Join GSA

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Bella pov:

Bella: "Yah Ash what's up?"

Ash: "Nothing much except all the transphobic teachers this year"

Bella: "That must suck I'm sorry Ash"

Ash: "Yah it does well at least I'm glad for all my friends especially you my token cis straight friend"

Bella: "I wish you would stop calling me that"

Ash: "Whatever I'm glad to see you I haven't seen you all summer basically why is that anyway??"

Bella: "I was just busy and we called a bunch so it's not like we didn't talk"

Ash: "I know but I don't think I've been to your house like in over a year what's up with that your mom is so nice I miss her"

Bella: "Um yah she's also been busy I have study hall now I have to go ash"

Ash: "Ok bye"

Bella: I head to study hall after attendance I drop my head onto the desk. I hate keeping secrets from ash. It sucks it's to protect him along with me so it's fine right?

Study hall teacher: "Students tomorrow is picture day don't forget and dress formally pls"

Bella: Ugh great just great I think to myself

Ash: "Hey Bella" Ash whispers from the halway

Bella: "Excuse me sir may I go to the nurse I'm not feeling well"

Study hall teacher: "Very well go on"

Bella: I head to the halway and see all my friends Ash, Kai, Rowan, Jamie, Stacy and lily "hey guys what's up?"

Kai: "Were headed to Ms, Lindals room let's go"

Bella: "Ms lindals room why?" I ask as we're walking

Rowan: "It's supper cool she's making a lgbtq club where gonna sign up"

Bella:  I stop in my tracks but there already tuning into her room and Ash grabs my hand

Ash: "Common straight buddy"

Bella: He drags me into her classroom "Um guys why am I here anyway?"

Stacy: "It's for Allies too so we of course need you"

Ms lindal: "Hi guys, are you here to sign up for gsa?" 

The entire group besides Bella: "Yup"

Ms lindal: "Here Ash give a paper to each of your friends"

Bella: Ash hands me one I look at it it says
Record  name
Full name  (chosen)
"Guys I think I'm good I'm too busy after school to join"

Ms lindal: "You don't have to attend every meeting you can come once or twice the entire year it doesn't matter"

Ash: "Gang we have to get back to class"

Bella: Ash  Collects the papers he looks over my shoulder

Ash: " Hey how come you haven't filled it out"

Bella: My pencil isn't sharp I'll sharpen it then fill it out you guys get to class I don't want you to get in trouble. The gang leaves I'm facing the door with the paper in hand I feel a hand on my shoulder "Ah"

Ms lindal: "Sorry child I didn't know you were that easily spooked"

Bella: "Yah I guess I am"

Ms lindal: "How come you haven't filled out the paper  all your friends already did"

Bella: "I Um"

Ms lindal: "What's wrong?"

Bella: "I don't want to join"

Me lindal: "How come?"

Bella: I was going to say my parents didn't approve then I stopped myself "I um um am not like gay or trans or anything I'm straight and cis"

Ms lindal: "Well considering your terminology and you friend group I say your a good ally"

Bella: "um yah there my world I love them all best friend group in the universe"

Ms lindal: "Ok great so you will be joining"

Bella: "Um is there a record or something?"

Ms lindal: "What do you mean?"

Bella: "Like will there be a list of people in the club"

Ms lindal: "Of course"

Bella: "Oh um"

Ms lindal: "What is it dear?"

Bella: "Will my parents be able to find out?"

Ms lindal: stares at me for what feels like forever
" Not unless you want them to"

Bella: "Oh ok then yah I guess I'll sign up when do we meet again?"

Ms lindal: "Every Thursday"

Bella: "Ok" I look at the paper and put it against the wall ok this is easy my name yah Bella Harris ok chosen name I guess same thing I put Bella Harris  ok age 16 grade 11th grade ok sexuality dam I hesitate ok straight I write down it feels so wrong doing so but I do it anyway Gender I stare blankly at the word Gender I don't know how long I was staring but I turn my head and ms lindal is peaking over my shoulder. I look back at the paper and scribble female then write she/her/hers "Here" I say handing her the paper rushing out of the classroom it feels like a huge weight has now been put on my neck. Great this will be fun I think to myself

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