Chapter Four- The Ball I

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*Ok so guys sorry for the long wait...

All the dresses and designs that I will mention here are all designed personally by moi. I wish I could update a picture of them but I cant since they are all in my sketch book. I will however try to describe them as much as I can.

Also you may have noticed that I am putting a cast. The spots for Lizzy, Viola and Isabella are taken. Viola and Isabella belong to vampirediariesgirl and pinkgreennature, both amazing people. I need a Katerina and Jane so anyone who doesnt mind being casted can inbox me or comment. I know its a bit weird but I really dont know many people in wattpad so sorry.

Back to the story. Read, Vote or comment! Please vote if you like it! And fan me as well!

Cheers Anonymousbosch. (I really need a new catchphrase)*

 Time flew so fast many were astonished that the time for the ball had arrived at the blink of an eye. The castle at Holmes Chapel was abuzz. The Countess kept everyone on their toes. She wanted the ball to be a raving success. The castle was always filled with servants scrubbing, polishing and cleaning every inch of it. Harry, wisely, stayed out of the way. Instead he spent all his time with Katerina and Louis. The Countess was delighted. The pieces for her plan was falling into place. She wanted Harry to court Katerina. Katerina to her, was perfect for Harry. But she was unaware that Harry and Katerina regarded themselves as friends. There was nothing romantic between them. If Harry had known his mother's plan, he would have done everything in his power to stop her. But at the moment he was unaware.

Likewise Katerina would have done the same. When she had arrived back from America, she had made a promise to herself. To not marry until she could set everything in the barony right. This however was proving to be a challenge.

First she met the knight who was causing so much trouble for her father. She disliked him at first sight. Big, brawny with oily black hair sleeked back. The man gave her an impression of being arrogant and a jerk. The way he talked to her showed his insolence. He was forever trying to butter her up and take up excuses to touch her. Katerina barely managed to contain her fury. She resolved to let him go if she found any forms of misconduct and cruelty. She found plenty of those but no proof. The soldiers were scared to death of him. They shivered when he was near. They also looked starved and malnourished. But she could not find anyone to tell her.

Fuming, she would return home and vent herself to Bessie who tried her best to soothe her. She did not go to her father yet. Katerina was worried it might upset him. So she decided to wait patiently until she got proof.

At the manor, she began making changes. First she threw out all old moth ridden curtains.Then she bought new furniture to make the house look more brighter. Her father did not protest. He let her do it. Everyday she worked like a horse, helping Bessie and the maids, doing accounts and talking with the peasants. Every night she would sleep tired and contented.

Harry was with her most of the time. She was happy that her relationship with Harry was renewed. Harry talked about Louis most of the time and despite herself, she was interested to see him.

On the day of the ball, Katerina was working until Bessie came and dragged her away.

"Bessie! I have to work!" Katerina exclaimed.

"Mistress have you forgotten that today is the ball? You must get ready!" she insisted.

Katerina was shocked. She had forgotten. She had to dress and quick. Running past Bessie, she quickly got in her room and locked it. Bessie sighed and went to help the Baron.

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