First Attempt

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"How long will you sit here doing nothing but staring into that employee boy?"

Jake asked out of furiousness and curiosity since sunghoon has been sitting here for half an hour staring at the every single movement of the latter who is busy receiving orders from a crowd of customers.

"Just a few minutes"

Sunghoon replied frowning but keep staring at the boy.

"Hours, I'll correct it" Jake murmured while rolling his eyes.

"Whatever you assume" Sunghoon's low toned voice spread between them and make Jake out of patience.

"I've been drinking three cups of Americano while waiting and my caffeine for the whole day has been fuelled up already. I can't wait no longer.Hurry up and go talk to him or else I won't accompany you anymore"

Jake said in annoyed tone since he have had enough.

"Fine...."Sunghoon sighed and stopped his words and Jake widened his eyes out of curiosity what Sunghoon gonna say

"Let's just go back"Sunghoon muttered and left Jake in shock.

"What do you mean by let's just go back?
Don't tell me you are sitting here for almost an hour just to stare and go back like nothing"Jake asked in shocked tone since he still can't proceed to understand sunghoon's intention.

"Well,I'm sorry to tell but you're right.
I came here just to stare at him"Sunghoon replied calmly.

"Weirdo!"Jake exclaimed in disbelief.
He has never seen this side of sunghoon and it's kinda strange to him to be honest.It might seems unusual for close friends but
they don't really share about their love life to each other ever since they were young. So,it makes sense for them.

"I'll head to my apartment now.Want me to drop you off at your office?"

Jake nodded excitedly over sunghoon's offer. His office is not too far away from this cafe but walking there is a bit tiring and the offer was way too convenient to reject.
Also, he thinks he deserves to get this little favour since he accompanied Sunghoon for his crazy little love stare game.

"Ok let's go then"Sunghoon said as he get up from his seat taking final glance to the boy.

Jake immediately get up from his seat and went out of the cafe.

The ride last only three or four minutes and they both kept quiet.

"Thanks bro"

"No need"

Jake said as he get out of sunghoon's car and sunghoon replied while shrugging his shoulder off.

"Gotta go now,Bye.See ya!"

Jake bid a farewell and sunghoon just waved and left him behind.Jake just walked into his office.

"Ohh Ethan,Good Morning!"Jake greeted cheerfully when he saw Ethan,the person he wanted to see the most while accompanying and waiting for sunghoon,in front of the elevator.

"Good morning,Jake"Ethan took a glance and replied calmly but something grabbed Jake's attention.
Ethan is wearing spectacles?
Damn!Man looks so fine in those.

"That specs looks good on you"Jake talked his thoughts out loud and complimented the latter.

"Ohh,Thank you"

Ethan replied while pulling the nose bridge of the specs preventing it from falling down which Jake find it attractive.

Jake bit his lips out of nervousness but the open of elevator door save him from the situation.

"So,how was your first day?"Jake asked to break the awkward silence between them.

"Ummm,I guess I'm happy to be here so far. Everyone here is so nice and friendly especially you" Ethan replied after taking a few seconds to think and the answer makes Jake blush slightly.

"Ohh,Glad to hear that"Jake murmured.

"Have a good day and by the way would you like to grab a lunch with me" Jake returned from his way and went back to Ethan to ask this nervously when they reached their office floor.

"Sure"Ethan replied shortly and walked to his office room.

"Yes"Jake put his first on the air and put it back down to him when he got into his office room.

Jake always have been sure about his feelings ever since he was little.He exactly knows what he likes or not since then and this situation is quite similar coz he already is sure about his feelings for Ethan.

Jake is a rush guy when it's come to relationship or stuffs.He hate delaying his own feelings. Why would he keep watching someone quietly when he is already sure about his own feelings.
He have to make a move definitely and obviously.

That's why he couldn't really understand sunghoon's opinion earlier.

"Well, nevermind. Let's just focus on work for now"Jake muttered to himself as he sit down on the chair which is in front of his work table.


"Come in"

Jake responded while focusing on his laptop screen when he heard a soft knock on his door.

"Are you done with your work?"Jake didn't take a glance but already know who the owner of this honey like voice is and It's no other than Ethan.

"Umm, Almost. Can you wait for a minute?"Jake replied and took a glance at Ethan who is observing him.

"Sure!Take your time"Ethan responded calmly and sat down at one of the sofas.

A moment passed by and the ticking sound of the wall clock spread across the room fusing with the slow pitch of their rhythmic inhale,exhale.

"Done!! Let's go.Shall we?"Jake asked joyfully after finishing his work off.

"Great"Ethan exclaimed in quite exciting tone.

They both decided to go to the nearest restaurant.So,they just walked there.

Neither Slow nor fast steps echoed quietly in the midst the noisy sounds of city as they walked.

Still both of them didn't bother to talk and just keep walking quietly.The atmosphere was kinda awkward but Jake endured it cuz Ethan seems to lost in his own thoughts and he doesn't want to disturb.

"We're here"That's the only phrase Jake said after staying quiet during ten minutes walk. Jake pulled the door and went in after letting Ethan know that they're already at their destination.

The vibe of the restaurant is in fusion of tranquility and busyness which is balancing each other out and working in harmony.Jake felt it as soon as he walked in.

All the employee are busy working while the customers are quietly enjoying their time.

"May I take your order?"The male waiter came to them and asked politely.

They both ordered some dishes and waited for them to arrive.

"So,how did you transfer here?"Jake tried to break the ice.

"It was instruction from CEO. He told me that this branch has only a few staffs and he wanted me come here
But I also wanted to since I love trying new things"

"Ahh, actually it was me who complained about the quantity of staffs here,but glad to hear that
you 're enjoying"Jake responded while scratching his forehead a bit.
Ethan chuckled to Jake's response.

They continue chit chatting this and that when food arrived and
the atmosphere was great overall for their whole lunch time.

'That was a great move as a first attempt' Jake thought to himself.


I alsaurr don't remember when was the last time I update this

Is it boring??
Feel free to leave some comments if you have anything to say^3^

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