Rewind Back In Time

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Aubrey twirled happily. His name is Basil! Aubrey said. Basil looked down shyly. A-Aubrey please...  Basil mumbled. Oh Basil! They're nice! Aubrey said. O-Okay... Basil mumbled. Hi Basil! Kel said with an smile. H-Hi.. Basil said shyly. Sunny looked at Basil and waved. Basil waved back. Mari looked at Basil. Hi!~ She said. H-Hi.. Basil said while covering his arms. Oh.. are your arms sore..? Mari asked. A-Ah..? Yes.. uhh.. an kitty scratched m-me.. Basil said nervously. Mari walked up to Basil. Oh they look pretty bad.. Mari said. Basil looked at Mari. It's f-fine... I just accidentally got hurt is all.. Basil said nervously. Oh well do you need any bandages at all..? Mari asked. S-Sure that'd be nice... Basil mumbled. Mari grabbed Basil's hand and walked off. Let's make him feel really welcome Mari said. Mari took Basil to an room where they are alone. Mari closed the door and looked at Basil's arms. These are not cat scratches are they..? Mari said. N-No.. it started after my parents died... Basil mumbled. Oh.. you poor thing... well can you At least promise me you'll stop..? Mari said with an concerned look. Okay.. I promise... Basil said. Mari had an warm smile. As long as I'm alive you don't do it alright..? Mari said. Basil nodded agreeing with her. Basil and Mari walked back into the living room. Woo Hoo! Finally I've been waiting to introduce myself! Kel said jumping up and down. That's my little brother Sunny over there! Mari said pointing at Sunny. Sunny smiled and went back to playing on his Gameboy. That's k- Before Mari could finish. MY NAME IS KEL! Kel said with excitement. My name is Hero I'm Kel's older brother.. I don't know how he is that excited. Hero said calmly. Basil smiled and looked at Hero. Basil starts feeling an sense of calmness. M-My name is Basil... Basil said nervously. Aubrey twirled happily. Eeee! You did really good Basil!!! Aubrey said to Basil. Basil smiled and looked around shyly. Ah! We'll show you around Basil! Mari said. Basil followed Mari's lead. Sooo.. he was the friend obsessed with school..? Kel said. Yeah.. he can get shy around new people... Aubrey said. Well you should've seen Su- Before Kel could finish. I.. was.. not.. shy.. Sunny said. Oh! Sunny I don't think he was referring to you! Aubrey said. Hmm.. you promise..? Sunny said. Yes I promise.. Aubrey said. Okay! Sunny said with an smile. Aubrey sighed. Yes like Sunny when it comes to being shy.. Aubrey whispered in Kel's ears. Ohh.. Kel whispered. Sooo.. who takes care of you Basil..? Mari asked. Oh.. my caretaker.. Polly... she's nice I guess.. Basil said. One rainy night. Mari covered Basil up. You sure you don't wanna watch the movie..? Mari asked. Basil started shaking. I'm just tired... m-maybe sick.. Basil mumbled. Oh.. is there an reason..? You seemed bothered after you ate.. Mari said. Basil sighed. I.. I have an weak stomach... Basil mumbled. Oh.. we'll have to check next time..! Mari said with an smile trying to comfort Basil. Alright.. Basil said while closing his eyes. Mari patted Basil's head and left. A-Ah..? Right... Basil mumbled. Basil closed his eyes and fell asleep. In the morning. Basil opened his eyes. Sunny..? Basil mumbled to himself. Basil walked over to where Sunny was and caught him trying to play an mini violin. Sunny..? Basil said. Sunny dropped the mini violin. A-Ah..? Uhh.. Sunny stuttered. It's okay Sunny! Basil said with an smile. Ah.. thank goodness I guess I just really like the violin... Sunny said. Basil smiled and gave Sunny an hug. Haha.. you sure do like hugging don't you..? Sunny said. Yeah.. I see as an way to express someone's care! Basil said. Ah.. I never saw it that way.. Sunny mumbled. Haha.. I don't think many people do.. Basil said while releasing his arms. You know.. haha.. I was actually shy when we first met you.. Sunny said. Oh.. haha.. I was shy of everyone Basil said with an shy smile. Haha.. and I'm getting shy again... Basil mumbled. Ah.. someone relatable at least.. Sunny said. Basil smiled. Sunny smiled back and got up. Basil held Sunny's hand. Aww.. Mari mumbled to herself while watching Sunny and Basil bond with each other. Basil smiled realizing Sunny could be an good friend. Uhh.. Sunny.. do you wanna hear about my flowers..? Basil asked nervously. Sure.. I could use some entertainment... Sunny said. Basil smiled and walked with Sunny over to an random flower outside. That's an sunflower! Basil said. Ah.. yeah my mom called it that.. Sunny said. I want to be like an sunflower! Always facing towards the sun no matter how dark it gets! Basil said with an smile. Mari smiled seeing how Basil replaced his habits with just flowers. Basil smiled happily. Haha.. I wonder what flower or plant I'm like.. Sunny said. Basil put an flower in his head and giggled. Mari smiled seeing the affect They had on Basil. Hey Sunny and Basil! Kel said while holding an camera. I found this on the couch..? Kel said. Oh! My camera! Basil said. Oh this is yours Basil.. it has no photos... Kel said. Ah.. I just got it recently I don't know what to take an photo on.. Basil said. Maybe you can take photos with us! Kel said with an smile. Basil smiled. Yeah.. that could work. Basil said with an cough. Allergies..? Kel said. Basil nodded. But I love the nature so much soo.. I just deal with it! Basil said. Say.. wanna go to hobbeez with me and Aubrey? Kel asked. Basil and Sunny nodded. Okay.. Basil said. Ehh.. okay... Sunny said. Basil walked with Kel to hobbeez. Hey! Kids one of y'all with me. Basil hid behind Kel. Hey.. stop it's not funny Kim! Kel said. Ugh.. your no fun.. Kim said while running off. Basil looked to see if they were gone. It's okay Basil it's just Kim being annoying... Kel said with an angry look. Basil giggled and took an picture. W-wait.. dang it and now I have my handsome face on! Kel said while posing for the camera. Ah.. okay.... Basil said while taking another picture. Basil gave an shy smile. In the morning while they were walking to school. It's gonna be so funn Basil! Aubrey said. Basil nodded. Kids! Get on the ground or else! The person said. Basil stood there. Why..? Basil asked unaware of the man's intentions. You know why! Give me your valuables! The man said. Basil hid his camera and shook his head no. Basil! S-Stop he's an bad guy! Aubrey said while shaking. Huh.. he is..? Basil said. Y-You've never been almost robbed..? Aubrey said. Basil shook his head no. The man pulled out an gun. Basil! Aubrey said in fear. Basil turned back to see an gun. A-ah..? That's not good is it.. Basil said. Basil du- Before Aubrey could finish. BANG! Sh.. before the person could finish. Hands up! What you doing on school property! Someone said. Aubrey felt someone tugging her shirt. Sunny..? Is Basil okay..? Aubrey asked. N-No.. he's bleeding.. Sunny said. Who's bleeding!? The officer said. O-Our friend Basil Aubrey said. Let me see the kid.. The officer said. Basil looked like he was gonna cry. Sunny tried comforting Basil. So how did it happen..? The officer asked. That man came at us.. when Basil didn't know what he was planning the man pulled out an gun and shot Basil.. Aubrey said. Oh.. we need to get him bandaged! The officer said. Basil wanted to speak but felt like he was gonna embarrass himself. Basil are you okay Aubrey said while tears rolled down her face from worry. Basil nodded and tried getting up ignoring his pain. S-See I'm f-fine..? Basil said in pain. Are you sure Basil..? Aubrey said. Y-Yeah I j-just need b-bandaged.. Basil said. Aubrey hugged Basil. I'm glad your okay.. Aubrey said while she stopped crying. Basil felt weak and closed his eyes while hugging her back. The boy must be pretty strong to handle a shot like that.. The officer said. Well.. Basil says it doesn't hurt.. Aubrey said. It might not hurt but he's sweating on his palms.. let's just check the boy out to be safe... The doctor said. Can your friend move his arm..? The doctor asked. Uhhh.. no only his arm that isn't hurt.. Aubrey said. Let's try to get him treated.. The officer said. In Basil's hospital room. Basil opened his eyes. Basil! Aubrey said happily. Aubrey..? Basil mumbled. Yeah! I was so so worried Basil! Aubrey said. Well.. I'm fine Aubrey.. Basil said. The doctor said you'll have to take a lot of weeks to heal Basil... will you still be able to play with us..? Aubrey said/asked. I probably could.. Basil said. Aubrey smiled. Cool! Aubrey said. I'm gonna tell Polly your awake! Aubrey said while running to Polly. Basil nodded and yawned. Polly.. Polly! Aubrey said to Polly. What Aubrey..? Polly asked. Basil is awake! Aubrey said while twirling around. He is!? Polly said while getting up. Yeah! You can even check! Aubrey said. Polly ran to Basil. Basil! Polly said with an smile. Hello Polly.. Basil said. Polly hugged Basil. I couldn't imagine you being severely injured I mean who shoots an 11 year old kid..! Polly said. Basil tried hugging her back. Basil does anything hurt..? Polly asked. Y-Yes.. I.. tried staying strong for Aubrey... Basil said. Polly looked at Basil. That's nice of you Basil.. so what hurts..? Polly asked. M-My arm.. Basil said while tears filled his eyes. I know.. you don't handle pain well... Polly said while comforting Basil. Try to get some Rest... Polly said. Mari came in. Oh.. no! Basil are you okay..? Mari said in her soothing voice. Polly had left. N-No.. Basil mumbled. Well do you mind my company..? Mari said. No.. you can stay... Basil said. Mari smiled and stared at Basil. You know.. I've been shot before.. it stops hurting after a few days of healing.. Mari said trying to comfort Basil. Okay.. maybe that was cheesy and a bad lie.. Mari said with an smile. Basil let out an giggle. Mari smiled. After Basil recovered. Basil! Come! Aubrey said while twirling. Okay.. okay.. Basil said while going to her. Basil gasped. I can't wait till we give it to him on Christmas! Basil said happily while jumping. I know right! Aubrey said while twirling. Give me what..? Sunny said. Uhh.. An cool figure Aubrey said while hiding Sunny's gift. Oh.. okay Sunny said disappointedly. Phew.. I couldn't imagine if he saw the violin.. Aubrey said to herself. A wh- wh- Before Mari could continue. No! Don't say it out loud! Aubrey said while bringing Mari in the room and shutting the door. Mari gasped. Aww.. Sunny will love this! Mari said with an smile. Basil smiled back shyly. Y-Yeah.. Basil said. I think Basil's idea was perfect! Aubrey said. "Hmm..?" A-Ah.. it was my idea for the violin... Basil said. Aww.. that's nice of you Basil..! Mari said with an smile. Basil smiled back. Oh wait! My cookies! Mari said while running to the kitchen. Basil smiled. I like Mari's cookies.. Basil said. Me too! Aubrey said. Basil ran to the kitchen with Aubrey. Phew.. my cookies didn't burn.. Mari said while getting them out of the oven. Who wants cookies? Mari said. I do.. Basil said. Mari smiled at Basil. Sunny ran over. Me! Sunny said with an smile. Me! Aubrey said. Haha... I'm just joking you all get some! Mari said while seeing their smiles. Basil smiled. Mari handed cookies to everyone. Basil smiled and quickly took an bite. Sunny looked at the cookie and took an bite. Hero immediately took an bite. Ahh.. I love Mari's cookies.. Hero said. Haha.. I guess their good... Mari said. No.. I prefer Mari's cookies.. Mari's cookies are best.. Hero said while munching. Ahh.. THIS IS SO GOOD! Kel said full of energy. Thank you Mari.. Basil said shyly. Yum! Aubrey said. Your all welcome.. also Hero that was cheesy.. Mari said. Haha.. your right that was pretty cheesy.. Hero said while blushing. Mari smiled at Hero while blushing. Sunny gave Mari an look. Oh.. Sunny don't worry we're just playing with each other... Mari said. Sunny stopped giving an look and grabbed his Gameboy out. Say.. when is Christmas..? Aubrey said. Should be the next two weeks! Mari said. Good! Aubrey said. An week later. Basil ran to Mari and hugged her. Huh..? Mari mumbled. M-My grandma s-she's sick! Basil said while crying. H-Hey.. don't cry... she's just sick for all we know it could be the flu silly! Mari said. R-Really..? Basil mumbled. Yeah! Mari said while wiping Basil's tears. Basil had stopped crying and wiped his face. See..? You'll be fine! Mari said with an smile. Basil smiled back and hugged her again. CHRISTMAS DAY. Sunny smiled. G-Guys I don't know what to say.. Sunny said. Do you like it..? Basil said. Mari smiled. Sunny held the violin he was slightly shaking. Come on play an note! Aubrey said happily. Sunny blushed. Okay.. Sunny said while taking an deep breath. Sunny finally played his first note on the violin. SNAP! Basil looked down shyly while he put his camera back down. Aubrey patted Basil's head. It's alright Basil Atleast we all have an picture of Sunny playing his first note! Aubrey said. Basil looked up at her and smiled. Sunny felt an relief when he saw Mari's happy face. That was amazing Sunny! Basil said while hugging him. Haha.. thanks... Sunny said. Basil couldn't help but feel proud of his best friend. Sunny smiled at the fact how much Basil was proud of him. You did very well Sunny. Mari said with an smile. It was so beautiful! Aubrey said. IT SOUNDED AWESOME!!! Kel said with his energetic attitude. Haha.. Thanks! Sunny said while feeling less shy and nervous. JUST AN COUPLE WEEKS LATER. Basil had fell asleep at Sunny's place. Basil!~ Wake Uppp!! Kel whined. just a few more minutes... Basil said in his sleep. COME ONNN!!! Kel said. He's probably tired Kel! Don't you have manners! Aubrey said trying to make Kel annoyed. H-Hey! That's not true! Kel said. He's tired.. let him sleep Sunny said calmly. Sunny! Do you want to play with us!? Aubrey said. Sure why not.. I was coming for Basil but I can see clearly he's asleep.. Sunny said. Okay! Aubrey said while following Sunny. H-Hey wait for m- Before Kel finished he saw Basil's camera next to him. Leave it alone Kel.. Sunny said. Aww.. mannn... Kel whined. Kel decided to follow Sunny. Basil kept sleeping. Sunny? Kel? Aubrey? Oh.. Basil..? Is he asleep..? Mari said. He's probably cold.. Mari said while grabbing an quilt. Are you cold Basil..? Mari asked. maybeee.. Basil said in his sleep. Mari giggled. Oh Basil.. this is funny so this is what Polly deals with an deep sleeper.. Mari mumbled to herself. I'm nottt.. deep sleep.. Basil mumbled in his sleep. Sooo.. he's in an deep sleep isn't he.. Hero said. Mari nodded. Maybe we should get him in an bed then..? Hero said. Yeah.. I think Basil here is gonna be sleeping for a little while.. Mari said. I bet you anything Basil probably stayed up playing that game with Sunny. Hero said. I agree.. Basil has been watching Sunny play it.. Mari said. Mari picked up Basil and carried him to the living room. Let's get him to the couch.. Hero said. Mari nodded and walked to the couch. Alright Basil.. sleep tight... Mari said. Mari smiled. Don't do it Mari.. You know how many times that scared me when we were young.. Hero said. Don't let the.. bed bugs bite..? Mari said. Hero flinched. I.. they still exist Hero said. Mari laughed. Oh.. Hero your so funny! Mari said. Hero smiled back at Mari. Sunny yawned. Aubrey.. let's get home I'm tired.. Sunny said. Yeah... Aubrey said while walking to Sunny's home. Basil was lightly snoring in his sleep. Mari and Hero fell asleep next to each other. Anyways I- AWWWW Basil looks so peaceful! Aubrey said. Yeah I don't think I've ever seen someone sleep like that- Sunny said. WOW.. Kel said full of energy. Mari woke up due to the noise of the front door. Sunny! Mewo.. Mari said. Oh.. Right haha.. Sunny said while closing the door. Look at how peaceful Basil is Mari! Aubrey said happily. Haha.. yeah I caught the boy sleeping so I tried to get him somewhere more comfortable.. Mari said. I wonder when he's gonna wake up.. he was asleep when we left.. Aubrey said. Sunny looked nervous. Uhh.. me and Basil might have stayed up.. Sunny said. So.. Hero was right! Mari said. Sunny looked unamused. But come on! Basil and me found an way to get me to level 30! Sunny said thinking about his Gameboy. Mari sighed. You and that video game.. Mari said. Basil woke up. Hello Basil! Aubrey said with an smile. hello.. Basil said tiredly. Are you still tired Basil..? Mari said. Maybe.. Basil said. Maybe I can see if Polly will let you stay the night alright..? Mari said. Basil nodded and yawned. Mari opened the door and walked outside. Sunny can you make sure mewo doesn't get out please..? Mari asked. Yeah.. Sunny said walking up to mewo and holding her. Aubrey and Kel ran to Sunny's room and laid down. Okay I'm back! Polly told me Basil can stay the night! Mari said with an smile. Sunny relieved let down mewo. Mari closed the door and sighed. Basil yawned and went back to sleeping. Sunny ran to his room and plopped onto his bed.

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