First Time Meeting

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this story contains:

strong language

English isn't my first language and I'm sorry in advance if there's any mistake.

So Enjoy!



"It's great to have a free time at my favourite place after a exhausting week which feel like eternity." A boy mumbled to himself while sipping his drip coffee,enjoying the scenario he can see through from glass window.

This is just a cafe where the strong scent of newly brewed coffee is spreading while the soft background music is playing at the same time which perfectly fit with the sound of raindrops.

The boy seem to enjoying his weekend after a tiring week full of stressful events. As a javaphile himself he found it really
relaxing to spend his weekend at cafe for the whole day without doing anything but sipping his coffee.

He keep staring the scenario of falling rain and his fingers are moving slowly like they're dancing to the rhythm of raindrops.

"How's your morning?"

He get distracted by sudden voice which lead him to flinch,he looked up at the person who made him flinch and then his eyes widened in disbelief.'s him.
The nasty bastard that he never wanted to see again,but he is right in front of him now.

The atmosphere was really great until this bastard showed up.
Now his good sunday mood has been totally ruined thanks to that guy.

The sound of raindrops and the scenario of rainfall that he was enjoying has became distraction and the smell of drip coffee no longer smell good. He suddenly feel like the weekend is finally over and have to go work since his holiday has gone in a blink of eyes.
He would probably choose work over meeting the guy right in front of him if he have a chance.

"It's not your business just mind your own and not mine"

He refused so hard to the boy's greeting.He may sound rude but that bastard deserves it.

"Why are you so mad?
I just came here to greet not to hear those harsh words from you."

He rolled his eyes and gave a deadly glare to the boy.

"Who say I'm mad? Mad your ass
I didn't told you to greet me so you're not welcome.
Just go to your own place and leave me alone."

"It that the way you greet your ex-boyfriend?"

"Yeah It is! So nice of me to talking back to someone like you.You should be thankful for that.
Also don't forget that you were just so-called boyfriend!"

"OK. I give up. Enjoy your beloved coffee."

The boy said the last sentence and returned to his own place while he is calming himself down to prevent himself from punching someone in face so hard.

He closed his eyes and tried to feel the rhythm of raindrops.
He think that it would help him a little bit to calm himself down.He stay like this for a few minutes and finally he opened his eyes,then wandered around the place.His eyes suddenly stopped moving when it meets with someone else's.

Those doe eyes make him feel like he has fallen deep down to abyss that he can't escape.He just stared those eyes without even realizing,and the owner of those doe eyes do the same thing.They keep staring at each other like they're participating in eye staring contest.They keep staring for a moment but feel like centuries have been passing through.It was just a short moment but he can feel that he got strong strange feeling while staring at those doe eyes.

Finally,he got his mind back and now he is swaying back and forth if he should go and greet the owner of those doe eyes.

Now he has made up his decision.He get up from his seat and slowly getting closer to that guy.

That guy looked up at him giving *what? look.

"Hi! Can I sit here?"

He just asked since this is the basic rule of society but he didn't wait for permission.He just grabbed the seat and sat down while the boy is still looking at him in disbelief.

"My name is Jake."

The owner of those doe eyes still can't get back to reality and just stare at him.

"Hello ! Mr............"


Finally he get back to reality and replied to jake's question.


Jake whispered the name while that boy just nodded his head and smiled.Jake is now looking Ethan head to toe since he just focused on the boy's eyes.After checking for a few second, he has to admit that not only the eyes of boy are pretty also his whole existence is.

That fluffy brown hair really suit with him and those doe eyes too.He is just wearing hoodie and Jean pants.
Nothing special yet so charming.

It's really attractive even when the guy named 'Ethan' is doing nothing at all.He really envy of him.

Why would a human would be look so good in this comfy fit and fluffy hair which seem like that hasn't been in touch with comb?

There's no way someone would be look good in those things but the boy in front of him does without even trying.
Jake got lost in thought while the boy is looking him.

"Are you ok? You seem to be overthinking right now.
I called your name for four or five times."

He finally came back to reality and he realised that he has to apologize first cuz staring someone at meeting first time is rude and he did it.So he has to apologize first even though his reason for coming here is not that.

"Ummm...I want to say sorry for staring you for a long time."

When Jake said that,the boy burst out in laughter which make Jake look the boy in confusion.

"Is there anything funny or did I do something wrong?"

Jake asked in worry tone since the boy is laughing his ass off.The boy controlled himself and tried to be back to normal.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to control myself and you don't have to say sorry to me since I'm the first one to stare at you."

"What do you mean by that?"

Jake's two brows are so close to meet each other since he is narrowing his eyes too much now while listening to Ethan.

"To be honest,I accidentally heard your conversation with the guy who left earlier."


" I didn't mean to stare at you but you seem like you're calming your mind with the sound of raindrops,that's what I usually do whenever I stressed out when rain is falling.That's why I keep watching you and your eyes met with mine."

"So I don't need to say sorry,right?"


"So I'll take it back but why are you laughing?"

"No reason, I just wanted to laugh."

Jake shake his head in disbelief.He want to take back everything that he thought earlier.He is not envy of the boy anymore.That boy is really weird like how someone would laugh his ass off for no reason.

"So you came here just to say sorry?"The boy's sudden question caught off his guard. He came here for another purpose but he don't know how to answer.So, for now all he has to do is to lie.



The sudden awkward silence take place between them and Jake keep biting his lips while worrying if he should ask the other boy, Ethan's number.

"Hmmmm Can I get your number,If you don't mind?"


Jake shouted in silence.
First Step Clear!

*:.。T.B.C✧˚ · .

This is going to be a mini story with short chapters;)
Enjoy your time with Heejake!
Have a good one!<3

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