Chapter Eight- Back to normal I

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*Pardonne-moi mes chéris, il m'a fallu si longtemps pour terminer l'écriture! J'espère que vous apprécierez!

Been taking some french lessons! Since you know french was mandatory at that time!

(BTW it means Forgive me my darlings, it took me so long to finish writing! I hope you enjoy!) *

When Katerina woke up, it was well past ten.

She was surprised that she had slept so late. It was something unheard for her. Then again, she thought to herself. It had been a long night.

With nice surprises as well. Four new friends and  that person, Louis.

Too bad he is taken. she thought to herself light heartedly.

She sllipped out of her nightgown, washed herself and dressed in a simple white cotton dress. Her father was already up and at the dining table. He was seated at the head perusing the newspaper. There was a cup of tea half filled in front of him. From time to time he took a small sip.

As soon as Katerina sat at the table, Bessie appeared with warm rolls and a cup of tea.

"Good morning Father." Katerina greeted and then turned to Bessie. "Thank you."

"Hello dear," he said peering at her from behind the paper. "We had a nice time last night didnt we?"

"Oh yes." Katerina agreed. "It was rather fun."

Bessie looked curiously at them hoping that they would indulge her with some details but they did not elaborate. Katerina had hardly taken a sip when a maid appeared.

"Knight Clive to see you mistress." said the maid and disappeared.

"Oh dear. I must get back work." Katerina said getting up.

"But you have hardly eaten anything!" Bessie protested.

"I am not all that hungry anyway." Katerina said smiling. "Let me finish my cup of tea and then meet him."

Bessie protested to no avail but her protest fell to deaf ears. Katerina quickly finsihed her cup of tea and went to meet Clive. As usual, he gave her an oily smile. Katerina felt revulsion as she stared at him. It amazed her how much uncomfortable he made her but she was a smart girl and she never let it show.

"Well mistress, shall we get going?" He said with a small bow.

She gave a curt nod and followed him.

They walked around the grounds, lookng at the peasants listening to problems but hardly speaking a word to each other. It suited Katerina just fine.

"Oh yes," she said remembering. "Where is that soldier who wanted to talk to me?"

Clive licked his lips nervously. "He doesnt appear to want to speak anymore."

"I see." Katerina said. But her quick mind was already forming theories. What if he had threatened the soldier? Before she could act on her suspicions, she heard a loud scream of pain.

Katerina froze and then looked towards the direction. Without hesitation she began to run. Clive followed her.

The screams led her to the training ground. There was a cluster of soldiers surrounding something. She pushed past them to see a soldier writing on the ground clutching his knee. Blood seeped out from his fingers.

"What happened here?" she demanded as she knelt beside the soldier.

"We were practising mistress and he got hurt." said a soldier. "It was an accident honest."

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