Chapter 2

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Present Day(When Moon was 19)

Wheein:Yahh get up.

Moon:Fuck off im off for this week.

Wheein:Exactly. We need to hangout.

Moon(sighs):Tomorrow I'm not in the mood.

Wheein(hits Moon with a pillow):Get up! There coming.

Moonbyul and Wheein made their beds as the supervisor came into the room. Moonbyul eyes were red because she was just that tired. Since Moonbyul has a violent pass the supervisor immediately thought Moonbyul was smoking pot in other words weed.

Supervisor:Where is it trouble maker?

Moon:Where's what asshole? I'm tired fuck this. (Lays down)

Supervisor:Get up now!

Moon(flips him off):Go away

Supervisor:I know you got weed.

Moon(scoffs):I just got off of work you little shit!

Wheein:Moon relax don't say anything else. Just let him talk. Look he's not high. He's just sleepy from work Ight? Get off her tip.

Supervisor:What tip?

Wheein:Please just let her sleep.


Wheein:Dude your mouth.

Moon:Thanks. Please let me sleep.

Wheein:Will you go to a party with me tonight?

Moon:Are we drinking?

Wheein:Drinks and weed will be there.

Moon:I'll be there.

Wheein:Don't smoke weed Moon. Drinking is fine but come on you know there's other drugs there.

Moon:Fuck off. I can do whatever I want. (Falls asleep)

Wheein:Sometimes you can be so fucking mean.

Moon(feels bad and sits up):I apologize Wheein.Thank you for saving me. I really do appreciate what you just did for me just so I can sleep more. I promise to be careful at this party.

Wheein:Yeah whatever dude. I'm still trying to understand you.

A few hours later Moonbyul woke up and joined Wheein outside where all the teens where being watched by all supervisors. Wheein and Moonbyul were talking until a group of guys walked up to Moon. One of them had something behind there back.

Moon:What do you want we don't want you.

Wheein:Yeah f- get lost.

Boy 1(shows a picture of Taehyung):Is this your friend who committed suicide?

Moon(shocked):Where did you get that photo?!

Boy 2(pulls out a knife):Answer him!

Wheein:Whoa chill out.

The boy waved the photo of Taehyung in Moons face and it was like a switch in her. Moonbyul tackled the guy with the knife and took it from him. Moon grabbed the knife and put it in her pocket before attacking the guy. Wheein immediately separated them while the supervisor stopped them. Moonbyul was went to into a punishment dorm. She didn't have nothing. Only a bed and window and one pillow no blanket. Moonbyul sat at the desk and pulled out the knife. Moonbyul gently hovered the knife over her wrist and gently pressed the knife against her arms. Moonbyul started to cut herself and no cries formed. She cut herself 12 times. Six on one arm six on the other. After awhile Moonbyul went to the and the same group of boys were there as well. They approached Moon and Wheein again.

Boy 2:We want no problems I just want my knife back.

Moon:Go by another one. This one is mine now.

Boy 1:You trying to get sent from our dorm or something. Give him is shit back.

Wheein:What are you going to do asshole? I'm pretty sure you three suck each other dicks.

Boy 3(pushes Wheein):Bitch please.

Moon(pushes him):Don't touch her.

Boy 2:I told you they both are fucking each other.

Boy 1:No wonder why as asshole friend Taehyung killed himself. She's annoyed with her ass. Her own mother don't even fuck with her.

Wheein(looks at Moon):This might sound wrong but fuck it. Let's kill then.

A switch went off in Moonbyuls head. She grabbed an glass bottle and slammed it against the guy head. She took the broken top part and stabs the guy in his neck. Moon shoved the glass deep in his neck. Wheein stabbed the other boy in his stomach. Moon walked to the third guy and grabbed a gun she found on the table. She aimed the guy at him and shot him in the chest. Wheein and Moonbyul sat on the couch eating every edible and drinking everything. Moonbyul though this would be her last night but she couldn't die. Cops came into the building and saw Wheein and Moonbyul sitting on the couch. They didn't think it was them but once they saw the blood on Moonbyul shirt they grabbed her and immediately took her outside. They grabbed Wheein as well knowing she's the only one to calm Moonbyul down.

Officer:Any weapons on you?

Moon:A knife.

Officer(removes the knife):Tell me what's going on?

Wheein:They were teasing her. They were talking about your friend Taehyung.

Moon(Looks down):Are they dead?

Officer:No. they are alive. Wait did you say Taehyung?

Wheein:Ne. That was her best friend.

Officer:Moonbyul! I remember you from that night! You poor child.

Moon:You know me?

Officer:Yes you hurt my partner and I didn't stop you. My partner got fired that night and he was killed a week later.

Moon:I'm sorry.

Officer(hugs Moonbyul):I'm going to send you and your friend here to Seoul South Korea. There you will work at the grocery story and your friend will work there two. You both will have a place don't worry about paying bills that will be taken care of for you both. You'll have a weekly check up. Monday's only. You'll live there and have a better chance at a better life.

Moonbyul:Am I getting arrested?

Officer:No what you two did was well let's just say self defense. But we have to send you away.


Officer:Alright I'll deal with these two. (Puts Wheein and Moonbyul in the backseat)

The officer drove Wheebyul all the way to Seoul. It was the only place he could think of for Moon to turn her life around. He still hoping that she will finally get a chance at life.

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