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"Ahh I hate Monday with all of my heart!"Jake groaned as he turned off the alarm that has been ringing for couple minutes.

Jake slowly get up from his bed while running his hands through his hair and adjusting his eyes to the sunlight that is hovering him through the window.

He has to get into the never ending fight between him and his works for another five days.Jake sighed as his hands and legs are moving non-stop doing his morning chores as they used to.

"Guess I'll have to skip my breakfast again"Jake murmured as he went out of his apartment in hurry.The new manager will come today.So,Jake have to go to his office as early as he can.

"Atleast,I need to have some caffeine to boost my energy up"
Jake's direction suddenly changed to the cafe when he stepped out of elevator.He have to grab his morning coffee which is a MUST!He can't skip his morning coffee just because he is worried that he might get late to work.He has to drink it even if the world is ending right now.

Jake excitedly walks to his favourite cafe and get into it.The door bell chimed when Jake entered the cafe.
The atmosphere of cafe was in serenity and it warmed Jake as soon as he get into it.There was not much people in cafe since today is Monday and everyone is busy going to their job.Jake also got no time to feel the atmosphere of the cafe.So,he hurriedly move to the counter to place his order.

"Iced Americano with extra shot,please,and I'll take out"

"Iced Americano with extra shot,your order will be ready in few minutes,Sir
Will you pay with cash or card?"

Jake got mesmerized by the glorious warm vibe of the employee in front of him.How a human can be this bright and cheerful?It's rare to see this kind of vibe on Monday.Also,this is first time seeing him too.Jake is not familiar with the employee in front of him.Jake know almost every employee of this cafe since he is a regular customer here.

"with card or cash,Sir?"

Jake didn't hear the employee's question since he got lost in thoughts and the employee re-asked him.

"Arr...with card"

Jake handed his card to the employee.

"Are you new here?"Jake asked out of curiosity.

"Yes....I got employed yesterday and today is my first day"

"Ooh... that's why"Jake mumbled in joy.He was right,this boy is new here and that's why he is not familiar.There's no way Jake can't recognise someone he is familiar to.

"Here's your order,Iced Americano with extra shot,Sir.Hope you'll have a good day ahead"

The employee smiled until his eyes closed and bid a farewell to Jake.

"Thank you,Have a good one!"

Jake feel warmth by the employee's great farewell which put him in good mood.Additionally,His steps become lighter after taking a sip of his precious coffee.

"Morning coffee never disappoint!"
He muttered.

"Good Morning!"Being in a good mood made him to greet everyone he see on his way to his office.

Everything seems to go well until he reached his office.

"Good Mor..."

Jake's word got stuck at the half way of his throat when he saw a familiar face.No way it's him.It's Ethan,the boy he saw yesterday.

What on earth Ethan is in his office,also in front of him?Jake also want to see him but not here.Jake suddenly got a strong hint of something.

"Good Morning, Is what you're going to say,right?Then,Good Morning,I guess?"Ethan greeted Jake in most strange way.

JAVAPHILE/희제이크Where stories live. Discover now