Psychopathic but Its Okay, Okay, Yeah

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Nico Di Angelo had been through many battles and hardships, but his recent trip to Tartarus had taken a toll on him. The memories of that dark and terrifying place haunted him constantly, and he was struggling to cope. One afternoon, his twin sister Trixiebell found him curled up on the floor, his arms covered in scratches from where he had been clawing at them in a panic attack. She rushed to his side, trying to calm him down, but he was inconsolable. Finally, Nico opened up to her about his time in Tartarus, telling her about the horrors he had seen and the pain he had endured. Trixiebell listened patiently, holding her brother as he cried. After a while, Trixiebell knew that Nico needed something to take his mind off his troubles. She disappeared for a while and returned with five gallons of ice cream in various flavors. Nico couldn't help but smile at his sister's thoughtful gesture. They spent the rest of the evening eating ice cream and watching "Five Feet Apart," a movie that Trixiebell had been wanting to see for a while. As they drifted off to sleep, Nico felt a sense of comfort and peace that he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew that he still had a long way to go in terms of healing, but he also knew that he had his sister by his side to help him through it. From that day on, Nico made a point to talk to Trixiebell more often about his struggles. He knew that he didn't have to go through his hardships alone and that his sister was always there to lend a listening ear and a pint of ice cream.

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