Jade's  POV:

As a celebration of the OneMix tour night one being complete, we decided to go clubbing. I didn't really want to go, because I was tired after the show, but everyone else wanted to and so I just agreed.
When we arrived, I just went to sit down, I wasn't in the mood for any drinking or dancing, all I wanted to do was go back to my bed, and sleep.
I was bored out my brain! And I had no clue where the girls or the boys went. The club wasn't busy, but there were a few people in there. I spotted Liam and Louis dancing with some random drunk old men, and laughed.
I glanced around the room, and I saw Perrie.
"Hey Jade....w.w.would you like a dance?" She slurred
I raised my eyebrows at her.
"Come on Pez, time to go home, your drunk"
Perrie giggled hysterically.
"No...I'm not you s..sss..sill..silly little..." Perrie garbled
She was very drunk.
I was trying to sort out Perrie, when suddenly Leigh and Jesy waltzed over-very drunk aswell.
"Heyyyyy Jaddddeee, whats up my girl?" Leigh slurred
A very drunk Niall and Zayn also came up to me.
"Oh my God, you guys are drunk aswell!! This is the first day of tour for gods sake!" I shouted
I was a bit distressed, when I felt someone bump into me. It was Harry.
"Oh for fucks sake, don't tell me your drunk as well" I scowled
Harry laughed, "No jade, I'm completely sober. Dont worry"
I sighed in relief- "Thank god for that!"
Harry grinned, as we are the only sober ones, should we bring everyone back to the hotel?
I nodded, "Yeah, let's do it before they get even more wasted"
Me and Harry carried the rest of the gang to a taxi, and we set off back to the hotel.
We carried them all to their rooms, and they were knocked out instantly.
Me and Harry, left them alone, locked their doors and went back to our room.
"My God, that was difficult" Harry exclaimed once we were back inside our room.
"I know right! We aren't going clubbing again for a long time!" I said
Harry smiled, his dimples showing.
"Anyways, I'm going to head off to bed now, Goodnight Harry!" I smiled
Harry didn't say anything at first, he came in for a hug instead. After a few seconds, in my ear he whispered " Goodnight Jadey"
He then kissed me on the cheek, and then walked to his bed.
I walked to the bathroom, to get changed- my thoughts occupied by Harry's sweet gesture.
He had never kissed my cheek before. His lips were so soft. Up until now I though of Harry as a really, really good friend, but now. I'm starting to think he might be something more.
All I could think about was Harry whilst I cleaned my teeth, and when I was finally done, I opened the door, and the first thing that caught my eye was a sleeping Harry.
He was so peaceful, the only sound was soft snoring.
I tiptoed over to his bedside, and ran my fingers gntly through his hair.
I was about to go over to my bed, but before I did, I gave Harry a kiss on his cheek.
I think I'm falling for him, and im falling hard.
                  The Next Morning

Harry's POV:

I woke up really early the next morning- about 5am. I rubbed my eyes and glanced over to Jade's bed. I smiled. She looked so beautiful.
I tiptoed to the bathroom, so I wouldn't wake Jade up, but then I heard a quiet whisper.
I turned around, Jade's eyes were open. She looked sleepy, but it appeared that I had woken her up.
"Hey Jade. I'm so sorry for waking you up. You just go back to sleep okay?" I felt guilty for waking her up.
She pressed her finger to my lips to silence me.
"Dont worry Harry, you didn't wake me up"
I breathed a sigh of relief.
"What are you doing up? We still have 3 hours before we have to wake up." Jade asked.
"Im not really tired, so I'm going on a walk for a bit- its calming and preparedness for the day" I told her honestly.
She sat up, "Could I come with you" she asked shyly.
"Of course!" I said, "Just put a hoodie on or something, and then we can go."
10 minutes later, me and Jade were ready to go, and so quietly we walked out of the hotel onto the quiet street.
"Where are we walking to?" Jade asked
"I'll show you" I replied.
I took her hand, and walked to my favourite park. It was peaceful and quiet, the only sound being me and Jade's footsteps.
We walked through the park, until we got to my favourite part. It was hidden away, behind trees, but it was breathtaking. There was a small pond, and it was covered in wildflowers.
"Harry, this is beautiful!" Jade gasped in awe.
I pulled her into my shoulder, and she lay on it while we gazed at the view.
"I love it here. Every time I come to LA, I visit this spot. Its a nice calm place, away from paparazzi and the only place where I can properly think."

I turned my head to look at Jade, and she gazed back at me, we were both leaning in, getting closer, and closer, and closer.... but then my phone rang.
It was Simon.
"Goddammit!!" I thought " Me and Jade were about to kiss!!!!"
We both pulled away quickly and I answered the phone.
"Hello?" I Said
"WHERE ARE YOU TWO?" Simon Screamed down the phone
Jade glanced at me in panic.
"We're on our way Simon" I ended the phone call.
"I'm so,sorry Jade. I didn't know we had an interview" I stuttered embarrassed
"Dont worry Harry, I didn't know either" She replied with a small smile
We quickly ran back to the hotel, where we saw everyone else waiting outside the tour bus, tired bandmates and a furious Simon.
"WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?" He yelled as soon as we got to where they were.
"We were...well...we just erm..we kind of..." Jade started
Simon sighed "Go and Get your stuff from your room RIGHT NOW! And quickly join us on the tour bus, to head off to the interview.
We ran and grabbed our suitcases, and sat down in the tour bus.
I flashed a small smile to Jade, apologetically l, which she returned.
Unfortunately for us, Simon saw.
"Is there something going on between you two, that the rest of us should know about" Simon said
"No, of course not. Me and Harry, are just....just friends." Jade said
I looked down, a little hurt. I was so desperate to be Jade's lover. We nearly kissed for fucks sake!! She wouldn't call us 'just friends' if we had actually kissed.
We arrived at the radio station soon after, and started talking to the host.
It was alright and all, but the whole time, I was thinking- What could've happened if Simon hadn'tve rang.
Jade kept looking at me, and It was so hard to resist her cuteness, but at the same time, Simon was giving us both death stares.

This was going to be one long hell of a day

A/N- Hey y'all!! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Sorry that its a bit shit, I'm just waiting to start adding drama, these first chapters are building up to it. I hope its not too bad!! Thank you for almost 200 reads! Its insane!!
Sorry my books a bit awful. I will probably write more Jarry stories in the future, and if you have any other One Direction/ Little Mix ships you want me to do a fanfic about, then comment below! Also please, please PLEASE, comment your ideas for this story and anything you like/don't like so I can change it.
Love you loads!!!

-LittleMixerThirlwall Xxxxxxxxx

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