Date or not

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Today I'm meeting Casey at the park. I quickly get changed into some Nike pro leggings and a random jumper. I go downstairs and put on my converses. My siblings were all downstairs except Lucas who was still in his room. "Bye mum" I say.
"Be home before 5 okay" she says
"I will and I've got my phone" I say
"I know, be safe sweetie" my mum says
"Love you" I say
"Love you too" she replies.

I get my coat as it was raining and I walk to the park. I see Casey sat on a bench I go over to her. "Hey" I say shyly.
"No need to be shy" she says slightly laughing. "Thanks" I reply
I sit next to her. "This is awkward" she says
"Yep" I reply popping my p.
"I just want to say sorry" she blurts out. "For" I ask
"For breaking up with you, look I didn't mean any of what I did. And I certainly didn't want to hurt you because I loved you and well I still do" she says quickly
I smile at her "I know you didn't mean it" I say
"But it was so messed up, like I literally kissed another girl and lied to your face. But yet your so chill about it. If that was you I would of never wanted to speak to you again" she says
"Yeah, to be fair I get that. But I believe in second chances however I lost my trust in you and we can't rush into anything" I say

I see Leah walking her dog this way. "Can we move my best friend is just there and if we don't she will sit with us" I say
"Does she know about us?" Casey asks me
I shake my head, "come on" I say
"You didn't tell your best friend!" She almost shouts at me
"It's hard" I say
"No it's not hard! What's hard is dealing with you!" She shouts. Leah looks up from her phone and walks this way. A tear rolls down my cheek.
"What you think I find it easy!" I shout at Casey
"Yeah. Or you know, maybe you just don't deserve me" she shouts
"Don't do this. Casey please don't" I shout at her
"I'm not going to do that to you. I'm not just gonna out you. But please never speak to me again" Casey says
I watch her walk away for the second time.

I turn around and see Leah. "Why didn't you tell me" she says
"I'm sorry" I say
"No, I'm your best friend and you couldn't tell me" she says and walks off.

I slowly walk home crying. I get home and take my shoes off and run upstairs. I start crying under my duvet in my bed. I throw my phone on the floor. Savannah comes in my room "mam wants you" she says and starts jumping on my bed.
"Go savannah" I shout at her
"No. Mam wants you" she says again
"Will you just piss of" I shout at her and she runs off.
I start crying even more. Then my mam comes in.

She gets on my bed "talk to me" she says
"I don't want to" I say
I sit up and look at her. She grabs my hand "what happened" she says
"Leah came to the park" I start of by saying. "And she was walking her dog" I say and take a deep breathe "I hadn't told her about me being bisexual I just couldn't." I say

"Casey didn't tell her, but she basically made out we were together" I add
"Then I let Casey walk off for the second time, I turned around already crying" I add crying a bit more.
"And Leah started shouting at me, because I couldn't trust her" I say and collapse my body into my mams body.
"You've got football, you need to get ready, but listen to me" my mam says to me
"I get it's hard for you and I understand that. But of course Leah's gonna be mad because she thinks you can't trust her just speak to her" my mam adds.

"Thanks, I better get ready" I say calming myself down.

My mam leaves and I change into my training kit for the under 17s for arsenal. I go downstairs and Thomas, Savannah and Lucas are getting ready to get in the car. We get in the car me and my mam in the front and my siblings in the back. They drop me off before driving away and going to savannahs gymnastics, Thomas football club and then Lucas rugby. As you can tell we are a sporty family.

I go in the entrance and I see the senior women's team, people like Alex Scott were sat in the entrance, she gave me a smile as I walked in and I gave her one too. I walk to the changing rooms and see most of the girls in there. Once everyone's in and changed me and Freya do a TikTok together. I post it and put as my caption 'love football xx'

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