The Story

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I felt his arms around my waste as I woke up, instantly remembering the events that took place last night.
I felt his arms tighten around me "Don't get up, let's just cuddle all day." He says burying his face in my neck.

"I have to work today!" I laugh and try to get out of his grasp.
I turn to look at him and see him pouting "you can stay as long as you want, but I need to get work done so no distracting me!"

"I can't make any promises.." he says kissing me again.
I watch as his facial expression changes from happy to concerned and almost sad.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I run my hands through his hair.

"I just... nevermind.. it's stupid" he plays with the ring on his finger which makes me know something is making him worried/anxious.

"Nick... is it about last night?" I ask knowing that it most likely is.
He nods his head and I can see his eyes water, it physically hurts to see him like this.

"I don't want you to be hurting." He says his voice soft.

"I'm okay.." I lift his head so he's looking at me "you make me so happy, if there's anything in this world that makes me feel better it's you."
He smiles and wraps his arms around me causing us to fall back onto the bed.
We start to kiss and I know if we go any further I will get absolutely no work done today.

"Okay okay I really need to start work." I say getting out of bed.

"Alright fineeeee, I'll go get us some breakfast"
He walks past me and slaps my butt, he turns around and smiles.
I will be getting no work done today I think to myself.


I hear a quick knock on my bedroom door and take my headphones out.

"Hey... sorry, are you working?" Kat asks as she opens the door.

"Yeah, but I can pause for a minute... what's up?"

"Is lover boy still here?" She asks making kissy faces.

"He went to get us breakfast."

"Okay so he literally is perfect" I see her holding something behind her back and she notices that I can see it.
"Yeahhhh you need to see this."

She holds out a magazine and I see Nicholas and I on the front page.
The headline reads 'Nicholas Galatzine spotted with mystery girl at bar downtown Los Angeles'.

"Shit..." I say, my anxiety kicking in.

"Maybe it's not so bad, I mean if you guys want to be together everyone is going to find out eventually."
She is right, the world will know that Nick and I are together at some point.
I just wish I had more time to prepare for it.

"Okay I found the best breakfast sandwiches in town!"
Nick says as he walks in, he senses the mood in the room and freezes for a moment.
I hold the magazine up and he quickly takes it.
"Fuck." He says flipping through the pages.

"What do we do?" I ask, really not sure how things like this are handled.

"Are you okay?" He asks first, which makes my heart melt.
I nod and smile a bit, reassuring him that I'm not a total mess about it.
"Well.. I could get my management on it and try to dispute the rumors saying you're a friend or family, or we could try to be more careful when we are out together."
I see him growing more concerned, and I don't want him to have to worry about this.

"I say you guys just let the world know! You're cute as shit and deserve to be happy" Kat says, she turns to leave and steals a sandwich out of the bag.

"What do you want?" Nick asks, handing me my sandwich.

"I don't know.. I mean we aren't even official or anything." I say giving him a little smirk.
His eyes widen and he kneels in front of me grabbing both my hands.

"We could make it official, I mean if you want... I know I definitely do but it's up to you. I don't want to rush anything and make you..." I quickly shut him up and slam my lips on his, of course I wanted to be official.
"Is that a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes!"


I finish my last meeting for work and slam my computer shut.
Nick has been hanging out with me all day, just binge watching shows waiting for me to be done.
He had the day off from filming and all I wanted to do was cuddle him and do nothing.

"Are you done?" He asks excitedly.
I nod and crawl into bed with him, he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead making me melt.
"We should go to dinner tonight, I need to show off my beautiful girlfriend."
I sit up and look at him, fear and excitement rushing through me.

"Really? What about all your fans and the press."

"They will be fine, any true fan will be happy for us. I don't want to keep you a secret, the world needs to know the girl that makes me the happiest man on earth."

A couple hours later I am dressed in a burgundy mini dress, with black heels and my hair curled and clipped to one side.
I feel like I'm going to vomit but know this was going to have to happen at some point.

"Wow!" Nick says standing in the doorway.
"Maybe we should just stay here instead" he says pulling me towards him.
He puts his hands on my ass and I slap them away pretending to scold him.

"Maybe after dinner Nicholas." I say walking out of the room, I laugh as he questions my "maybe" and he follows behind me.

Nick's driver is waiting for us outside and we quickly get in.
Before I know it we are pulling up to a restaurant that looks way too fancy for anyone like me.

"You okay?" He asks grabbing my hand.
I nod and we get out of the car hand in hand.

I notice a few people stopping and looking at us, obviously noticing that it was Nick.
A few people took out their phones to record us and Nick quickly got us inside.
He had a bodyguard with us which made me relax a bit more, this was definitely going to take some getting used to.

Inside we were escorted to a little table that was more private than the others.
There were roses and a candle on the table along with a bottle of red wine.

"You are full of surprises." I say as he pulls out my chair for me.

"I want everything to be perfect for you."

After we get our food they bring another bottle of wine and I am feeling a little tipsy at this point.

"You're too far away!" I say and move my chair closer to Nick, he laughs at me and takes my hand.

"So what are the plans for the rest of the night?" He asks.. I think for a moment and place my hand on his upper thigh.
I whisper in his ear something that I should never repeat out loud, his eyes go wide and he quickly throws up his arm to call for the waiter.

"Check please."


As soon as I unlock the door he has me up against the wall.
Our hands are all over each other and I need more of him.
My dress is on the floor at this point and I make a mental note to pick it up before Kat gets home from work tonight.

We make it to my room and I quickly take his shirt off and start to undo his pants.
He's left just in his boxers and I push him on the bed.
I climb on top of him and feel him beneath me, making me shiver.
I can't take it any longer and reach down to touch him, I look at him for a moment and he nods.
I slip my hand under the top of his boxers and wrap my hand around him.
He throws his head back in pleasure and I feel his hand slip into my underwear, I am completely unraveling before him at this point.

"I need you." I say and he knows exactly what I mean.
He takes his boxers off and then slides my underwear off as well.

"Are you sure?" I nod quickly as he positions himself over me.
"Do you have a.."

"I'm on the pill" I quickly say already knowing what he was going to ask.

He kisses me and then I feel him, all of him.

I can't help the noises coming out of me and he takes that as a sign to go faster.
My hands pull at his hair and our bodies move in sync.

Everything was perfect, he was perfect, this moment was perfect.

Love in the Spotlight (Nicholas Galitzine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now