Chapter Nine - Taiga Field Trip, Part 2

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You kicked a pile of mossy cobblestone and winced when pain shot up your leg.


"Don't kick it," Soot scolded. "We should use a pickaxe."

"Well, where am I supposed to get a pickaxe?" You shot back. "I wasn't prepared to go mining today!"

"We need a sapling anyway," Morpheus pointed out. "Let's chop down a tree."

"That-" You started, then paused. "Okay, sure." Picking out a small tree nearby, you made your way over and began to punch the trunk. "For that matter, how are we supposed to shear a black sheep without shears?"

"There are other ways to get wool from a sheep." Soot said vaguely. You side-eyed her.

"We're not killing a sheep."

"Okay, fine."

It had been about fifteen minutes since the class had split up to hunt down the items for the scavenger hunt. So far you had a brown mushroom and sweet berries, and your group was working on getting the sapling and the mossy cobblestone. After that all you would need were the wool and the feather, and you could hurry back to the portal. Maybe you'd even be the first? Your group had already placed Morpheus in charge of keeping track of where you were, since he could fly, so you should be able to easily find your way back.

"Do you know what I've noticed?" Soot commented. "Every time we've been outside, it has been cloudy." You glanced up, on one knee collecting sticks and logs.

"I guess so. Huh." It was definitely sunnier than this in the city... was this just a rainy part of the world?

Morpheus looked up as well. "Lucky thing, too. If it were sunny, the other undead and I would burn." You gave him a shocked look, and he lifted a brow. "What? Didn't know that undead burned in sunlight?"

"N-no." You stammered. "I didn't know you were undead."

"Oh." He scoffed quietly. "I am."

"Oh." You quickly crafted a crafting table, placing it down and crafting a wooden pickaxe. As you headed for the pile of mossy cobble, a sapling dropped from the decaying leaves above you, and Soot stooped down to pick it up.

"Got one!" She said cheerfully.

"How are you three doing?" A new voice made you jump, and you looked up from the mossy cobblestone to find Herobrine stepping out of the trees.

"Good." You reported. "We already have almost everything."

"Excellent." He smiled, glancing at Soot and Morpheus before his gaze returned to you. "If you finish early, you're welcome to relax until the rest of the teams return."

"Okay." You brightened up a bit. You wouldn't mind that. It was nice here, if a little cool, and some fresh air would probably do you some good. You went back to mining with renewed vigor.

"If you need anything at all, I will be nearby." Herobrine told you. "I'll check on you again in a little while." With that, he vanished. You picked up a piece of mossy cobblestone and put it in your pocket.

"Can he... hear us all the time?" You muttered.

"He does always seem to be aware of what's going on." Soot noted. Your thoughts immediately went back to Jace's threat.

"Anyway, that's four down, two to go." You turned back to the direction you had been traveling, angling up the hill a little bit as you went.

"What about the emerald?" Soot asked.

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