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Today is my last ever day of year 11, I never liked school. Not even the part of seeing my friends everyday, I struggled majorly, with science and maths but mostly with myself. The self consciousness came in waves and everyday I suffered a new emotion finally waking up and discovering a new feeling about myself, looking in the mirror and seeing me, but nothing changes except my thoughts.

"Bailey come on, time to get up" my mam shouts through my door.
I get up. I change into some jeans and a black top alongside my leavers hoodie. We were allowed to wear what we want with it being out last day. But it being our last day also means we still had another GCSE to get done. I go downstairs "your toast is on the side sweetie" my mam says.
I eat my food and see my brother Lucas come downstairs. He is in year 9 "hey Lucas" I say to him. "Hey" he says in his grumpy voice.

Then my sister comes down who's just started secondary. "Savannah" I say to her. "Yeah" she replies.
"Your toothbrush is in my bathroom want to explain" I ask
"Oh, Lucas must of put it there" she says
"I didn't put no toothbrush anywhere" he says
"Yes you did" she says.

And last but not least my youngest brother comes in Thomas. He was in year 4. Being the oldest of four siblings is probably the best, no one argues with you and they each entertain each other. But god did I feel bad for my mam. She got pregnant with me when she was seventeen, but she couldn't bring herself to have an abortion. Then my dad left soon after Thomas was born. But she was happy I could see it in her eyes and I wanted to make her even more proud. I needed to ace these GCSEs, not because I wanted to go to college, but because I wanted to feel proud in myself after years of education I needed something to show for it.

"Do you want a lift" my mam says to me.
"No I'm going to meet Leah thanks though mum" I say
"Okay what GCSE is it today" she asks me
"Spanish and then I'm done" I say
"What about Leah?" My mam asks
"French for her" I say
I look at my phone and look at my recent post on instagram. My eyes go down to the comments. This lad from my year - Corey -commented
'Looking fit gal, meet up soon?' It said
I choose to ignore it and put my phone in my hoodie pocket. "Bye mum I better go" I say

She hugs me and gives me a kiss on my cheek "go ace the exam darling" she says
"Thanks" I say and go out my house.

I walk to Leah's house. I knock on the door Amanda Leah's mum answers it. "Bailey come in come in" she says. Amanda was my second mum she always respected and loved me like she was my mum. Leah comes downstairs. "Right got everything" she says
I hug Leah and say "let's go do this"
"Good luck girls" Amanda says

We walk to school, we see our friends Olly and Hallie. "Olly what's your exam" I say
"Business" he says
"What a way to end school" Hallie comments
"Halls, what about you" Leah says
"Finance" she says

We get to our tutor, Hallie and Olly are in different ones to me and Leah. We walk in together, I take in the atmosphere this was my last time being in here. We go in and our teacher Mr Farah starts taking the register and tells us some important things. "If your doing your business or finance GCSE you need to go to G7 after tutor and if your doing French you need to go to F2 and Spanish to F6"

After tutor we head to the classrooms we had been told to go to.

I go in mine and our teacher starts telling us some key things we need to remember heading into the exam. Afterwards we go to the hall and do our exam.

I finish my exam and look around. Then time was up. I walk out and see Leah, Hallie and Olly waiting for me. I go over to them and hug them all. They had finished theirs and now it was time to head home, we had our leavers assembly a couple days ago.

Everyone was coming to mine considering none of my siblings were home. We get to mine and I see Amanda and David (Leah's parents). Suzanne and Jared (Olly's parents) Shannon (Hallies mum) then I see mine. I run up to her and hug her.

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