Dating at Work AU (Dean Smith)

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Fridays were good days even when they weren't good days because they were Fridays, which meant the end of the week. But this Friday was testing his patience.

On the drive to work, iTunes wouldn't sync with his Prius. His least favorite client had called the previous evening and demanded a phone call first thing. The coffee was gone by the time he'd gotten off the phone, so he spent two minutes brewing a new pot only to spill his first sip down his favorite Friday tie. His bi-monthly migraine was threatening to make an appearance, and to drive the final nail into the metaphorical coffin, he had a working lunch scheduled with Castiel Novak to dissect his department's budget plan.

Castiel Novak was the brusque, scowling head of the accounting department. Sandover gossip whispered that he never left the building and was, possibly, a robot. Dean had only had a couple run-ins with him over three months of Castiel's tenure. He was unfortunately attractive, with devastating blue eyes and dark hair Dean wanted to wrench in both hands. On their first encounter, a power surge had blown the lights in his office just as Castiel breezed through the door.

Dean considered it an omen and had been turned on by flickering lights ever since.

He kneaded his temples with his fists, hoping to ward off the ache he could feel building. If he took a couple Motrin now, he might buy himself a couple hours before the nausea set in. What a perfect finale for a perfectly awful day-the client had threatened to pull his account. His tie was ruined. He'd made the coffee too strong and there hadn't been sugar and Castiel was due any minute.

He cringed at the knock on his office door.

"Dean?" Castiel asked, poking his head inside. Dean opened one eye.

"Hey, Cas," he said. His temples throbbed. "Castiel," he corrected. "Sorry."

"I don't mind," Castiel said, closing the door behind him. "It's an odd name. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Dean said. "I get migraines sometimes. Are you ready?"

"If you're not feeling well, we can reschedule."

"Really, I'm fine," Dean repeated. "It won't set in for a few hours. Where do you want to eat?"

"Here," Castiel said, coming around the side of the desk. He set down the notebook he was carrying. "Give me your hand."


Castiel shook his head and chuckled. It was a low, pleasant sound. "There's a pressure point that can help with the pain," he explained. "If you don't mind?"

"Oh," Dean said, skeptical, but it wasn't like the day could get much worse. He extended his arm.

Castiel's palms were smooth and very warm. Definitively human. He held Dean's hand between his and squeezed the point just beyond the web of his thumb, manipulating it with his fingers. Castiel was gentle, but Dean winced.

"Try to breathe."

Dean nodded and took a deep breath.

"I used to get headaches in college," Castiel told him. "I'd get them for days at a time-always in my temples. My mother was afraid I'd ruin my liver or my stomach taking pain killers, so I learned alternatives to manage the pain. Of course, a large part of it was my diet. I didn't eat or drink enough, and I was perhaps too focused on school. I probably slept three hours a night, back then."

"So this is you relaxed?" Dean asked, nodding at Castiel's no-nonsense tie.

"This is me at work," Castiel said, frowning, though there was a tug at the corner of his mouth. He gave a final squeeze and released Dean's hand.

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