2. Curious

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Jeon Jeongguk

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Jeon Jeongguk

Is he the same person I met in the morning? maybe that's why I couldn't recognize him...

hmm maybe

I get down the bus I took to reach home and start walking. It was 5:30 pm. Today was a strange day... I sigh and rub my forehead as it starts to ache a little. Why did that Jiminiepabo have to nudge me so hard that I hit my head on the table!?

But nowadays these little headaches are frequent.

Maybe I should just stop overthinking. That would be better for me.

I reach the gates of my home and open them to get inside. Removing my shoes and placing them on the shoe rack, I enter the hallway. In no time, I get attacked by a small fluffy creature, who jumps on me and starts licking my face.

"Tanniee! Haha stopp" I giggle as I hear my pet dog Yeontan bark in excitement. 3 years since I have got him but he still gets elated as soon as he sees me enter the house.

"Taehyung-ah you are back? Welcome home honey" I see my mother, the women I adore the most in my life, come out of the kitchen and smile at me. I smile back and nod.

"What were you doing in the kitchen at this hour mom?" I ask and walk towards the living room couch with Tannie in my hands.

"Your father messaged me from his office saying that he wanted to eat cookies just because he saw his colleague bring some home baked cookies. And you know how childish he is, he will sulk until I make some. So I thought why not utilize my time in some baking since you also like them. Don't you?" She sits beside me and pats Yeontan's head.

"Of course I do! Even Jimin likes them a lot! I am sure he will start dancing with happiness after seeing them" I laugh imagining him doing his goofy happy dance. My mother also joins me as she had also seen that dance numerous times. He really was one of a kind.

"By the way how was our day in college?" She removes some hairs from my forehead and caresses my head, giving me a relief from the potential headache I had.

"It was good mom but I forgot my homework assignment on table this morning so the teacher scolded me and thought I was making up an excuse..." I pout. "But nevertheless the rest of the day went well"

I smile instantly. I was the one to share everything with my mom. Call me a mumma's boy but my parents were my home and I had no shame in sharing everything with them. Well except that I met an extremely handsome boy today...

"Oh honey it's ok... I guess we should get scolded by our teachers once in a while because then what's there left in student life." She playfully says and continues. "But I always taught you that we can do all the fun we want and get scolded sometimes but we should never-"

"-disrespect our teachers or any elderly person" I complete her sentence.

"Yes!" She laughs pinching my cheeks. I also giggle and pat Yeontan, who was now comfortably sleeping in my lap. Then we both hear a beep sound from kitchen.

"Oh the cookies are baked! I'll go take them out and you also go and freshen up a bit" She smiles and hurries towards the kitchen. I nod and pick Yeontan and lay him in his made up bed, then head upstairs to my room.


"Oh sho delicioush!!" Jimin says with his mouth full of the cookies made by my mom. As I predicted he became extremely happy after seeing the cookies I bought. We were currently in the cafeteria eating our lunch.

"I know right!" I giggle and take a bite of the cookies...sometimes I wish I knew even 10 percent of the cooking skills my mom knew. The cookies were really tasty. While chewing on them I scan my eyes around the cafeteria but it gets stuck on one person entering the cafeteria with two others. He was the same person I met yesterday.

Jeon Jeongguk maybe...

He still seemed so majestic walking in towards the line. His face was like a sculpted piece, something an artist would surely take so long to make. The most striking feature were his eyes, round and doe that showed innocence and purity but at the same time his gaze was sharp, ready to take someone's sanity.

How can someone be so perfect? I stare at him in daze still not understanding what intrigues me so much about him? I mean he was handsome and that's what I have been talking about since I saw him... But that can't be the only thing. There is something else and I can't figure that out.

I sigh and focus back on eating, clearly tired of thinking again. After a while I see Jimin looking in the same direction, at the same people.

"You know that guy?" I don't know how these words left my mouth. I was just curious and without thinking I just said whatever came to my mind first.

"Who?" Jimin looks at me with a confused expression.

"The guy you were looking at right now..." I didn't want to seem so much curious. Although, I was curious, a lot more than I should be.

"Ohhh Jeongguk? Yeah I met him yesterday. He is new and shares the music class with me and Yoongi hyung, the basketball hyung I told you about..." Jimin tries to take a potato nugget from my plate. I slap his hand before he says. "OWw... but why were you asking?"

Why was I asking? Even I don't know.

"Nothing I just saw you looking that way so I thought maybe you knew them..." I shrug my shoulders.

"Oooh were you jealous Taetae~~? that I made new friends besides you?" He makes that smug expression with his eyebrows dancing up and down. This person, I swear.

"Oh hell no! why would I be jealous... In fact I pray to God everyday to save me from this short person sitting beside me, who has nothing to do but tease me everyday" I say with an exaggerated tone and hand movements.

Jimin just pouts and starts finishing his rice. I bite back a smile and and pick a potato nugget from my plate and keep it in front of his mouth.

"I might not get jealous and no matter how much you tease me but you are the only friend I've got... So don't you dare leave me soulmate... Or else I will haunt you in your dreams!"

Jimin just smiles and takes a bite from the nugget... "That sounds quite a bit jealous type" He says after eating. "Yeah whatever" I roll my eyes playfully and smile.


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