The Test

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Nick has been in England filming for the past few weeks.. and it has honestly totally sucked!
We text and FaceTime on his breaks but it's still hard to be away from him for so long.

And then there's something I've been meaning to tell him which has been eating me up inside.

I'm late... two weeks late to be exact.

The last time we even had sex was at Taylor's premiere, he left two days after to go film.
I can't bring myself to take a test, the thought of it being positive makes me sick.
I want to have kids and love babies.. but we haven't even talked about that and I have no idea how Nick will react.

"You okay?" Kat asks sitting next to me on the couch.
I give her a look and she knows I haven't told him yet.
"You need to take a test."

"I knowwww" I say whining a little.
"Im just so scared.. two weeks late is a lot, it's going to be positive and I'm not ready for that."
She grabs my hand and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Well... if it makes you feel any better I'm going to be a badass Auntie!" I push her away and try to hide my smile.
"Ill get you a test, you can take it or not... but then at least you will have one."

She gets up to leave and I stay on the couch.
I thought about how this happened since I was on the pill, I knew there was a chance it could but never thought it actually would.

I feel my phone buzz and see his picture light up.

"Hey you!" He says holding the phone to his face.
He has his long hair wig on and it's honestly so cute.

"Hi! I miss youuuu!" I say making a pouting face.

"I miss you more, just one more week and I'll be home."

We talk for awhile and he shows me around his set location for the day.

"Oh look at my trailer.. I decorated it." He said proudly.
"Getting in the Halloween spirit!"

"You're so freaking cute." I say laughing.
His excitement about the decor is simply adorable.
"Everyone is right.. you are baby girl"

I hear someone yell to him in the distance and he quickly says goodbye.

One more week and he's home.


Trying to sleep at night has been impossible.
One because I sleep better with Nick, and two because of the whole late period situation.
I get up to use the bathroom and see the test Kat got me on the counter.
I grab it and don't let myself back out, it has to be done at some point.

I set it on the counter and wait... probably the longest three minutes of my life.
I see my hand shaking as I pick it up, I turn it around and my heart drops.

There's two lines... two very dark obvious lines.
My entire body is shaking at this point and I grab the other one and quickly take that test as well.

Positive... again.

"Kat!!" I yell barging into her room.
She jumps up from bed, and quickly realizes it's me.

I don't say anything, just show her the tests.

"Oh fuck.." she says.
I feel tears staining my cheeks and she lays me down next to her.
"It's okay.. you guys are going to be okay."

Love in the Spotlight (Nicholas Galitzine x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora