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Bella: I keep walking the hallways looking at the tiles and occasionally at my light pink vans I go around a corner where there's no classrooms and walk around in circles I see my pink shoes again. Ugh "BAM" owe dang my foot I fall backwards I kicked the locker a little harder then I thought the door popped off. Just great just great ugh I go to the corner and just drop down. I start crying I bury my face in my hands

Ash: "Omg Bella are you ok?"

Bella: I look up and rub my eyes quickly

Ash: runs up to me and sits down "What happened what's wrong Bella"

Bella: "Nothing Ash I'm fine"

Ash: "You never cry like ever I don't think I've actually ever seen you cry"

Bella: "Then I guess it was long overdue"

Ash: "Bella pls tell me"

Bella: "It doesn't matter"

Ash: "Did Mike not ask you to the fall dance yet?"

Bella: I turn away from ash I don't want her to see my face right now.

Ash: "It's ok there be plenty of guys who will want to take you"

Bella: "LEAVE ME ALONE ASH!!!" I yell directly in his face I see the hurt in his eyes I break down crying again

Ash: "Bella pls tell me what's going on"

Bella: "I can't" I stay lightly sobbing

Ash: "Why not?"

Bella: "I I I" I stutter then turn my head again

Ash: " You can tell me anything Bella you know that right?"

Bella: "I'm gonna be late for class" I get up kick the locker door to the side and walk to my study hall I hear Ash walking behind me but then he stops thank god I don't want to talk right now I go thru the study hall door the teacher is writing something on the bored

Teacher: "Bella I called the Nurse you didn't show up apparently were you just goofing off in the halls then your going to get a detention." She turns around

Bella: "Ok" I say lightly

Teacher: "Bella come into the hall" puts her hand in my shoulder and we go into the hall "Are you ok Bella?"

Bella: "Yah when's the detention?"

Teacher: "That's ok honey I'm not giving you a detention do you need a hug?"

Bella: "What? No I'm fine"

Teacher: "Honey go splash some water on your face you have 5 minutes until the end of the day"

Bella: "Ok?" I head to the bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror I look like a basic girl I have long brown hair brown eyes but right now there all red and have tears dried underneath them. I splash water in my face and look back at the mirror I keep splashing water on my face like it's going to change what's in the reflection I do this for some time I felt like I was drowning I stop I look around there's water all behind me all on the floor my hair is soaked along with my shirt the bell rings great I try to dry off with those brown paper towels in the bathroom it doesn't do much tho I return to the study hall I'm 4 mins late  the teacher isn't there I grab my bag and head the back way to an exit I don't want anyone to see me like this.

Ms Lindal: "Bella is that you?" 

Bella: I turn around but she already saw me she walks up to me

Ms lindal: "What happened dear your soaked"

Bella: "Um Um" I can't think of anything to say

Ms lindal: "Dear what happened are you ok?"

Bella: "I Um the faucet in the restroom is broken"

Ms lindal: "Boys or girls  restroom?"

Bella: what? "Uh girls.."

Ms lindal: "Ok I'll have the janitor look into that thanks make sure to change out of those clothes when you get home I don't want you catching a cold"

Bella: "Yah thanks will do"

Ms Lindal: Take care dear" she says lightly rubbing my shoulder

Bella: "Bye"

Ms lindal: "Bye remember first gsa meeting is tomorro"

Bella: when I hear her say gsa I quickly look around to see if anyone heard her no one's there I relax "Bye" and walk outside

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