Where Am I?

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Mutasim P.O.V

My body was riddled with a sense of pain that was more uncomfortable than painful (if that even made sense). And despite my eyes being closed, as I felt myself awaken, I could just about see a light that seemed to glow brighter. Slowly and carefully, I opened up my eyes and raised a hand above my head to cover the light. 

As I did that, I began to check my surroundings, only to find myself in a small cell with a toilet and table. Apparently, I was lying down on a black bed, making me frown. 

Mutasim: What the hell...? Alessa? Is this one of the other stories? 

Alessa: Not to my knowledge. For now, let's focus on getting out of here. Wherever "here" is. 

I nodded in agreement as I stood up from the bed. There was only one door and it was completely shut. There were no cell bars and no handle on the door. 

Mutasim: Great... 

Alessa: "Subject D-115 was found alongside Subjects D-116 and D-117 who all appeared from SCP 666."

Mutasim: What? 

Alessa: Here. There's some report or something here. 

I walked over to the table and saw Alessa was just reading off a slip of paper. After a quick skim read of it, I learnt that we were in some facility owned by something called the "SCP Foundation". And that I was meant to be a test subject. That was the only part that worried me. Well, that and the fact that there are two others who were with me. Heather and the third one has to be Jessica. But then how did she get out of the Book of Nightmares? Isn't she just meant to be a story?

I sat down on the bed and sighed, thinking about what to do now. I also realised that I was no longer in my old set of clothes. Now I was dressed in a prison inmate-like outfit that was the same shade of orange. My designation "D-115" was also imprinted on the uniform. How long was I here? 

Suddenly, a voice rang out on some speakers outside of the cell I was in, but I could barely understand it. 

Speaker (garbled): Opening Subject D-115's prison cell door. 

The black door opened up by sliding to the right. And on the other side was an armed guard wearing a white and black uniform. What made him even more unsettling was the fact that he was holding a machine gun in his hands. 

Guard: Alright, come out. If you refuse to follow instructions, I have authorisation to put you down. So make this easy, won't you? 

Alessa: Maybe its best to play along for now. Figure out more about this place first. 

Nodding, I left the cell. 

Soldier: Follow me. And don't get any ideas about running. 

He turned to the left and began to walk down the white and well-lit hallway. I had no choice but to follow him. The first hall we were in was littered with the same black doors which I assumed led to cells. Just how many people were being held prisoner here? 

We continued walking down various hallways, exposing Alessa and I to a few different sights. From what we saw, the only people occupying this building were scientists and guards. There were no civilians. And all the prisoners were in their cells, at least I think they were. 

After walking down maybe the 8th hallway, we arrived at a room. The wall next to the door was labelled "SCP 1471", making me frown. What was that supposed to be? It also said "Euclid" only adding to my confusion. When the door opened, the guard aimed his gun at me. 

Guard: Enter. 

With no choice, I entered the room. Immediately upon entering, the door shut behind me, leaving me in a small and confined room. In the centre of the room was a pedestal with a phone on it. It looked like an iPhone 10 but why was it just here? Taking a proper look around the room, I noticed there was a camera in the top right corner of the room. 

Camera: D-115, approach the phone. Failure to comply will result in termination. 

Mutasim: Great... So I'm a lab rat now. Perfect...

I walked up to the phone and picked it up. 

Camera: Open the phone and open the app store. 

What? These instructions were plain weird. They just wanted me to get this phone and download something? There were no bars or anything, so how the hell was I going to download anything? Questions for another time, I guess. 

I did as the person suggested and saw the first thing to come up was an app called "Mal-0". 

Camera: Download the Mal-0 app and keep the phone with you. 

Somehow, I had a bad feeling about this. What was so special about this app and this phone? Since I figured I'm not in a position to ask questions, I decided I'll figure it out the hard way. I pressed on the app and downloaded it. Almost immediately, it was installed. Backing out of the app store, I began to look for the app, only to find that it wasn't anywhere. 

Alessa: I'm not really knowledgeable about this kind of technology, but isn't the app supposed to be somewhere on the home screen? 

Mutasim: It should be here, but it isn't... Or was it just a virus? 

The phone vibrated and I was sent a message by something called Mal-0. Was it just some kind of AI text bot or something? This was just getting more and more confusing by the minute. I opened up the message only to reveal it was a photo of when I was a kid! The picture wasn't anything special. It was just me and Heather were playing together. Her father, Harry, took the picture. But how is it here on this phone? And how did this thing, whatever it was, get their hands on it? 

Mutasim: This is just getting creepier...

Camera: And it'll only get creepier from here. You'll be kept here in this room for the next few days to be closely monitored. 

Mutasim: What?! That's bullshit! You can't just lock me in here with nothing! 

Camera: Essentials such as food, water and a bed will be provided every 12-16 hours. You won't have to worry about starving to death. 

Mutasim: That's not really reassuring! What the hell did you get me into?! Answer me! 

No response. I let out a groan of frustration and leaned my back against one of the four walls, sliding down until I sat down on the ground. 

Mutasim: I hope the others are okay...

Alessa: They'll be fine. Heather's tough just like you and don't even get me started on Jessica if she's here. Cmon. How bad could they have it here? 

I nodded slightly, yet I couldn't deny that there was still that bad tingly feeling that just rubbed me the wrong way. 

All I could really do at this point was just wait until I was let out.

Book of Nightmares (Horror Females x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now