chapter thirteen.

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Narrator's POV

The past week Hanni has gotten more distant from Minji. She still felt out of place and left out, even though they all keep reassuring her that everything's fine and that she doesn't need to worry. Hanni started losing hope on the possibility of her and Minji, she just went on about her days.. trying to be alone.

"Ready?" Minji appears from behind the locker door, just as Hanni was about to shut it.

"Jesus Christ Minji, you scared the shit out of me." Hanni holds her chest while she closes her locker with the other hand.

Hanni starts walking away towards their class. Minji tries to reach for Hanni's hand but, fails to do so because of the unexpected speed of Hanni's walking. Minji then tries again and, fortunately was able to get a grip on her hand.

"What are you doing?" Hanni looks at their hands, with furrowed eyebrows.

"Holding your hand?"

"Why would you do that.." Hanni says aloud.

"'s not like we're dating." Hanni mumbles to herself very quietly.

"What was that?"

"Nothing.. but my hands are really sweaty and I don't want holding your hand make it even more sweaty." Hanni made up an excuse and frees her hand from Minji's grip. Hanni then walks off alone, leaving Minji extremely dumbfounded as her arm drops to her side.

"You're running out of time." Haerin appears behind her, causing Minji to turn around. Dani and Hyein nod their heads in agreement as they all start walking together.

"But, the plan isn't complete." Minji frowns.

"Would you rather have it completely the way you want it or see Hanni slowly distancing herself from you?" Dani lifts her head, trying to apoint Minji's direction to Hanni talking to Jeremy.

Minji stares at the two talking, feeling a sudden annoyance and urge to run over there and get in between. As Minji was about to storm towards the two, Dani grabs Minji's wrist.

"What do you think you're doing? Interfering with their conversation?" Dani asks. Minji just nods, not taking her eyes away from the two.

"Minji, you can't interfere every time you see Hanni talking to someone else. You guys aren't official.. so technically Hanni's allowed to talk to whoever she wants. I know that makes you feel jealous but, maybe use that jealousy to push yourself and hurry your ass up to ask her out." Dani says in a serious tone. Minji stayed silent, watching Hanni laugh with the male.

Hanni's POV:

"Hey Hanni." Jeremy smiles.

"Hey.. Jer.. Jeremy was it?" I smile back.

"Yeah, how have you been? And I apologize for coming at you.. I didn't know you were dating Kim Minji. If I knew I wouldn't have approached you." Jeremy laughs nervously.

My smile faded away as soon as Minji's name came up. We're not dating though.. that's why I'm so upset and confused.

"Actually.. we're not dating." I hesitantly said. Jeremy's face lights up.

"Really? So I can take you out?" A huge smile plasters across his face.

"Um.. yeah sure, what about today?" I smile.

"Sounds great! I know a really nice cafe, we can get to know each other. I was so scared when I thought Minji was serious." Jeremy laughs.

I just laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to say or how to react to that.

Narrator's POV

Hanni has been spending her lunch time on the rooftop. Nobody ever goes there, she just watches over the school and falls deeply into her thoughts. She finds it extremely peaceful and it has definitely become her comfort spot.

Minji comes up the stairs quietly. Minji couldn't stand not knowing what Hanni was talking about with Jeremy. It made her really jealous and upset. She stares at Hanni as her hair flies swiftly in the wind. She misses Hanni. She misses her touch. Her clinginess before all of this distance. She feels like there's a wall between them now. She wants to come clean.. and now's the perfect time. She goes up to her quietly and slowly wraps her arms around her waist. Hanni jumps at the sudden warm touch and looks at Minji with confusion.

"What are you doing?" Hanni asks, trying to release herself from Minji's grip.

"Can we please stay like this for a bit, please Hanni." Minji whispers.

"Minji seriously, what are you doing?" Hanni asks, completely ignoring what Minji had just said to her.

"I miss you.."

This made Hanni stop trying to escape. She sighs and continues to look out into the sky.

"Why do I feel like I'm slowly losing you.." Minji burrows her face into the crook of Hanni's neck. Hanni just stays silent and swallows a big lump in her throat.

"Why are you pushing me away again.." Minji can feel her eyes filling with tears. Hanni again stays silent, looking out into the school.

"What did I do wrong.." Hanni could hear her heart shatter into pieces. Minji didn't do anything wrong but, treat her right.


Minji releases her grip on the smaller girls waist. Hanni turns around and stares at her, noticing that there were tears streaming out.

"I'm still your best friend. Why are you crying? What's wrong?" Hanni wipes Minji's tears.

"Do you not love me anymore?"

"What.. Minji, you're my best fr-" Hanni was at a lost for words at the sudden question.

"JUST.. your best friend?" Minji interrupts.

Hanni takes a deep breath to calm herself. "Yes, just my best friend." It hurt Hanni deeply to say that aloud but, she couldn't allow herself to be holding onto false hope. Her walls have gone high, she didn't want to get hurt. With that, Minji made up her mind.. she was going to ask Hanni out tonight.

"Let me take you somewhere tonight.. I need to talk to you about something." Minji wipes her own tears, and straightens herself.

"I can't.." Hanni looks away, avoiding eye contact because she knew it would hurt her seeing Minji's sad eyes after.


"I have a date with Jeremy.." Hanni swallows.

"You have a wha-"

"A date."

Minji takes a few steps away from Hanni. She just stares at her.. her tears fall one by one.. slowly picking up the pace. At that point, Minji couldn't stop her tears from falling. Hanni looks at Minji with an apologetic look, trying to take steps towards her but, every time she took a step forward.. Minji took a step back.

"Why are you backing up?" Hanni's voice starts to break. She could feel the river that was about to come crashing down.

"I think I have to go-" Minji wipes her tears.

Before Minji could turn around and walk away.. Hanni runs into Minji's arms. She wraps her arms around Minji, indirectly begging her not to leave. Minji leaves her arms draped aside.. not hugging the shorter girl back.

"No.." Hanni starts.

"I have to go." Minji pushes Hanni away from her before she runs down the stairs leaving Hanni alone with her tears. She crouches down, crying into her knees as the wind gets more aggressive.

Minji.. come back.

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