Chapter 1

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I was going to school chasing the forests path and getting inside it, the cold breeze mixed with the warm strays of light coming from the sun peeking out the fresh wet leaves. It was almost winter and the wild animals were preparing themselves for the hibernation, a big amount of birds flying here and there, squirrels climbing the trees and ripping the acorns from the branches, hares hopping in and out the bushes collecting berries eating them and getting back to their nests and bears already sleeping.

Walking down a thick branch of a giant tree in the middle of the circle lawn in the forest, something hard fell on my head.

Me: "Ouch! What was that?"

Patting my head washing the pain away I turned my head down to the ground seeing a disc rom. I took my backpack and placed it down crouching taking the disc. Instantly I felt goosebumps on my neck, feeling watched, I can't tell if it's the cool wind or something else but I prefer to think it's the wind. I looked at it analyzing and scanning the details, I mean, there isn't much to look at, it's just a disc but in someway is interesting. On it was written 'Sonic.exe'.

"Sonic... exe? Is it like a creepy version of the original game?"

Taking the curiosity out of me, I took my phone out, holding the disc with my ring finger and little finger, I digited on chrome 'Sonic.exe game', there was a Wikipedia page just for him and what came on the screen was so creepy, it said:

First Story
The original Sonic.exe story centers on Tom, a young man who was a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, especially the older games. He claimed that he had not played any glitchy or hacked games before, though he admitted that he didn't want to after an experience he had.

He then proceeded to recount his experience, saying how he received a CD and an accompanying letter from his friend Kyle, begging him to destroy the disc before it's "too late" and not to play the game.

Ignoring his friend's warnings, Tom played the game and began to encounter odd, somewhat disturbing phenomena, from a title card featuring an evil-looking Sonic with bloody eyes and glowing pupils with a wide smile to the presence of a file select screen similar to that of the one in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, with a red background and chilling music playing.

As he picked the only available character, Tails and began the first stage, titled "HILL ACT 1", Tom continued to find more evidence that there was something wrong with the game, namely the copious amounts of dead animals, all murdered in gruesome ways and eventually encountering Sonic at the end of the level, standing completely still and with his eyes closed.

When Tails attempted to get his attention during a cutscene by tapping him on the shoulder, Sonic's eyes opened, identical to the Sonic on the title screen before cutting to black, with the message "Hello. Do you want to play with me?" In the next level, "HIDE AND SEEK", Tom witnessed Sonic chasing Tails, the latter flying despite an inability to do so without a Super form, before disappearing, teleporting in front of the distraught fox and killing him and cutting to black.

Shocked, Tom reads the next message, "YOU'RE TOO SLOW. WANT TO TRY AGAIN?". After playing as Knuckles and losing a supposed "boss battle" with Sonic, Tom decided to take a break from the game.

However, his rest was plagued by nightmares featuring the corrupted Tails and Knuckles, and the demonic Sonic, with him waking in a cold sweat. Returning to the game, Tom picked Robotnik from the file select screen and continued with the game.

At the end of the level, Sonic teleported in front of Robotnik, before the screen cut to red static. Then, a "hyper-realistic" image of Sonic appeared on the screen, with the words "I AM GOD!". After the game ended, Tom turned around to find, to his utter horror, a bloodied Sonic plushie on his bed. Tom's fate is ambiguous (though the official sequel reveals that Tom committed suicide to escape from the entity using Sonic's likeness).

He can corrupt video games (and possibly other forms of Technology) and can completely warp reality inside them.

Sonic.EXE is the complete opposite of Sonic the Hedgehog, he is a wrathful, tyrannical, malevolent, sadistic, cruel, and twisted monster who takes glee in repeatedly killing anyone's life, even his own slaves, showing him as the definition of pure evil.

I turned off the phone and put it back in my jackets pocket. I looked at it nervously, I was sweating, flowing all on my forehead, I had to take my pink headband off and again placing it back on my pony wiping away the sweat. I was panicking.

"What- W-What do I do? I already touched it, I can't go back at this point..."

Strains of tears going down my cheeks. Then I realized I almost forgot about school. I took my phone again out of my pocket and checked the clock.

"8:15 am?! I have to run now, great!"

Swiping away my tears, I cursed under my breath looking over me, the branch.

"How did it get over there?"

I scratched the back of my head looking back to the disc. Then I looked around still feeling watched.

'What is going on...?'

I crouched and placed it inside my backpack, closed it, took it on my shoulders and run.


Sonic.exe x OC | creepypasta fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang