15. Just a dream

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"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Chaeyoung smiles and says to me

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"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Chaeyoung smiles and says to me. I smile back and bid a goodbye to her, then walk to my room. We discussed a lot about music today that I feel like I need a change of topic now.
With a sigh, I enter my room to see Yoongi hyung was not present. Oh right, he told me that him and Jimin went for a walk outside. I discard my jacket on the couch and look at the window. The sun had already set and now stars were ready to adorn the sky, making me smile.

After freshening up a bit and changing my clothes, I make myself some coffee from the coffee maker kept in our room. So far I am enjoying this trip a lot. The place is nice and tomorrow is the last day we get to spend here. I just hope, I can make as much as memories I want to..

Naturally drawn by the beauty of the sky, my legs make their way towards the balcony of our room.

The moment I go there, I find Taehyung sitting on a chair, more like laying on it with his feet on the table. "Tae-" I stop in my words when I walk closer and find him sleeping with a book titled 'Red, White and Royal Blue' on his chest.
He looked so peaceful while sleeping making me smile and I don't know why I feel like, I could just stand there and stare at him sleeping ever so soundly. Now that I think of it he didn't speak much today. He went silent at times and avoided any sort of eye-contact with me even for a second... Of course, it hurt me a bit but I know he was not feeling well so I didn't reason it.
I wish one day he can share the little secrets, he has in his heart, with me also. I can wait... Till then the only thing I can do is buy him drinks for his headache...

I lean on the wall between our balconies and gently brush his soft bangs with my hands. His eyes squint in his sleep a bit and lips form a small pout, making me smile. I continue my action as he sleeps peacefully.

The moon comes up and his face shines ever so brightly in the moonlight. Oh god, he is... beautiful... I furrow my eyebrows a bit, at the strange feeling in my heart. It was like something was tickling in my heart but at the same time it was beating fast... With deep breathes, I unwillingly retract my hand and bite my lips.

As if Taehyung sensed the absence of touch, he wriggles in his sleep and opens his eyes with a small yawn. I immediately stand straight and take the coffee cup in my hands, pretending I didn't just caress his hairs.
He furrows his eyebrows and looks around a bit with a pout. As soon as he spots me, he rubs his eyes and says with a groggy voice, "Jeongguk?"

"Well good morning" I face him and say.

"Huh- what time is it?" He closes his book and keeps it on the table, still sleepy.

"9:37 pm"

"Ohh" He nods and then looks at me. To be honest, I missed this today; him looking directly in my eyes with his own wide ones; I missed it. We continue to look at each other, without a word, before a knock on both of our doors interrupt the moment.
Taehyung immediately looks down and clears his throat getting up.

"It must be Jimin and Yoongi hyung... I'll also sleep now...see you tomorrow Jeongguk" He says and goes inside with the book. After few seconds, I also walk to the door and let Yoongi hyung in.

We all were really exhausted from the hiking today, so it didn't take long for me to head towards the bed and sleep.


I open my eyes to blazing sunshine and get up from the laying position I was in. Looking around with squinted and confused eyes, I smile a bit at the fresh wave of wind that made the grass beneath me and the flowers in the meadow dance with joy.

How did I come here? I have no idea but it feels so refreshing. Really. It was nothing but all green around and a lake ahead, which clearly reflected the color of the clear blue sky.

I get up and then take a notice of my clothes, they were all white. Is it heaven?

A giggling sound interrupts my thoughts. I look ahead near the lake and start walking towards the source of the sound. I realize, I was not alone here. As I reach there, I spot a person in white clothes, just like me, sitting with his back facing me. His hairs were blonde, that shined golden in the sunlight. A sight worth capturing.

Walking closer, I see a rabbit in his hands, the reason for his giggle.
I have heard this sound before.
I think and stand there looking at the person with confusion. The person settles the rabbit down and lets it run away, free in the meadows.

"You came?" I widen my eyes at the familiar voice and look at the person get up and turn around.

He giggles again and walks towards me with the most beautiful smile on his face. The blonde hair, his flushed cheeks with freckles on them and the white dress made him look angelic in this daylight. He takes my hand and makes me sit beside him.

"What are you doing here Taehyung? What am I doing here?" I ask in pure confusion.

"I was waiting here for you Jeongguk and you came... Look, isn't this place beautiful?" He says, his eyes sparkling.

"Well indeed it is" I say, looking at him. He was unaware as he looks around the place with dreamy eyes.

"Ahh... I could just live here forever"

"With me?" How did I say that and why? Even I don't know... But it just felt so right at that moment. He looks at me surprised, but then smiles, making me smile naturally.
We look into each other's eyes. His eyes and the moment held nothing but pure happiness.

But soon they turn glossy and then they show fear and pain and sadness, all at once. His smile fades as he whispers, "But forever is not possible with us Jeongguk"
The clear blue sky turns dark as winds blow harshly, the grass all dry and burnt, the flowers dead and the lake turns into ice....

"Why?" I ask and take his hand.

"Because fate will always want us to say goodbyes Jeongguk... and that's what we are doing right now..." He smiles bitterly with tears flowing down his cheeks. I shake my head as a no at his words and intertwine my fingers with his.

"Tae-" He disappears with the next strong blow of wind and tears start to flow down my cheeks. I bawl harshly and get up to call for him, with no response in return.


The alarm beeps loudly making me open my eyes rapidly. I take deep breathes looking at the ceiling and realizing with a relief that it was just a dream or should I say a nightmare. I gulp, sitting up on the bed and pour myself a glass of water from the nightstand.

"Jeongguk shut the alarm off for god's sake!" Yoongi hyung groans on the bed near mine. Shutting off the alarm, I sigh and lay me head on the headboard.

That was a weird dream... At first it was so heavenly and then turned into a pure nightmare... I... I lost him.
As if trying to console my racing heart, my legs naturally take me to the balcony and I look for Taehyung in his room. There he was, sleeping peacefully snuggled in his blanket and his cheeks squished on the pillow. A small smile comes on my face and with a breath of relief, I turn and now look outside. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh, as my brain only said one thing,

It was just a dream
It was just a dream
It was just a dream
It was just a dream

And my heart realized, I cannot lose Taehyung...


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