a higher angle, no doubt she held it above our heads. Turning to my side, I looked at where the creature should have been, but there was still nothing there. Or at least, I couldn't see anything there. 

Alessa: Hmm... Interesting. Let me have a look at that phone. I can try and see if we can alter your vision, just enough to see this thing. 

I nodded and let Alessa mess with the phone. A few seconds passed and she stopped fiddling with it, smiling. 

Alessa: I think I got it. 

Looking back at where the creature should have been, I saw she wasn't there. Looked like it didn't work. I let out a sigh and faced forward, only to realise the creature was sat opposite me! Her back leaned against the wall as she gazed at me, smiling still. 

Book of Nightmares (Horror Females x Male OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora