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Bella: I walk through the door the rooms are all dark I drop my back by the door and head upstairs I look at the wall as I climb up the stairs to my room I see photos of holidays photos from school picture days. Picture day is tomorrow I hope my mother forgets about picture day. I don't want to fake a smile wearing another floral or pink puffy dress that looks like a unicorn barf all over it. I finally reach the top of the stairs I look over my shoulder it would be easy to fall off I think. I rush to my room and shut the door. I go over to my Mirror and look at myself with my long brown hair I look at my desk and see scissors I grab them look at my hair and cut I watch the hair slowly fall the the ground I keep cutting until it's ear length. I look at the mirror again and smile I quickly wipe off the smile. What the hell did I do my mom is going to kill me I gather up all the hair and toss it in my trash. I go to my bed and just sleep.

Alarm- "beep beep"

Bella: ugh time to get up already" I look over at the clock it's 5 am great time to get ready for school. I don't bother taking a shower I don't have the energy I throw my clothing  a black vans hoodie some black jeans and red and black converse on and pack my backpack and head downstairs.

Bella's mom:"Oh my dear what happened to you who did this to you" 

Bella: "Did what?"

Bella's mom: "Cut your gorgeous hair off"

Bella: fuck so that wasn't a dream

Bella's mom: child I'm waiting who did this to you

Bella: "some boy I don't know he got mad I spilled his Gatorade by accident"

Bella's mom: "we'll I'm calling the school this is so uncalled for"

Bella: "I wasn't at school I was at the park I don't think he goes to my school never seen him before" I say quickly I'm good at lies by now 

Bella's mom: "Well you can't take your picture looking like this I'll call the school and tell them your going to be doing picture retake in 3 months and really you have to be wearing a hoodie. 

Bella: "Ok well I got to go to school"

Bella's mom:  "Dear run upstairs make that mop look a little better"

Bella: "Ok" I got back upstairs to my bedroom and I fluff my hair up I have some curls in my hair my hair being shorter makes them more defined I finish run downstairs and head out the door to my car. I'm driving to school and all and I can't stop looking at the mirror I love my new hair I like what my reflection shows for once in my life I don't want to puke about what I see.

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