Chapter Eleven- Viola's farewell

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Heres the long awaited chapter,

Hope you guys like it!

The last three days passed too quickly for Viola.

She was deeply disappointed when she woke up and remembered that it was her last day.

Every waking moment for the last three days was spent with Harry. Katerina had mysteriously melted out leaving them alone. The more time she spent with him, Viola was aware that she was falling for him. It broke her heart. The pain coursed through her every time she thought about it.

Viola wasn’t the only one worried. Louis was also worried that after Viola left, Harry would turn to Katerina and they would be together. Then he berated himself on why he was thinking bout her. This confusion caused him to retreat completely from Katerina.

If Katerina was upset, she never showed it. She was always cheerful, working and offering a shoulder for anyone who was in trouble.

The three people who came to her for advice happened to be Harry, Elizabeth and Jane.

Harry was indescribably upset about Viola leaving. He never showed it but to Katerina he poured his heart out. Katerina’s heart went out for him but she was helpless.

Elizabeth and Jane were still worried about their situation with Liam and Niall. Surprisingly enough they bore no ill feeling towards each other but were instead philosophical about what were to come.

As for Isabella, she continued working at the Earl’s. The countess was completely cured and the Earl had offered her a year’s contract to stay and she was in the midst of considering it. She like Viola spent every waking moment with Zayn but she was slower in processing her feelings. She considered him good company and once in a while he did make her heart racing but she refused to think of him in that way.

Zayn though mysterious, was quicker and he was worried that he had in fact fallen for her. He didn’t care that she was an employee; he was more worried about how it would affect her if people talked. Despite that, he couldn’t stop himself from spending time with her.

Viola had expected herself to spend her last day with the Countess and Louis but the girls had other ideas.

The four of them had conspired to hold a farewell for her. The barony was omitted because it was small. Given the fact that Isabella was a worker that was omitted as well. Given Layla’s view on Jane, the viscounty was cancelled. That left the march.

Elizabeth’s father was shocked when Elizabeth approached him and asked his permission to use it. But he readily gave his consent and proceeded to make himself scarce. Elliot was joining them and he was excited in meeting Katerina formally who he had seen at the ball. Elizabeth tried in vain to explain that she like someone else but Elliot was adamant.

The people invited included Katerina, Isabella, Jane, Harry, Gemma, Louis, Liam, The Payne sisters, Niall, Gregory, Zayn, the Malik sisters (because Zayn insisted) and the Tomlinson sisters( because Viola was fond of them). It was a private soiree and kept absolutely secret.

Liam and Elizabeth got on well and her father still harbored hopes but what he didn’t know was that they mostly spent time exchanging letters from Niall. Niall and Jane were the same and they were excited about meeting each other again.

Elizabeth spent the whole day making sure that everything was perfect. As for her dress, Martha had seen to that. Elizabeth wore a silver dress with her hair done up in curls. She literally glowed when she saw Niall. Niall’s mouth dropped open seeing her and for the rest of the evening he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

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