Chapter Five- The Ball II

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*Hey guys!

I got my Kat! Now I just need a Jane.

This chap is turning out so big, I have divide it into another part!

Also since the ball is going to end now, I am going to switch to a minimum of two perspectives per chap, focusing on all of them individually. The chapters may become short.

I never knew the complexities in dance in old England. I almost went crazy because I cant write romantic dances seeing as it would be historically inaccurate. Well it does have a magic of its own. :)

Well now I guess all I have to say is, Read, Vote, Comment and Fan me!!!!

Hope you like it!!!!!!*

Isabella was enjoying the ball. She was seated at the corner, on a chair, partially hidden by the curtains. So many royals. So many glittering dresses and sparkling jewellery. She had no jewellery on but she did not feel a bit unfazed. Living in a gypsy group had taught her not to care about what other people said. Many looked at her. Some for her red hair and others for her beauty. She looked exceptionally pretty sitting quietly in the corner giving off a feeling of serenity. Indeed many eligible bachelors were trying to gather up their courage to go speak with her.

Isabella began to hum quietly. She was humming a lullaby that the gypsies had taught her. It was a beautiful one. She broke off when she saw Niall coming towards her with his friend, the one who had stared at her.

"Isabella, why are you sitting at the corner?" asked Niall.

Isabella stood up. "No reason." she stared at his friend.

'Oh this is Prince Zayn, son of the Earl of Bradford." said Niall.

Isabella bowed. Zayn took her hand and gently kissed it. "A pleasure." he murmured.

Isabella felt herself blushing but refused to let him see any reaction. "You must be the person I will be going with today."

"Indeed." said Zayn.

"Well now that you are not my employee, you call me Niall." said Niall cheerfully.

Isabella laughed. "Yes....Niall."

She noticed Zayn's attention was elsewhere and followed his gaze. He was staring at a beautiful woman socializing at the corner.

"Pardon me." Zayn murmured and walked off.

Isabella watched him walk off and turned to Niall but Niall was already gone. Instead a handsome youth stood in his place smiling at her.

"My name is Brandon, Baron of Chesire. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" He said bowing.

Isabella smiled and allowed herself to be drawn into conversation.

Katerina was busy. Many dowagers came forward to engage her in conversation. And they brought their sons or grandsons. They were interesting but Katerina managed to subtly tell them that she was not interested. She was looking for Harry. Her father was busy talking to other Barons about politics and whatnot.

Slightly holding up her skirt, she began to walk around looking for Harry. Suddenly she bumped into someone. Before she fell over, strong arms caught her.

"Pardon me!" she said looking up at the person.

Beautiful blue eyes stared back at her. Katerina felt her pulse quicken. A handsome face no doubt. A strong lean structure. Royalty like Harry.

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