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The most dangerous individuals are not those who wield weapons, but those who wield words with mastery, weaving intricate webs of deception beneath the guise of charm and intelligence.

- Unknown


The man in the dark shouts, "I have to make an example out of you. Bow to me, obey me, or prepare to meet your end..." And he kills the game initiator with a single slash of his sword. With a commanding presence, he warns everyone present in there that death awaits those who do not follow his commands. Furthermore, he announces that whoever brings him the suspended police officer's head will be rewarded. From the crowd, a psycho, along with a violently looking pit bull as a pet, jumps up. He then arrives at the hospital, where Karna is admitted. Psycho leaves the pit bull to slaughter Vrindha without hesitation. The psycho moves towards Vrinda to attack her, but the detective appears out of nowhere and places a knife around his neck, holding him tightly. With a smile on his face and pain in his eyes, Karna uses the pistol he concealed in his hand, firing a shot from inside the pit bull's mouth. A smoke bomb engulfs the room. All of them are paralysed, unable to move nor see through the thick smoke. When the smoke finally cleared, they found Karna was missing. But the psycho who collapsed due to narcotics is still present.


After what felt like an eternity, Karna finally woke up, only to find himself blindfolded. He sensed multiple people's voices and their laughter, and the place smelled like iron; blood was everywhere. Karna took a deep breath to calm himself. As he attempted to understand his surroundings, a man seemed to try to attack him but stopped abruptly. Karna realised that the man wanted to inflict pain on him, but someone else was stopping him—a commander whom everyone would listen to. After a while, the murmuring resumed, and the man mercilessly began to hit Karna. He made sure to shatter his fingertips, extract his teeth, and drive nails into Karna's body. Karna's mind was on the verge of collapse under the weight of the excruciating pain. He knew that if they were rushing to torture him, it meant he would soon meet the King—he would soon meet eyes with the Alligator.

Since then, every day they tortured Karna in various ways possible. Initially, Karna remained confident, but gradually he began to lose sensation in his body. His body became numb, covered in blood and scars. His illusions are likewise becoming more powerful. Despite this, Karna couldn't lose his pride. He always laughed at the people causing harm to him, almost as if he was making fun of them. And then, finally, Karna was made to sit in a chair.

He grew so depressed that he realised his determination to eliminate all psychos would be in vain. They bound his wrists and legs to a holder and stretched him mercilessly. Karna identifies the German's ancient torture technique, and the burning pain becomes unbearable. Even when pain threatens to consume him, his pride keeps him from begging for mercy.

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