Dean after the dentist

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Prompt: Dean after the dentist at the bunker with Sam and Cas. And just fluff. 


The ride home from the dentist isn't so bad; Cas is quiet and hums along to the radio while Dean lolls his head against the glass in a fog. But once he's settled on the couch with a blanket over his legs, and Cas is prodding at his mouth, asking him to open it so he can check the gauze pad, the throbbing begins. He feels it in his gums, in his jaw and in his temples, beating up into his eyes. He moans. Cas looks at him with sympathy, presses a kiss to Dean's forehead.

"I'll bring you an ice pack," he says and pads to the kitchen.

Dean takes the opportunity to lie down. If he can just sleep for a few hours, maybe some of the pain will wear off. But Cas is back, easing Dean's head off of the couch, helping him to sit up. "You need to keep your head elevated," he says gently. "Here." He slides in behind Dean on the couch, fights to stretch a leg out to Dean's left and to Dean's right. Dean is sitting between Cas's legs like he's a child, but Cas is warm and comfortable, and Dean kinda loves him. He lets Cas tug the blanket up to his chest, tuck it around them, hold the ice pack against his jaw.

"I feel like shit," he mumbles.

"I know," Cas says, lips brushing his ear. He has tucked his chin over Dean's shoulder, on the side that doesn't hurt. Cas's left arm is wrapped around his chest; he rocks Dean slowly. Dean thanks his lucky frigging stars that Sammy isn't around to witness this, turns his good cheek into Cas's, lets himself be held for a while.


Dean dreams of Hell. Hell is a dentist's chair and a tray of shiny instruments.

"I'll run and pick up his prescription," he hears Sam say and fights to open his eyes. He blinks dazedly and isn't sure if he's awake. His jaw hurts worse than when he fell asleep; his neck is swollen, sore like he's been punched. He winces and is afraid to even swallow.

"Thank you," Cas says to Sam.

"You want me to refill that?" Sam offers. Dean feels Cas move, untangle an arm that had been resting on Dean's stomach. He hands something to Sam, who walks away.

"Hey," he croaks.

"Hello," Cas murmurs. "Sam is bringing you more ice, and he's going to get your medicine."

"Great," Dean says, turning his face into the couch. Cas kisses the back of his neck, tenderly, just at his hairline.

"Can I get you anything?" he asks. "Are you hungry?"

He probably should eat, but the pain has ruined his appetite. The very idea of putting food in his mouth turns his stomach, and he doesn't want Cas to get up. He shakes his head, shifts until he's turned on his side and can press his good cheek into Cas's chest. Sam's footsteps return.

"Here you go," he says. Dean hisses when the ice pack touches his cheek. "Do you think he'd eat soup?"

"Probably not," Cas admits, running a hand through Dean's hair. "Ice cream, maybe."

"I'll see what I can do," Sam says with a chuckle. "Back in an hour."

The way Cas strokes his hair is hypnotic. With the ice alleviating some of the pain, his eyes grow heavy again. "Sleep," Cas orders, so Dean does.


When he wakes up, Cas has rearranged Dean so he's lying on throw pillows. He kneels beside the couch and takes the gauze out of Dean's mouth.

"I need you to swallow this," he says and holds out a pill and a glass of water. Dean reluctantly obeys, swishing the water in his mouth to clear the bad taste. Cas brushes his fingers along Dean's jaw. "You're swollen," he comments, setting the water aside.

"No shit," Dean mumbles.

"I have ice cream," Cas says and presents a spoon. "Apple Cinnamon Crumble."

He smiles as he slides it into Dean's mouth, wipes away drips with a napkin. It's the best ice cream Dean's ever tasted. Cas feeds him slowly, letting each mouthful melt, patiently waiting for Dean to swallow each one. The painkillers begin to kick in, making him feel woozy, disconnected. An angel is kneeling next to the couch, looking at Dean like he's beautiful, even though his face is puffy and he's blubbering around a mouthful of ice cream.

"I love you," he slurs, aware he'll probably regret saying that tomorrow, but right now he doesn't care. He just thinks Cas oughta know.

Cas's face blooms into something resplendent, the most heartfelt smile he's ever seen, and it's directed at him. Dean could cry from that alone if he weren't already sniffling. Cas leans in and brushes his mouth over Dean's so gently, it's almost all breath.

"I can't take credit for the ice cream," he murmurs, rocking back. "Sam selected the flavor."

Dean stares at him through watery eyes and opens his mouth for another bite. Cas obliges, then instructs Dean to rinse his mouth.

"I'm going to put this in the freezer," he says and puts the lid on the ice cream. Dean has to fight not to reach out when Cas walks away. But he comes right back, crouches beside Dean again, and lovingly strokes his arm. "Do you want me to let you sleep?" he asks.

Dean manages to nod.

"Okay," Cas says and begins to stand up. Dean does reach out this time, locks his hand around Cas's wrist. Cas takes the hint, helps Dean to sit forward while he removes the pillows supporting his back, and settles in behind him. Cas's hand finds his hair, massages the back of his skull. 

"I meant what I said," Dean mumbles into his shirt. He can somehow feel Cas smiling, hear it in the rumble of his chest when he says, "I know."

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