The Camp Crystal Lake Killer

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Mutasim P.O.V

After meeting with Jessica again, I had no choice but to keep running through the forest. This was insane! Even now as I ran through the woods, I could hear Jessica chasing me like a wild animal. She was way too fast for my liking! 

Alessa: Mutasim! Hard right! 

My right hand grabbed a tree on my right and I used it to propel myself to the right. While I was curious about where Jessica was now (or rather how close she was now) I dared not turn back. Alessa really didn't help when she shouted...

Alessa: She's right behind you! 

Before I could react, I got tackled onto the ground, landing hard. A low groan left my lips as I was flipped around onto my back. My eyes widened as I saw Jessica raise her machete up. When she swung it down on me, I raised my arms and subconsciously reinforced them with barbed wire which wrapped around the machete and pulled it out of Jessica's hands. 

Mutasim: Sorry Jessica! 

Wasting no time, I threw a left hook at Jessica's face, but it did nothing except knock off her mask. Hell, my fist ached in pain and yet it looked like it did nothing to her! She then grabbed me by the neck and began to strangle me. I tried to break her grip but she was way too strong! I really hoped Alessa was kidding about these killers being near impossible to stop! 

Jessica: I...I-I...I'm.... s-sorry...! 

She struggled to speak, still trying to fight whatever was prompting her to do this. Resorting to no holding back, I turned my right arm into a giant blade, similar to Pyramid Head's knife and I thrust it into Jessica's gut. The blade went all the way through her and she let out a slight gasp of pain. Being stabbed made her grip loosen and I was able to catch my breath. 

Mutasim: I'm.. so sorry... Jessica. 

I shoved her off me and tore my blade arm out of her gut. She was left slightly disoriented which gave me the chance to stand up and continue running while my arm reverted back to its normal form. 

Alessa: Not bad. But that was a little too close. 

Mutasim: You know you could actually help me more if you told me how to use this power! 

I continued to run and right when I was about to reach the lake, I bumped into something, making both of us fall down. Groaning, I rubbed my head and stood up. 

???: Mutasim?! 

Looking at the figure I bumped into, I realised it was Heather! 

Mutasim: Heather! 

Heather: Hold on. Is that... blood? On your arm? 

Mutasim: Look, we don't really have much time. We need to move and get the hell out of here! 

Heather: Wait, what? Why?

Alessa: Let's just say we got transported to the bloodbath section of the story. 

Heather: What?! But you saved Jessica! How is she a killer?! 

Alessa: Its a story for another time! We need to move now! She's coming for us! 

Mutasim: Where do we go? Alessa, you know this story, tell us how we stop Jessica. There's got to be a way to break her mother's hold. 

Alessa: Okay. Let me think... 

She crossed her arms and lowered her head in thought. While she was busy thinking of a solution, I turned to Heather. 

Mutasim: Heather, did you see anyone else? 

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