Jade's POV:

*beep beep*. I groaned and turned over in my bed. It was 4am- Tour day!!
I turned off my alarm, stretched and tiptoed into the bathroom to get changed into some comfy clothes for the flight. Our flight was 11 hours from London to LA, so I wanted to be as snuggly as possible. We would arrive in LA at 9am pst  and then have a show in the evening at the Rose Bowl stadium!! We would be knackered, but its all worth it to see the fans!!
I got changed into some leggings and a disney hoodie, and tiptoed into our little kitchen.
"Morning Jade!" Jesy whispered, rolling her suitcases quietly to the door.
"Hey Jes!" I whispered back.
I went back to my room, and wheeled my suitcases to join Jesy's.
When I walked back in the kitchen, Leigh-Anne was there, trying to support a snoozing Perrie.
I giggled, "Morning Leigh, and Morning Pez I guess" I joked
Leigh smiled, and nudged Perrie to wake her up.
"Mmm...Mom? I don't want to go to school" she mumbled
Me and Leigh burst out in laughter.
"Shhhh" Jesy said from the other room " Our neighbours are still sleeping!"
Luckily, Perrie was now a bit more awake than before and we all rolled our suitcases to the awaiting taxi.

Niall's POV:

My alarm rang at 4am, "Time to get up Boys!" I shouted
I then heard four voices, sleepily shout back "Shut up Niall!!!"
I laughed at myself, and began to get dressed.
Soon, all 5 of us were up and dressed, ready to go to the airport.
"Niall bro, was it really necessary to yell and wake us all up this morning?" Zayn said sleepily still
"Uhh yes! You might as well not set an alarm mate, you sleep right through it!" I replied
Zayn playfully nudged me, and so I did it back. Liam saw us and being the 'Daddy Direction' that he is, told us to stop and be mature.
Louis and Harry were still very sleepy, so the taxi ride was pretty much silent.
When we arrived at the airport, we saw a few fans, but just waved as we were too tired to take selfies.
We handed in our luggage, and then went through security, even though we were flying on a private jet.
We had a few minutes left before we could board, so we sat on the chairs and waited for the girls.

Jesy's POV:

The taxi ride took longer than expected, so we were a little late to the airport. We all rushed through with our luggage, handed it in and went through security. We were all puffed out by the time we got to the seating areas.
"Hey girls!!" Louis called
We waved excitedly to them, and ran over!
We all hugged eachother, and exchanged excited looks about our tour!!
A minute later, we were told by some management staff that it was boarding time!! I held Liam's hand, as we were getting on board the jet. When we went to sit down, I was in the middle of Liam and Zayn, which was cool! I sat back and the plane started to rise into the air!!

 When we went to sit down, I was in the middle of Liam and Zayn, which was cool! I sat back and the plane started to rise into the air!!

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A/N- These are the seating arrangements on the plane (I know its not a private jet I couldn't find any good pictures!!)

Harry's POV:

I was sat next to Jade on the plane!! Woo hoo!!! But, She seemed nervous and her face was a bit pale.
"Hey Jade you ok?" I asked her
She nodded, weakly smiling. I wasn't convinced. "Don't worry Jade, I'm here. You'll be okay. Whats the matter?" I told her gently.
She sighed and said, "Its just, I don't like flying. I get scared when we take off and are in the air." She replied, bowing her head down in embarrassment.
I lifted her chin up, and smiled at her.
"Don't worry Jade, I'll protect you!!"
She chuckled, and then Louis (who was sat on the other side of her) said "So will I Jade!"
She smiled again and said "Thanks guys".
We felt the plane start to move, and Jads grasped my hand and held it tightly.
I smiled, and caressed it slowly for her. The plane took off, but Jade still had hold of my hand.
Jade breathed a sigh of relief, but was still very pale, and said she was going to try and sleep the whole flight.
I patted my chest, to motion her to lie on it as a pillow. She accepted and layed down onto my chest. I put my arm around her, and caressed her hair while she dozed off.
Louis smiled at me and nodded.
I grinned back carefully, not to wake Jade.
Soon after, I dozed off aswell.
When I woke up, we only had 3 hours left to LA! I must've been tired!
Jade was still peacefully sleeping, so I decided not to wake her up, and so I just put my headphones in and listened to some music.
After about an hour, Jade woke up.
"Hey Jade, you had a nice sleep?" I whispered as everyone else was still sleeping.
She nodded and stretched her arms.
"How long have we got left on the flight?" She asked
"About 2 hours" I replied. "Want to watch a movie?" I added
She smiled "Sure! Can it be a disney one?"
I grinned at her cuteness. I agreed of course, and so for the rest of the flight we watched The Lion King.
It felt nice having some time with Jade.
When the movie finished, everyone started to wake up. The plane was beginning to land, and so Jade grasped my hand again.
We felt it go down and down until we felt it hit the ground.
"Welcome to Los Angeles" said the pilot over the loudspeaker.

The One Mix tour had officially begun!!

A/N- Hey guys!! New chapter!!! Lots of Jarry in this one!! Love you all and comment more ideas!! Thank you for 150 reads!!! New chapters tomorrow!

-Littlemixerthirlwall xxxxx

Together Forever- Jarry Stirlwall Where stories live. Discover now