Jade's POV:

As I was getting into the taxi to go back to me and the girls apartment, me and Harry locked eyes. We had been friends for years and years, but I'm starting to think, maybe there is something more between us! I shook my head. "How could I be so stupid! I had Jed. And he was the best thing in my life!".  The taxi started to move, and so I abandoned my thoughts of Harry, and started to chat with the girls.
"Can you believe that One Direction are our opening act!" Exclaimed Leigh
Jesy laughed "I'm actually so excited! The world is going to go mad!"
Perrie slightly smiled, but then started fiddling with her fingers.
"Hey Pez, you okay?" I asked her
She looked up at me, and nodded.
I wasn't convinced " What's the matter babe? Are you feeling sick?"
Perrie looked up again, "Its just...Zayn. I don't know how to feel about him being on tour with us."
I nodded at her to tell her I understood how she felt.
"Dont worry about Zayn, I'm sure you will be okay. If he makes an effort, then you should too. You don't have to be all romantic, just professional, and the tour will be good"
Perrie smiled. "Thanks Jadey. You are always full of good advice"
Perrie held my hand, and the car was silent for the rest of the journey.

Perrie's POV:

I felt much better after talking to Jade. As we all walked into the apartment, we quickly ran to our closets to pick out an outfit for the night.
After choosing the outfits, we all sat down on the couch together.
"So girls, who is going in the shower first?" Leigh asked
The room was silent. "Jade can go, since she was the last one up this morning" Jesy teased. Me and Leigh Laughed whilst Jade groaned.
"Fine, but you're next Miss Nelson!"
While Jade was in the shower, we turned on the TV. It was the news.
"...and a recent source shows Struts member- Jed Elliot clubbing with mysterious girl that isn't his girlfriend- Little Mix's Jade Thirlwall..."
Jesy turned off the TV, while Leigh went to see if Jade heard. We were in shock! Jed cheated on Jade!
When Leigh made sure that Jade didn't hear, we all huddled up to discuss when we were going to tell her.
"We can't tell her yet! She won't come with us for dinner and roller-skating!" Leigh protested
"But we don't want to be dishonest" I replied
Jesy shushed us and said "Dont tell Jade yet, just pretend you don't know anything."
We stayed Silent until Jade came out of the shower.
She was dressed in a beautiful black top, with a gold skirt.
"Jade you look beautiful!" Leigh gushed
"Awwh thanks Leigh!" Jade grinned
My heart broke. Little Jade was so happy, and then soon she would find out that Jed cheated on her.
I must've zoned out, thinking about Jade and Jed because Jade suddenly said
"Pez? You alright?"
"Yeah! I was just admiring your gorgeous outfit!"
"Thanks Pez! I'm glad you like it! I'm just going to text Jed! I miss him so much!"
I nearly threw up when I heard that name. How could Jed cheat on a beautiful, humble and loving girl like Jade!?
I took my outfit, and then went for my shower.

Jade's POV:

I was feeling good in my outfit. All prepared and fresh for dinner and rollerskating! I took my phone and went to call Jed.
He answered for the first time in a week!!
"Hey Jed! How are you baby!"
"Oh um, Hey Jade! I'm good. How are you?"
He seemed off. Nevertheless, I was so happy to talk to him again!
"Hey Jade. Listen Baby. I'm a little busy right now. So, can I call you later?"
I was confused. He didn't look busy. He was just casually chilling out on his couch.
"OK. That's fine! Love you babe!" I said
Jed hung up. He didn't even say he loved me back! Have I upset him somehow?
I shook it off, I wanted to have a nice evening. It was probably nothing. Maybe just a connection issue. Yeah that'll be it!
I put my phone in my bag, and went back to the girls.

Together Forever- Jarry Stirlwall Where stories live. Discover now