*french class hottie | frank iero|

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-again, I rarely use y/n. gender neutral reader. bear with me. enjoy.
( the reader is the middle child between mikey and gerard so shut the fuck up and read it)
fluff or smut? you choose.

i just realized my dumbass used the French word for 'girlfriend' in this so just like,,,replace it or smthn I'm too lazy t o pull up google translate

"Wait, who's coming over?" I asked, looking up from my old SPIN magazine. Gerard rolled his eyes as he threw himself down on the couch next to me.

"Frank is. That emo kid in your French class."

I 'oh'ed and put the magazine down, pulling myself off the couch. I pushed the though of Frank out of my mind. That crush ended last year.

"I'll be in my room, tell him I said hi."


I looked over at the alarm on my bedside, peeking over the mountain of pillows that surrounded me. 2:53 shone back at me in red. I took another bite of my granola bar and thought about how much I was going to regret being up this late. Three faint knocks sounded on my door, making me jump. I groaned internally and paused the movie before carefully removing myself from my blanket nest.

"Who is it?" I grumbled, not wanting to talk to either of my parents or brothers- or anyone for that matter.

"It's Frank. I'm bored."

I opened the door slowly. "Shouldn't you be with Gerard or something?" I didn't want to be alone with him. I was sleep deprived and still getting over that crush. Ugh.

"Well, I was, but he fell asleep. Just open the fucking door," That fuckin' punk pulled it completely open, making me stumble. He laughed and walked into my room.

"Nice, never knew you were a Clash fan," Frank looked up at my posted. I nodded.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Iero," I fired back, laying back down on my bed. He looked at me and smirked. God damn. Shut the fuck up.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He pushed further. My breath hitched as he came up and stood in front of me, two hands on either side of my still laying body on the mattress.

"You wanna find out?" Confidence rushes over me. Suddenly he was on top of me, completely trapping me against the bed as I gasped again.

"I want to know every detail, y/n."

I grinned, taking this as the opportunity I wanted a year ago.

"You know how there were rumors I liked you but stopped?"

"Mhm..." Frank had our foreheads pressed together as he watched me intently.

"They were wrong," I cupped his cheeks, "I never stopped liking you."

He kissed me. Oh my god, that twink ass punk kissed me. I froze up, but melted into his touch as I tangled my hands in his hair. We pulled away at a knock on the door and my face went white.

"Gerard's gonna fucking kill you-"

"Don't worry about him. We'll talk about this later."


"What are you doing?" Gerard walked in, making me even more frustrated.

"Talkin' about bands and shit. Thought you were asleep?" Frank shrugged his shoulders.

"Obviously not. Come on, I forgot to show you one of the comics." That man was too obsessed. Frank nodded.

"I'll be up."

When Gerard turned around, Frank sent me a wink. "You pay attention in French?"

"Uh, yeah, why?"

"Parce que putain, je vuex que tu sois ma petite amie." He kissed me again and left the room. I was so in shock tht I didn't figure out what he said until much later.

"Dear Diary, oh my fucking god, the crush is back."

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