Cloud Animals (kid!fic AU)

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Prompt: Destiel (duh) and kid!fic (you should know this is coming, seriously, you're my unproblematic fav and yeah) and idc what they're doing, maybe a stupid sleepover or they're racing bikes or building paper airplanes or CLOUD ANIMALS


"It's a worker bee. It's returning from a clover field."

Dean squinted up at the cloud Cas indicated with a finger.

"Looks like a Corvette," he decided.

Cas rolled over to look at him, hair wild from lying on the ground, bits of grass sticking to it. Dean snorted at the way he frowned.

"We're finding animals," Cas scolded.

"You're finding animals. I'm looking for cars."

Cas shook his head. "That's not how the game works."

Dean pushed up on an elbow. "Says who?"

"Says everyone."

"Everyone can bite me."

Cas gave him that stern look of disapproval he'd learned from his mom - it was never a smart move to piss off Ms. Novak.

"Don't talk like that," he said.

"Sorry. How 'bout we play a new game. Our rules."

Cas considered this for a moment, looking at Dean seriously. Dean knew the drill: he held Cas's gaze and tried not to blink first.

He lost.

"Alright," Cas agreed, smirking, and lay back down. Satisfied Cas wasn't going to march off home, Dean kicked out his legs and folded his arms behind his head while he scanned the sky for another contender. When he spotted one, he nudged Cas's ankle.

"That one looks like my dad's car."

"It's a cat. It's brown with stripes and lives under a porch."

It didn't look anything like a cat. It didn't look like a car. It was a freaking cloud, but staring at clouds made Cas happy, so.

"Yeah, alright," Dean agreed, rolling his eyes. "You win that one."

once & done: destiel one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now