4 years after Mari's death.

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2/18 "Basil's Birthday" for the moment.
Basil looked at the shadowy figure in front of him and turned away. Ah.. are you.. too.. tired..? The figure said. Basil nodded and tried going to sleep. Isn't.. it.. your.. birthday..? The figure asked whispering in Basil's ears. Basil wiped his tears and stared at his window from his bed. "Basil! Basil!" Basil heard earlier than normal. Basil sighed and laid back down. Oh.. your ignoring Polly?.. The figure whispered in Basil's ear. Remember.. if.. you.. don't.. listen.. The figure whispered in Basil's ears. The figure made a snap noise. Basil flinched think the figure had did what he remembered. Ah.. you.. remember... the figure whispered in Basil's ear. Basil looked at the figure. O-Oh.. Basil mumbled. The figure laughed at the sight of Basil's fears. Basil wiped his tears and turned around. I-I wish that it was me... not Mari.. it should've been me... Basil mumbled. Oh... Basil, Basil, Basil.. the figure whispered while taunting him. Basil covered his ears while it taunted him for everything bad he has done. The figure made a snap noise causing Basil extreme pain or agony. s-stop p-p-please.. Basil whispered in agony. The figure made a snap noise causing the pain of Basil's to stop. Don't... ignore.. me.. again.. The figure whispered in Basil's ear. Basil wiped his tears and sat there shaking. It's.. so.. amazing.. how.. much.. fear.. is.. in.. you... the figure whispered to Basil. Basil wanted to ignore but feared the consequences of his actions. The figure shushed Basil while surrounding him. C-Can I s-s-see Polly.. Basil asked quietly. I.. am.. watching.. The figure said to Basil. Basil got out of bed and ran to the kitchen. Basil hugged Polly as soon as he saw her. Basil..? Polly said in confusion. Basil started shaking.  Polly hugged him back with a smile. Do you feel like celebrating?.. Polly asked. Basil shook his head no. Basil sniffled C-could I visit the park instead?.. Basil asked. Of course Basil! Polly said. Basil ran to the front door and unlocked it. As Basil smelt the fresh air he felt at peace. Basil sat down on an faraway park bench. Too bad.. I.. can't.. feel.. it.. anymore.. the figure said. Basil looked at it confused. I'm.. dead.. the figure said. Oh.. I'm sorry for you.. Basil whispered. Oh.. it's.. fine.. the figure said. Basil looked down. The figure stared at Basil noticing his remorse. It's not your fault.. the figure whispered. Basil stared at the figure. I can't remember a time where nothing is my fault.. Basil mumbled. The figure stared at Basil and tried it's best to pat his head. Basil felt some type of comfort and decided to rest. The figure sat there. Oh.. Basil... maybe I am too hard.. The figure whispered to itself. He misses my physical appearance.. Mari... but Sunny and him killed me.. the figure whispered. Basil had moved in his sleep. The figure tried waking him up. Basil woke up. S-sorry he mumbled. Basil got up and walked home. Basil unlocked the front door and went inside. Basil closed the front door and locked it. Basil.. go.. to.. sleep.. The figure said in a concerned tone. Basil walked to his room. As Basil got into bed he felt fear overwhelm him. Go.. to.. sleep.. the figure whispered. Basil tried listening and closed his eyes. Basil fell asleep. The figure stared at him as he fell asleep. Basil woke up in the morning. Basil got up. The figure stared at Basil. Basil looked down. Go.. she.. calls.. you... the figure said. Basil got up weakly. C-coming! Basil shouted. Your.. injuries.. bandage.. them.. the figure said. Basil ran to the bandages. Ouch.. I-I accidentally hurt myself.. Basil mumbled. Oh.. don't rush yourself like that again.. I don't like you hurt... Polly said. Basil stared at her. I.. I'm sorry I won't rush myself again.. Basil mumbled. Polly looked at Basil bandage himself. Are you okay?.. Polly asked. Basil nodded. How about you try going to the park? Polly said. Ok.. Basil mumbled. Basil walked off to the Park. Basil walked to the secret hideout the friend group used to have. Creep! Aubrey yelled. Basil flinched at the sight of Aubrey. But.. no.. why is she so mad..? The figure asked. Mari's death.. Basil whispered. Oh.. the figure said. Aubrey had walked up to Basil. I'm s-sorry Basil mumbled. Why go here! Huh!? Aubrey yelled. I-I just wanted to.. to relax.. Basil whispered. Aubrey pushed Basil to the ground. Basil started shaking. Hey! Aubrey leave him alone! Kel yelled. Basil stared at Kel and wiped his tears. Kel.. your.. your here... Basil mumbled. Kel smiled at Basil. Sunny appeared in front of Kel. Hah! Sunny how long has it been since you left your house 3 years? Maybe 4?.. Aubrey said. Sunny looked upset and looked away from her. Aubrey pulled out her bat and aimed for Sunny and Kel. Try me! Aubrey yelled. Sunny gripped his knife. Okay.. should be easy enough... Sunny whispered to himself. Sunny stabbed Aubrey in the shoulder. Gah! I-Is that a knife!? Aubrey yelled. Sunny looked at her confused. I.. beat it..? Sunny whispered to himself. Gimme that! Kel said snatching Sunny's knife. Basil saw Sunny and ran off. Poor Basil.. Kel said. Sunny looked down. Basil tried unlocking his front door the last thing he wanted was Aubrey finding him or upsetting the figure. Basil stared at the door and Polly opened the door only for Basil to hug Polly. Ah?.. Basil..? Polly said. I m-miss y-you.. Basil mumbled. Aww.. come let's watch a movie together.. Polly said. Basil nodded and held her hand. Polly led Basil to the living room and they both sat down. Basil sat on the couch with Polly. Basil yawned as the movie ended. Are you tired Basil?.. Polly asked while sitting next to him. Basil shook his head no and rested his head on her lap. Ah okay.. Polly said knowing he'd fall asleep soon. Basil closed his eyes and fell into a slumber. Should have known.. Polly said with a laugh. Polly carried Basil to his room and covered Basil up with a blanket and watched as Basil slept peacefully. I wish I could know what your thinking Basil.. you seem so sad every morning since Mari died.... Polly said to herself. The figure couldn't help but look at Basil it felt guilty for a moment in some way. In the morning Basil woke up. Basil yawned and looked at the figure awaiting for permission to exit his room. Go.. the figure said. Basil felt as if he was gonna be punished later. Basil saw Polly and happily ran to her. Polly! Basil said happily. Polly smiled knowing Basil seemed truly happy. Basil was ready to eat breakfast. Polly had made Basil's plate. Basil ran to the table and sat down. Basil happily looked at the plate and decided to enjoy his food. Yum! Basil said. Polly smiled at the fact that Basil had a smile on his face. Aww.. Basil does the food taste good?.. Polly said. Basil smiled and nodded. Polly couldn't help but adore how happy Basil was. Polly saw Basil finally able to finish a plate. Thank you! Basil said with a smile. Polly grabbed a napkin and wiped Basil's face. Just a little syrup on your chin.. Polly said concentrating where the syrup was at. Basil smiled happily looking at Polly. Basil had twirled in happiness. Polly had noticed that Basil somehow in someway had the mindset of a 12 year old as he twirled happily. That could explain how he has been acting Polly thought. The figure watched as Basil had gotten hyper. It enjoyed the fact Basil spent his time there not so fixated on if he was going to accidentally make the figure mad. I think.. I wanna go to the park! Basil said happily. Sure go on! Polly said. Basil ran to the front door and opened it. Be.. careful... the figure said. Basil ran off to the faraway park. Sorry.. I will be careful! Basil said. The figure Heard Basil answer and put its fingers out of snapping mode. The figure felt like a jerk as it watched Basil happily sit down it was one moment Basil wasn't afraid of what the figure could do to him. Basil smiled smelling the nature. Ah.. I love nature! Basil said to himself while grabbing a flower. The figure watched as Basil found peace in flowers just like how the figure knew Basil in it's physical appearance but the figure's physical appearance had died leaving just the spirit. Flowers.. huh..? The figure said. Yes.. they are lovely and smell good! Basil said with a smile. The figure watched as Basil happily enjoyed himself. It had thought at one point If I didn't get to enjoy life.. why should he..? He's the one who finished me off! But at the moment the figure had watched him be happy with no anger. Basil noticed it was getting late and went to leave. A-ah! Aubrey..? Basil said in confusion. You.. are in our secret spot! Aubrey said. Uhh.. no.. didn't we all used to play here?.. Basil said. Go before she tries something! The figure whispered in Basil's ear. Basil had no choice but to ignore due to Aubrey's full gang being there. Please don't do this Aubrey I really want to leave.. Basil said knowing what could happen if he kept ignoring the figure. Basil got worried due to the fact that he ignored the figure. The figure inflicted pain on Basil due to him ignoring. Basil fell to the ground shaking. Please Aubrey I.. b-beg you to let me leave.. Basil said in fear. Aubrey ignored him and told her gang to beat Basil up. Basil covered his face with his shaking arms. Kim Aubrey's friend noticed Basil was shaking . Uh.. Aubrey maybe we should stop.. the boy is shaking... Kim said. No! Because he ruined what was left of my only friend! That album! Aubrey yelled. The figure had inflicted more pain on Basil. Somebody!!! Help me!!!! Basil yelled shakily. H-hey! We're not trying to hurt you Basil! Kim yelled. Hey! Kel yelled. Ugh.. it's those two again.. Aubrey said. I'm s-sorry I-I'm s-sorry.. Basil whispered repeatedly to the figure in pain. The figure snapped stopping the pain it was inflicting. Basil was still shaking from fear but he was finally out of pain. Basil had looked like he was crying while he still kept apologizing quietly. Basil.. stop.. the figure said as he kept apologizing. Basil.. the figure said as Basil kept apologizing. Basil had stopped but he was shaking. Stop.. Basil.. the figure said watching Basil have an panic attack. Basil tried to calm down but he was fighting his lungs to breathe. Basil! Stop! The figure said. Basil looked at the figure but he couldn't calm down. The flower he held was a sunflower that had died due to the wet tears on it. The figure watched as the flower died it was like how Basil was slowly dying mentally. Basil's tears fell on the flower that was once bright. Sunny used pepper spray on Aubrey's gang so they left but Aubrey stayed in her anger. Ugh!!! WHY DID YOU COME BACK!! Aubrey yelled. We just want you to stop bullying Basil! Kel said. You think I'm all that bad huh? But your not all that good either! Aubrey said. Where were any of you when Mari died!!! Aubrey yelled. Basil walked over to Aubrey. A-Aubrey I- but before he could finish Aubrey pushed him in the lake. Aubrey! Why did you do that! Basil heard muffled in his ears as it all went black. Basil could hear the sounds of water as he felt like he was gonna go unconscious. Basil... listen.. the figure said. Basil got scared and lost control of his breathing. Basil! Stop! The figure said in Mari's voice. Basil tried to calm down due to the voice he heard being Mari's. M-Mari.. Basil thought. The figure used its spirit form. "Mari" had hugged Basil she tried to comfort Basil before he went unconscious. As soon as she sensed Sunny she waiting for him to enter the water. Shhh.. Sunny it's me please save Basil... Mari's spirit mumbled while forming back as the figure. Sunny saved Basil pulling him out of the water. Hero waited for Sunny to exit. Sunny came out of the water. Basil! Kel said in fear. Sunny kept his head down remembering seeing Mari in the water. Basil's hand moved for a second. Let's get him home.. Hero said while carrying Basil. Hey! Wait I wasn't finished! Aubrey yelled. Aubrey.. stop! Haven't you caused enough trouble!? Kel yelled at Aubrey while following Hero and Sunny. Hero knocked on Polly's door. Who is I- Before Polly finished. Basil!! Polly yelled in fear. She looked like she was about to cry. Oh.. basil... you were pretty happy today.. Polly said. Yeah.. not for too long because Aubrey and her gang. If it wasn't for Sunny having pepper spray we would've lost and Aubrey pushed him into the lake! Kel said. Poor Basil.. the boy seems to be going through a lot.. Polly said. Polly carried Basil to his room and gave him an warm blanket. Hero.. could you turn my heat on he needs to stay warm. Polly asked. Of course Polly! Hero said walking to the thermostat. p-Polly Basil mumbled quietly. The figure stared at Basil's weak body. Why didn't you.. leave..? The figure whispered. Basil couldn't answer due to his weak state making him scared of the consequences. I will be back okay Hun?.. Polly said while leaving the room and shutting the door. I-I'm sor.. for... do.. ng.. s..so... Basil whispered weakly. I.. can't.. hear.. you.. the figure said. Basil didn't have any more energy and started crying. I.. sorry... Basil kept trying to apologize in fear but he was too weak to say it correctly. The figure watched as he tried. The figure stopped realizing that it was being cruel to him due to the fact Basil was shaking again. Basil just wanted it all to end due to the pain he had. The figure had forgotten when to stop hurting Basil. The figure watched him cry in pain as he tried to get up. Basil had finally got up and locked his door. Basil fell to the floor in pain. P-please.. s-s-s... to.. Basil tried to say before coughing. Lay.. back.. down.. the figure said to Basil as he tried to get in bed. As soon as Basil got in bed he laid down and winced in pain. The figure suddenly felt bad as it watched Basil try his best to handle everything till he just couldn't. Basil stared at his window seeing how dark it was. Basil just wanted his pain to end. Basil weakly got out of bed not listening to the figure because his pain was already worse enough he grabbed the garden shears. The figure angry by Basil's actions increased his pain. The figure saw Basil holding the shears. Basil.. stop.. it said. Basil was shaking and heavily breathing. Basil's eyes were red from crying so much. Basil unlocked his door so if somebody checks during the night somebody would at least give him a funeral. Basil sat down with the shears. Stop.. right.. now.. the figure demanded. N-Not until it's over... Basil said refusing to stop until the figure stopped his pain. Why..? The figure asked. B-b-because it.. it h-hurts... p-please.. Basil said while begging for the figure to stop. The figure watched Basil struggle. No.. this isn't right.. no.. this isn't me..! The figure thought as Basil held the shears in front of him. Stop..! The figure asked. Basil froze in position as he heard the figure. N-no.. Basil mumbled weakly. Basil was getting too weak and was bleeding and was about to stop fighting. Basil! Stop.. not again... the figure said realizing Basil's intentions and the blood. Stop.. I.. don't.. know.. how.. to.. stop.. you.. again.. The figure said sadly. Basil kept ignoring thinking it was all a trick. M-Mari doesn't want you to do this okay.. I don't want you too.. the figure said. Basil had the shears near his stomach. He was shaking. D-Does M-Mari r-r-really c-care?.. he asked shakily. Yes.. I.. Mari cares.. The figure/Mari said. Basil wiped his tears. P-please.. stop.. it.. Basil asked dropping the shears. The figure saw Basil's plea for help. She saw the tears that flowed on Basil's face. Basil still begs for the figure to stop his pain. Please... Basil mumbled. Please! Basil said raising his voice in tears. The figure finally felt empathy for Basil due to his cries for help. Please st-stop!! Basil cried. The figure started to see the reason why Basil's pain was so bad. The figure watched as Basil let his guilt eat him alive. The pain inflicted on Basil was the amount of guilt Basil had. That's.. why.. you hurt so much... your.. guilt.. The figure whispered. Basil cried out in pain Please!! The figure had no choice but to release Basil from the pain before Basil gave himself an heart attack. With the sound of a snap Basil's pain disappeared. But the figure saw Basil he was shaking in fear unable to trust the figure. Basil.. the figure said. Basil couldn't answer he was still catching his breath. Basil?.. the figure said staring at him. Y-y-yes..? Basil said shaking.  his fear had grew stronger than before. The figure stared at him shaking still. The figure walked up to Basil. Basil backed away in fear. Basil..? The figure said while he backed away. P-please I-I don't w-want no m-more.. Basil said. The figure realized it had Basil extremely afraid of it now. Rest.. the figure said. Basil ran to his bed and hid under the blanket. Oh.. that works I guess... the figure said. In the morning Polly checked up on Basil. Basil..? Polly said seeing him hidden under the covers. Basil uncovered his head because he heard Polly. Polly.. he said shakily. Oh Basil.. are you okay..? Polly asked. N-no.. I'm scared... Basil whispered. Will it make you better if you lay with me?.. Polly said. Basil nodded and got out of bed. Basil walked up to Polly. Basil held onto Polly in fear. P-Please.. stay with me... Basil asked her. Polly realized whatever Basil had that bothered him was now a fear. Basil.. tell me what's wrong... Polly asked. T-the shadow.. it's hurting m-me.. Basil said telling her the truth. The figure felt angry Basil had told Polly in fear. But at the same time realized how much it had been horrible due to the fact Basil had told Polly in fear because he couldn't handle the pain. I-I don't w-wanna h-hurt an-anymore.. Basil told Polly in fear while shaking. Shhh.. it's gonna be okay Polly said to Basil. Basil held onto Polly feeling as if she was his only safety. Polly carried Basil trying to get him to her room to rest. Aubrey saw Polly doing so. Polly..? Aubrey said in a tired voice. Aubrey..? Polly said turning her head to her. Is.. is Basil okay..? Aubrey asked. I.. don't know to be honest... something is wrong.. he claims that 'something' is hurting him. I'm worried.. Polly said. Maybe I could talk to him?.. Aubrey said. You can try.. Polly said. Basil.. Aubrey.. she wants to talk with you... Polly said to Basil. Basil looked at Aubrey. Aubrey noticed Basil shaking. What is scaring you Basil?.. Aubrey asked. T-the.. the t- Before Basil could finish. The trauma.. Sunny said. Except.. his is worse than mine.. Sunny said. Basil dropped the garden shears. Thank you dropping that Basil.. I don't think you'd be safe with it.. Sunny said. Polly looked down knowing the issues Basil had. You kn-knew..? Basil mumbled. Sunny nodded. Basil ran to Sunny. I-I'm sorry... Basil whispered. Basil hugged Sunny. Let's.. tell the truth to set each other free... Sunny said. Basil wiped his tears and nodded. Basil kept hugging Sunny knowing he knew how he felt. Basil.. the figure said. Stop.. leave him alone... you do realize I can see you.. Sunny said to The Figure/Mari. The Figure looked at Sunny. My d-dear brother... The shadowy Figure said. Basil kept quiet and held onto Sunny more realizing that Mari was getting revenge but went after him cause he accidentally finished her off. Basil opened his eyes from the dream he just had. Finally.. the figure said. Basil still felt pain. Basil held onto his blanket. N-no.. h-hurt pl-please. Basil whispered in agony. Basil cried out in pain while hiding. Just.. tell.. me.. to.. stop.. The figure said increasing Basil's pain till he tells it to stop. M-Mari.. p-please... I-I'm s.. sorry... Basil whispered in agony. The figure froze in shock. ..how do you know that... it said increasing his pain more. P-please! Basil cried out. Basil covered his mouth. Basil's eyes hurt from crying. I.. I.. p-please... s.. op.... Basil cried out softly. I.. can't.. hear.. you.. the figure said. Basil started crying. St-Stop p-please..! Basil cried out in agony softly. The figure stopped his pain. Basil covered his head in fear shaking. Uncover.. your.. head.. The figure said. Basil uncovered his head and kept the rest of his body covered in the blanket. P-please d-don't h-h-hurt me.. Basil mumbled. The figure stared at Basil. Basil!~ Polly called out for him to make sure he was okay due to his door being locked. Basil didn't answer due to his heavy breathing. Polly felt bad for Basil and looked down. Basil wanted to unlock his door. You.. should.. listen.. next.. time.. The Figure said. Basil wiped his tears. Your so useless Basil.. The Figure said. Basil started to feel useless. Basil stared at his garden shears. He thought that there was no escape but death. Basil stabbed himself with the shears. Gah! Basil cried out in pain. I'm so-sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry Basil cried out while pulling the shears out of him. Basil tried breathing. I-I didn-didn't wanna d-die... h-help m-me...... Basil cried out softly. As Basil cried through his pain and bleeding stomach everything started to get blurry. The figure walked up to Basil. It inflicted pain on him one last time. p-please... but before Basil could finish he collapsed making an loud thud. Basil! Polly cried out hearing the thud. Sunny in fear ran and broke the door down. Sunny had fell to his knees. No.. no... Basil surely wouldn't h-hurt himself right?.. Sunny whispered to himself while staring at Basil's body. Basil with some type of consciousness looks at Sunny. I.... So.. Sorry... Basil mumbled in agony. Give up Basil or I will inflict the more pain. I-I do.. n-not.. want... p-pain.. Basil mumbled in more pain. The figure stared at Basil. Basil weakly stared at Sunny. Basil... why.. there was other.. ways... Sunny whispered. I-It was h-hurting m-me I w-wanted it to st-stop.. Basil whispered while slowly losing consciousness. Basil! Sunny yelled. Basil woke up again from his dream. N-no.. Basil mumbled while the figure stared. What..? Polly has been calling.. The figure said. S-She h-has..? Basil whispered. What is with your stuttering..? The figure asked. N-nothing.. I'm s-sorry... Basil said in fear. P-please.. remove t-the pain.. Basil asked softly. Oh.. sorry... I didn't realize that I was still inflicting pain.. The figure said while making an snap noise. T-thank you.. Basil said while getting up. Basil!~ Polly said playfully. Coming! Basil said while running to the kitchen. I'm so glad your feeling better.. Polly said noticing his energy. Basil nodded. I am feeling better.. Basil said. Polly hugged Basil with a smile. Basil! Aubrey said. Basil looked at the hallway. I-I'm sorry.. Aubrey said. It's okay.. Basil said softly with an forgiving smile. Basil.. your just too kind.... Polly said. Basil smiled shyly. I-I.. Basil mumbled with an shy giggle. I think he got shy.. Aubrey said. Basil nodded while his ears were turning red. Aww.. it's okay Basil.. we all get shy sometimes! Polly said. Basil shyly looked away. ..she's right The figure whispered in Basil's ear. Basil looked down. Yeah.. you're right guys.. Basil mumbled. That's the spirit! Polly said with an energetic smile. Guys.. I'm pretty tired.. Basil mumbled. If you're tired Basil go rest we can always finish our conversation later! Polly said. Basil smiled and went to his room. I-I tried to n-not be s-shy.. Basil whispered. Never said you didn't need to be.. eh.. it was kind of funny to watch that whole conversation.. The figure said. Basil felt an sense of relief realizing that he had thought the wrong thing. Oh.. haha... Basil mumbled with an nervous laugh. Basil yawned and looked at his bed. I'm tired.. Basil mumbled. Then.. sleep.. the figure said. Basil walked to his bed. ..are you.. m-mad at me... Basil whispered. No.. plus your acting weird... The figure said. I.. just g-got scared I g-guess.. Basil mumbled. Oh.. okay well.. maybe resting will help you..? The figure said. Basil nodded agreeing with the figure while he got in bed. Basil stared at the ceiling. Sometimes.. I wish.. that it.. was.. m.. never mind... Basil whispered. The figure looked down. Don't wish such horrible things.. it was an accident... The Figure/Mari said with an caring tone. Basil looked at the figure. I.. go to sleep The Figure said in an embarrassed tone. Okay.. Basil mumbled closing his eyes. Basil soon fell into an deep sleep. Basil!~ The Figure said in Mari's voice in the morning. Nooo.. Basil mumbled. The figure realized that's what would be taking Basil so long when it was alive. So.. that's why you took so long.. The Figure said in Mari's voice. I'm.. still sleepyy... Basil mumbled tiredly. Oh Basil! Stop it before the food 'we' cooked gets cold. The figure said in Mari's voice trying to remember something from the past. Basil yawned. Fine.. I'll wake up... but why use Mari..? Basil said. H-huh..? Uhh.. haha... so funny story.. I wasn't trying to wake you up..? The figure said. What... Basil said. Awww.. come on I woke up for no reason... Basil mumbled. Well.. you could always go back to sleep. Y'know.. logic? The figure said. Hmph.. fine.. Basil mumbled. The figure noticed how calm Basil was due to it using Mari's voice. Basil closed his eyes trying to go to sleep. Basil! Breakfast!~ Polly called. Ufff... well looks like I'm staying awake.. Basil mumbled. Coming! Basil said while getting out of bed tiredly. Basil ran to the kitchen. Polly! Basil said. Hello!~ Polly said grabbing an plate. Are you hungry?.. Polly asked. Basil nodded and sat down at the kitchen table. Basil..? Are you okay..? Polly asked noticing his eyes looked red. A-Ah?.. sorry I'm confused... Basil said. Your.. eyes are red... have you been crying..? Polly said. I.. did once during the night... sorry I didn't know it affected me that bad.. haha... Basil said.  Oh well if your okay.. I'm okay! Polly said trying to comfort Basil. Basil smiled and waited for his food. Alright.. here's your food!~ Polly said playfully. Basil smiled and started eating. The figure once again couldn't understand why it kept torturing Basil when Basil seemed so happy "isn't that what you wanted.. for him to be happy..?" The figure thought. "No.. you came back for revenge.. the poor boy.. afraid of his own mistakes..." The figure thought. "You've caused the boy so much suffering.. yet.. you do nothing to help him.. you just increase his pain.. why do you do so.. Mari..?" The figure thought. Basil after eating twirled in happiness. Yum! He said. Polly smiled. Ehh.. I'm getting kinda sleepy... Basil said while yawning. Go to sleep then silly... Polly said. Okay.. Basil said while walking to his room. Basil yawned and closed his door. What.. are.. you.. doing..? The figure asked. O-oh.. I-I don't have t-to go to s-sleep.. Basil mumbled in fear. Fine.. don't.. The Figure said. Basil rubbed his eyes and yawned. O-Okay... Basil said while yawning. Basil sat down in his bed covered up. Basil fell asleep by accident. Wake.. Up..! The Figure said in an angry tone. a-ah! I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. Basil said on repeat while his eyes started to get full of tears. Basil.. stop.. The Figure said while Basil kept apologizing. Basil.. Stop! The Figure said noticing the fear he had. Basil started shaking. P-please.. d-don't hurt m-me.. Basil said while covering his ears. Basil.. Stop! The Figure said while making an snapping sound. Basil started crying and shaking. Pl-Please.. he mumbled. The Figure increased Basil's pain. "Look at him and his teary eyes. So much.. fear you have caused in seconds and you inflict more pain.." The Figure thought. The Figure made an snapping noise while stopping Basil's pain. Basil looked up with his arms shaking. Basil tried to speak but nothing came out. Basil.. The Figure said. Basil looked down again and hid himself under the covers. The Figure walked up to Basil. N-no.. please d-don't h-hurt m.. me... Basil whispered in fear. Basil started shaking uncontrollably. Basil! Calm down! The Figure said. G-go.. away... Basil mumbled in fear. Basil.. stop before I.. Before The Figure could finish. B-before y-you hurt m-me ri-right.. t-then do I-it I.. c-can't c-calm d-down.. y-you'll j-just h-hurt me after... Basil whispered. The Figure kept quiet. "Does he fear you.. because you hurt him..." The Figure thought. Basil kept shaking and tried closing his eyes in fear. The Figure's built up anger caused the Figure to inflict the worst pain on Basil. snap.. Basil hid under his blanket. H..help.. me.. He whispered in agony. The Figure saw Basil cry out in pain when suddenly Basil cries out on repeat how he's sorry. P-Please.. just.. kill.. me.. it.. h-hurts.. Basil mumbled. The Figure froze in shock. N-No.. that's not my plan.. The Figure mumbled. P-Please.. I b-beg y-you.. an-anything f-for I-it to.. to st-stop... Basil whispered softly in agony. "Wow.. you must hate him a lot for him to be begging for you to kill him.." The Figure thought. P-Please.. Basil whispered one last time. Basil grabbed his shears from his bedside table. I.. w-want it t-to e-end... Basil said while holding the shears. Stop.. okay I'll remove it... The Figure said while making an snapping noise and removing Basil's pain. The figure walked up to Basil. Hand.. the.. shears.. over.. The Figure said knowing Basil's intentions. Basil was heavily breathing. O-O-Okay.. Basil said shakily. Basil trie d closing his eyes thinking he was dreaming. Basil.. look at me... The Figure said. Basil looked up while sniffling. I'm.. Im sorry.. I.. didn't m-mean too... I.. I just wanted to h-help Sunny.. Basil said. Basil.. it's not your fault... The Figure said. N-No.. it is.. It.. should've.. b-been me... Basil said. No.. you were 12.. and your stuck in that 12 year old mindset.. your thoughts are unpredictable.. I didn't think about your reaction... yet.. The Figure said. It.. is.. because I-If I let s-Sunny just l-let you sl-sleep.. m-maybe... it's all m-my fault.. I j-just thought... he'd m-maybe like an v-violin... Basil mumbled. The Figure watched as Basil blamed himself. I.. I was an perfectionist Basil... it still would've happened.. even if you weren't there or not I probably would've died in some way due to head injuries... The Figure said. Basil looked down. B-But if I n-never r-recommended A.. a v-violin y-you'd be a-alive... Basil whispered. Stop.. blaming yourself... The Figure/Mari said. Basil started shaking again and kept quiet. You.. need.. rest.. The Figure said. Basil rubbed his eyes and laid down. Basil started crying again and hid himself under the blankets while going to sleep. The Figure sighed and watched Basil fall asleep. What.. The Figure mumbled as it saw Basil grip his garden shears. The Figure started increasing Basil's Pain as much as he could go. Basil winced in pain. J-Just.. k-kill me p-please... Basil whispered in agony. Pl-Please.. I b-beg y-you.. Basil mumbled. Basil cried out in pain. The Figure watched as Basil begged it to kill him. Fine.. I'll increase your pain till you die... The Figure said. Basil started shaking and tried to find some type of pain medicine. Ah.. right.. you can't handle pain well and your little caretaker would find you screaming in pain... what a twist.. The Figure said while increasing Basil's pain. Basil gasped as he knew the pain had increased in some way. Aah! P-Please just m-make it k-kill me a-already... Basil weakly said. The Figure kept increasing Basil's pain. After so long Basil screamed in agony. N-No.. p-please don't l-let Polly s-see me l-like this... Basil whispered weakly. Basil tried walking to his bed where he could be comfortable. Basil got in bed and winced in pain while his tears fell down his face. Polly soon entered. Basil..? Are you okay..? Polly asked. N-no.. i-it hurts... Basil mumbled weakly. Oh.. Basil do you need any medicine..? Polly said. y-yes please.. Basil mumbled in pain. P-Polly.. Basil mumbled under his breath. Polly looked at Basil and gave an concerned look. What hurts Basil..? Polly asked. E-Everything.. everything h-hurts.. Basil said. Do you need an doctor.. maybe..? Polly said. I.. d-don't know... Basil said weakly. The Figure increased Basil's pain more. I.. want.. you.. to.. tell.. me.. your.. regrets.... The Figure said to Basil. Basil winced in pain. p-please m-medicine.. Basil said while feeling like it was gonna go black anytime soon. Alright.. Polly said while walking away to the kitchen. Tell.. me.. your.. regrets.. The Figure said while increasing Basil's pain. I.. regret... f-failing the f-first time with that rope.. and I.. regret... that M-Mari even h-had to m-meet me b-because I w-was only g-gonna stay a-alive for t-the recital... Basil mumbled quietly in pain. The Figure kept quiet and went into its spirit form (Mari). Basil kept crying while shaking n-nobody has a-allowed me a-access to an r-rope since I first t-tried being with m-my mom... Basil mumbled in pain. Mari's spirit walked up to Basil and wiped her tears. It was never your fault Basil.. you were only 12... you have so much.. hate for yourself... I.. I can see it... you don't deserve this.. Mari said. Basil looked at Mari's ghost and tried wiping his tears but more tears came. I.. just w-wanted you t-to see me h-happy one last t-time.. that's w-why i chose t-the reci.. recital... Basil mumbled weakly. Mari looked at Basil. Basil.. you were 12.. yet... you didn't have no plans for the future.. you had plans to leave.. Mari said trying to give Basil an hug. I-I didn't m-mean to h-hang you M-Mari.. Basil said while his tears flowed. I-I didn't m-mean to.. Basil mumbled. Mari kept hugging him trying to give him comfort through his pain. Close your eyes Basil.. i.. want you to sleep.. Mari said. O-Ok.. Basil mumbled while closing his eyes. Shhh.. Rest.. Mari said in an soothing way. Basil soon fell asleep. N-No.. this is wrong... Mari said while removing Basil's pain. I'm sorry.. i ever inflicted that on you... Mari said. I guess.. I guess I never tried to see it in your way.. Mari mumbled while forming back to her original form. The Figure/Mari waited for Polly to come in so it could wake up Basil. Basil tried in his sleep to find Mari's ghost and hug her. A-Ah..? Okay then.. Mari's spirit said while forming back. Okay.. there.. Mari said hugging him again Mari knew her comfort was working some how. S-Sleepy.. Basil mumbled. Just.. rest... Mari said. I have tried to remove the pain you feel... Mari mumbled. Basil fell asleep again. Basil..? Polly said. Basil.. Polly is calling you.. Mari said. Y-Yeah..? Basil said. I got your medicine how do you feel..? Polly said. It's.. somewhat better than b-before but it still hurts.. Basil said. Do you want the medicine Basil..? Polly asked. Basil nodded while wiping his tears that had stopped due to Mari's comfort she gave him. But Basil was still in a lot of pain. Basil.. I'm gonna try to make this pain go away quickly.. Because of cardiac arrest.. Polly said. Basil nodded acknowledging the dangers. I need you.. to stay alive for me Basil.. keep going for Sunny.. Mari said. Basil nodded and looked under his bed for the photo album. Basil looked through the album while looking at his birthday photo. Hey.. I remember that day.. your friends had got you film right?.. Polly said/asked. Basil nodded. It was the last birthday I had with them.. Basil mumbled. It will change Basil.. Mari said. Basil looked down. I don't know.. looking back I never really wished for anything.. I just thought it was gonna be an good year.. So much for that... Basil mumbled. Basil.. let's try and make this year good in some way.. Polly said while placing her hand on Basil's shoulder. Okay.. Basil said remembering what Mari asked for. Good job.. Basil... Mari said with an smile. Keep going for them.. if things get hard tell them how you feel... Basil.. Mari said. Basil nodded trying to lead his mind in the right direction. Polly.. I feel dizzy.. Basil said. Let's get your medicine quickly.. Polly said while walking away to get an cup of water. The Figure kept increasing his pain though while Mari tried stopping it. Ugh.. that thing won't stop. Mari mumbled to herself. Are you talking about t-the figure that is trying to hurt m-me..? Basil whispered. You don't have to whisper with me.. and Yes it's that guy.. I'm starting to get a little irritable with it.. Mari said. Oh.. are you okay... Basil whispered. I'm fine Basil.. I'm worried about you.. Mari said. Oh.. well... the pain I'm starting to get used to at this point... Basil said. Oh Basil.. pain isn't something to get used too.. Mari said. I know.. but for some reason I am... Basil whispered. Poor you.. Mari said. I feel.. like I'm going to pass out.... Basil mumbled. Basil.. please try and stay with me alright.. Mari said. Basil nodded and leaned on his pillow. Basil..? Polly said holding an cup of water and his pain pills. P-Polly..? Basil mumbled weakly. Please take the pills.. Polly said walking up to Basil. Basil nodded and weakly sat up. Polly had an concerned look. Basil.. your very weak... Polly said. I k-know.. Basil said weakly. Polly.. I feel s-so weak... Basil whispered. Shhh.. I know... Polly said while handing Basil an cup of water. Basil looked at the cup. Your pills Basil.. Polly said while handing Basil his pills. Basil put the pills in his mouth and drank the water. After Basil had took the pills he looked at Polly. Thank you.. Basil mumbled. Your welcome.. Basil... Polly said with an caring look. Basil smiled weakly and leaned back on his pillow. H-Hurts.. so.. much... Basil mumbled. Polly hugged Basil. I wish I could help you.. Polly said with an sad look. I-It not.. your.. fault.. Basil mumbled weakly. Polly finally stopped hugging Basil. Basil.. I want you to know.. that I love you like an mother.. Polly said while walking away. Basil smiled weakly. I.. c-can't h-handle this pain... Basil mumbled weakly. Mari looked at Basil. I know.. you can't handle pain... Mari said. The Figure increased Basil's pain as far as it could go. N-no.. it... h-hurts! Basil mumbled weakly. Basil! Mari said staring at Basil cry out in pain. M-Mari.. w-why can't I j-join y-you Basil said in agony. Because.. they need you... Mari said. Basil tried wiping his tears. O-okay.. Basil said while slowly closing his eyes. Basil.. please stay awake... Mari said. I'm s-sorry.. Basil said weakly. Mari hugged Basil and tried to keep him comfort. Basil hugged Mari too and closed his eyes he didn't fall asleep it was just his facial expression. Basil felt the pain pills working and opened his eyes. It's slowly disappearing.. Basil mumbled. Good! Mari said with an smile. Please.. show them the truth... Mari said while disappearing. Basil acknowledged the truth and took an deep breath and pulled out the shears. P-Polly! Basil called out in pain. Polly ran to Basil immediately. I.. found out why I'm h-hurting.. I'm sorry I had forgotten... Basil said while hugging on to Polly and passing out. Polly looked at Basil and noticed that he was bleeding. Oh.. Basil... Polly said while crying. Polly ran to Hero, Kel, Aubrey and Sunny. Please.. Call 911! Polly said in fear. Sunny started shaking and grabbed the home phone. 911 what's your emergency..? The 911 dispatcher said. Uhh.. Before Sunny could say. I'm an caretaker and the boy I'm taking care of is injured.. Polly said while grabbing the phone from Sunny. How did that happen..? The 911 dispatcher said. I think.. he.. stabbed himself... Polly said. We're sending someone over keep the boy awake.. The 911 dispatcher said. Uhm.. he collapsed on me.. Polly said. He's collapsed!? Do you have any transportation!? The 911 dispatcher said. Yes! No transportation! Polly said. No.. I'll start my car.. Hero said. Make sure to be quick.. how long has the boy been injured..? The 911 dispatcher said. I don't know.. Polly said. Alright get your boy to the hospital we'll talk to the doctors to see what's going on.. The 911 dispatcher said. Polly seen Basil slowly gain consciousness. p-polly.. Basil mumbled weakly. Basil! Sunny said while running to him. sunny..? Basil mumbled. I.. I got so worried... Sunny said in tears. It's.. not.. your fault... Basil mumbled. N-no if I didn't.. Sunny couldn't finish. I.. s-saw Mari.. Basil mumbled. S-She said.. she forgave us... Basil mumbled. Sunny wiped his tears. That's nice to hear.. Sunny said. Mari.. she told me... that you needed me.. Basil mumbled. Basil stopped talking and winced in pain. The m-medicine is wearing o-off Basil mumbled. Basil.. please let us get you to an hospital.. Polly said. Basil nodded while closing his eyes. Polly carried Basil to Hero's car. Polly got in the car and held Basil. Okay.. I'm driving Polly. Hero said while turning his keys. Basil weakly hugged Polly. Hero stopped the car. Go get Basil in there! Hero said. Polly opened the car door and ran to the hospital building. Hello hello! An random worker said. Please! My son is injured! Polly said. Oh! Go through the emergency way! The worker said. Polly ran to there and found an doctor. I ain't ever gonna have an patient.. The doctor mumbled. Please! Help me he's injured!! Polly said. Finally an patient! The doctor said. Okay what's his injury..? The doctor said. He's.. stabbed himself with his garden shears... but the boy he came for help.. Polly said. Ah.. okay so I would need to check if he has any internal bleeding okay..? The doctor said. Alright Polly said handing Basil to the doctor. If he.. wakes up tell him I brought him to an hospital... Polly said. I promise it will be done The doctor said with an smile. In Basil's hospital room. P-Polly.. Basil mumbled. Crap! Uhh.. you need to be asleep.. The doctor said. Basil looked at the doctor weakly. Oh.. your weak... The Figure said. Basil just wanted it to disappear. Your injuries are pretty bad kid.. The doctor said. Oh.. I guess it's not normal to feel like I'm gonna pass out is it..? Basil said. No.. it's not... actually your the first patient I've had in a while.. The doctor said. Polly.. I want polly.. Basil mumbled. Oh you poor thing.. your mother awaits outside the room The doctor said with an smile. M- Oh.. okay... Basil said with an soft smile. Okay.. I think we could probably stitch this up.. do you need any medicine to make you sleep through this..? The doctor asked. Basil shook his head no. No.. I was injured for At least an day.. but I can't remember how long it's been since I collapsed on Polly... Basil said. Oh.. wow... that is an pretty long time kid.. how did you not die..? The doctor said. I don't know.. I felt comfort from Mari.. Basil said. And who is this Mari..? The doctor asked. Basil started sniffling M-My best friend's sister she was like the mother of the group.. but she's dead...  Basil said. Aww.. well that sucks don't it.. but you say you saw her..? The doctor said. Basil nodded and closed his eyes. Oh.. I think that'll make me feel better and less stressed.. The doctor said as Basil fell asleep. Basil had woke up. Basil! Polly said with an smile. Basil looked at Polly. Polly..? Basil said tiredly. Yes! Oh thank goodness do you hurt at all..? Polly said. No.. actually it's quite painless.. Basil said. Polly smiled. Good.. so there's no pain correct..? Polly said. Correct.. Basil said with an yawn. Polly wiped her tears. I.. I'm not gonna lie.. I thought I was gonna lose you for an moment... Polly said. A-ah..? I'm sorry.. I didn't think.. I was scared... Basil said. It's okay I'm glad your okay.. Polly said. Basil gave an warm smile. Soo.. uhh.. M-Mother..? Basil mumbled. A-ah..? I said that didn't I.. sorry Basil I got so worried I didn't think.. Polly said. No it's fine.. it's just... Basil said. Basil soon started to get shy. Uhh.. it's just... I-I.. how about we have an conversation later about this.. haha... Basil said with an shy laugh. Yeah.. haha... Polly said with an nervous laugh. Sunny opened the door. Is he awake..? Sunny asked. Yes.. I'm awake and tired.... Basil said with an yawn. Sunny smiled. Basil.. I decided to tell the rest the truth... Sunny said with an smile. Oh.. really..? T-They don't hate me do they..? Basil said. No.. they forgive us... Sunny said. Basil gave an weak smile. Haha.. I thought you'd like that information... Sunny said. Well.. not just that... but I feel I can be at peace now... Basil mumbled. What truth..? Polly said. Basil looked down. On what really happened to Mari.. remember I told you... Basil said to Polly. Basil... I'm glad you feel free from that secret now... Polly said while hugging him. Basil closed his eyes happily and hugged her back. Can you try and remember what happened fully..? Aubrey said. Yeah.. I can try.. Basil said.

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