funnel cake || ls dunes

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a short little imagine about riot fest 2022, ls dunes' first live show. i was there and it was amazing so i have to write about it. based on a joke anthony made during the show about someone crowdsurfing him funnel cake in exchange for a hug from frank LOL

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"Alright. First show," You said as you walked into the small dressing room behind the stage. It was dimly lit and poorly put together, as they usually are at music festivals.

It was LS Dunes' first ever show, and your boys were playing Riot Fest 2022.

"This is gonna be fun. More for you than me, but still," You added, sitting down on a less than stable wooden chair. Anthony was on your left in a different shitty chair, and Tucker was on your left.

"Nah, you'll get to watch the Dunes in action. That's pretty damn fun," Anthony looked over to you, ceramic cup filled with coffee in hand.

"At least you're confident, I'll give you that." You reached over to the cup in his hand and snatched it from him, taking a long sip. You cringed as the overwhelmingly bitter drink slid down your throat.

"You don't put any sugar in this shit?"

"He's fuckin' weird," Tucker said. He was in his own little world, tapping his drumsticks against the arm of the chair. How it didn't break was beyond you.

"Whatever. Fuck you and your terrible coffee," You stood up out of the chair, handing the mug back to Anthony.

"Black coffee is for men. Weak people add sugar," Anthony narrowed his eyes, taking the cup and chugging the rest of it down.

"I will never understand you, Green. You're on in five."


"Okay. You're all set."

You finished adjusting Frank's sound monitor and slid it into the back pocket of his jeans. He fiddled around with the ear piece until it was comfortable before turning around to face you.

"Thanks. What would we do without you?" He said, ruffling your hair before lining up at side stage with the rest of the boys.

"Die, probably," You mumbled in response, before heading over to lean on an amp at stage right.

As soon as they were out there, they were fucking energetic. Anthony in particular. That man could control a crowd better than anyone you knew.

"If someone crowdsurfs a funnel cake up here, you'll get, uh..."

He glanced over at Frank, who was tuning his guitar.

"You get a hug from Frank!"

Frank cringed, shaking his head 'no'. You laughed with the crowd, the thought of someone bringing a funnel cake up via crowdsurfing being a very funny idea.

It gave you an idea, though. It was their first show, so you figured you should treat the boys once they got off stage in about half an hour. You waved your arm in front of you until you managed to get Tim's attention. He tilted his head to the side, silently questioning you.

You made hand gestures indicating that you were leaving to go to one of the food vendors the best you could. Tim was, thankfully, smart and gave you a thumbs up before Anthony jumped back into the beginning of 2022.


Douglas Park, where the festival was being held, was full of dust, and it was impossible not to get any on your shoes as you walked towards one of the vendors. Fuck, the line was long. You want to get in line before remembering the badge on your lanyard, granting you permission to skip the line. Thank god.

You walked up to the side of a vendor tent, showing the badge and grabbing your wallet. You ordered two large things of funnel cake and waited patiently under a tree nearby.

They called your name and the man handed you your order. You thanked him and made the long, dusty walk back to the stage, snacking on some of the funnel cake as you went. It wasn't that good, to be honest, but you were thankful to have any food in your system.


"I brought funnel cake," You said to Tim as he came over to your side of the stage, barely being able to hear yourself over the crowd.

"So that's where you went. Alright, thanks," He gave you an appreciative smile and grabbed a piece of the snack, eating it quickly before Anthony could be done with his little speech to the crowd.

"No problem. You guys look like you're having fun."

"Hell yeah we are. This is amazing. These people don't even know the words to these songs, but they're all dancing. I love it," Tim said between chews, wiping the powdered sugar off of his mouth with his sleeve once Anthony indicated he was about to start Permanent Rebellion.

"Well, they know this one," You said, "Have fun, man!"

Tim ran across to his side of the stage, just in time for the song to start.


The heat was killing you, so you couldn't imagine how dehydrated the boys would be as they left the stage. Especially Frank, who was an idiot in long sleeves. He immediately snatched three water bottle from the case you brought up for them.

You carried the bottles that they didn't take down the stairs and back into the makeshift dressing room, setting them down on top of a mini fridge. Anthony almost immediately fell to the ground and sprawled out, sighing loudly as he relaxed.

"You good?" You asked him, nudging his arm with your foot.

"Yeah, but shit, it's hot out," He whined, putting his arm over his eyes to block out the sun. You threw a water bottle at him and sat back down on the flimsy chair from earlier.

"You guys did fantastic," You smiled as the rest of the boys sat down in the room, which was really just a tent with cloth walls.

"That was a lot of fun," Travis said after downing an entire water bottle in one go.

"Yeah it was. God, I need a nap," Frank nodded, leaning back in the chair he was in.

"You need one, of all people, Mr. Side Hustle," Tucker shot at him, making everyone laugh.

"I have previous agreements, man. Two shows in one day might kill me though."

"Maybe you shouldn't wear long sleeves to another show in, like 90 degree weather," You said. He still had that stupid denim jacket on. It was a miracle he hadn't fallen over dead.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna wear a cardigan."

"Don't come crying to me when you pass out," You said. "And you guys better eat that damn funnel cake, it was overpriced as hell."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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