Happy Birthday to my favorite weirdo

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Dedicated to @Xenatracyisgo as it was her birthday a few days ago (Wednesday).

"Captain Turquoise there's a call for you from International Rescue. Would you like me to patch them through to your personal communicator?" Lieutenant Green asked.

"Yes please, it will do me good to have a break from all this," Alix replied. Looking at the masses of paperwork on her desk.

"As you wish Captain" Lieutenant Green replied.

"Hey is this finally Alix?" Jessica Tracy asked through the coms unit, Spectrum was audio only, unlike IR which had holograms.

"Yes, it is, how can I help Jess?" Alix replied trying to sound happy to be talking to the Tracys again.

"I need your help, Everyone else is going to be hours away at least and we don't have that long" Jess answered in a rush.

"Woah, woah slow down What's going on?" Alix asked.

"I'm on a mission, I'm trying to stop the illegal trafficking of birds of prey. The traffickers are getting ready to go, probably going to spend another hour or two loading the birds into the plane but everyone else is busy with other rescues all over the planet, and in space, they're more than 5 hours away and the traffickers are leaving in 3 at the most" Jess explained.

"I'll see what I can do, What do you need?" Alix asked.

"Manpower, boots on the ground, five or more people should do it if you can get here in time" Jess responded.

"Plane leaves in an hour yes?" Alix asked.

"Possibly less but yes" Jess responded.

"I'll drag who I can, send me the location and I'll be there shortly" Alix replied before hanging up.

All she needed to do was knock on a few doors. She knew three people who would almost blindly follow her anywhere. Eliza, Zara, and Calum. She could also do with eyes in the sky, Gemma and Jane would be up for an outing no doubt. Scarlet and Blue were also usually willing to help.

The first call would be to Zara and Calum, Eliza hung out with them a lot too.

Alix walked up the the door with "Lieutenant Navy" carved into it with "Lieutenant Crimson" carved just underneath. She knew Calum would disconnect the doorbell when they didn't want to be disturbed, it was that or Zara would shoot whoever walked through the door. Knowing this Alix knocked on the door, opened it then promptly dropped to the floor to dodge a bullet.

"Oh, Alix! hi!" Zara smiled and his Shadow Rose as if I didn't know she was the best shooter on the base.

"Grab your weapons we're going to assist IR" Alix ordered.

"S.I.G. Where do we meet?" Calum asked.

"Plane storage, we're going to need a passenger jet" Alix replied. "Any idea where the little psycho is?" she asked

"Try the usual place" Calum responded with a shrug.

"Thanks" Alix smiled and walked out.

Across the hall was another door this one had "Lieutenant Violet" carved into it.

Alix didn't even bother knocking or ringing the doorbell, she just overrides the system to open Eliza's door, simple really. Sure enough, Eliza was asleep, on the ceiling. Alix laughed at this, she was the only one who hadn't found an off switch for her gift, gravity. At least this time she was still over her bed, multiple times she'd walked in and Eliza had been halfway across the room.

Art, update and sneak peek bookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora