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Credit to Whitcomb, Isobel. "What If the Speed of Sound Were as Fast as the Speed of Light?", Live Science, 28 Nov. 2021, Accessed 15 Apr. 2024. 

Day 1 - 12.32.23 - 2:01-2:34 p.m. - Prompt: Thunder

On stormy nights with lightning and thunder. Those are the worst nights for me. The loud noises and bright light remind me of all the people I have lost. A common goal united us. We succeeded but most of us died before the end. It puts it into perspective of how bad it was. Out of 126 people, only 6 survived. The lighting reminds me of the fire and the burns on my legs that will never go away. Thunder made the same sound as exploding bombs before they took my cousin, Draco Malfoy. The never-ending screams as everyone caught in the fire cry out in agony. Those are what keep me up on stormy nights. The guilt of surviving when others didn't. It comes with me questioning my worth every day I wake up. Lucky me.

These Voices In my Head Screaming Run Now, I'm Praying that Their HumanWhere stories live. Discover now