Your Highnesses

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Disclaimer- This is a fictional fan fiction. Any resemblance to any characters is coincidence- arg this sounds boring even to me. So i am gonna highlight the point, no copying my characters! Now that that is out of the way

I know a historical fanfiction about one direction is a bit weird but they are royals to me :).

I will try to make this as historically correct as I can, forgive me if I make any mistakes.

I hope you like the characters I will create and the world they live in. And I will try not to offend any Elouner and Zerrie fans because I will mention them here. 

I dont have a book cover at the moment but I will try to post one as soon as I can so please be patient.

Thank you for reading this patiently. And also do not hesitate to give comments or feedbacks. I will welcome any criticism.

                                                                            * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the mid eighteen hundreds, England was in a sordid state. The districts had gotten out of control and it was hard to manage them. Earls were appointed to govern those states. They answered directly to the Queen of England.

Despite the gentle governing of the earls, signs of rebellion began to prop up. Rebellion may have sprung if it had not been for the five young earls who were fondly called princes.

Prince Louis, Prince Zayn, Prince Harry, Prince Liam and Prince Niall.

The best of friends from the time they met, they loved each other dearly. Despite the distances between them, their friendship never wavered.

This is their story. Their lives, their loves and most importantly their friendships.

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