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guys,this book contains lots of swearing and cursing and stuffs that is for matured age. but it doesn't go that deep,so don't worry.


I never agreed to the idea of moving.

I was forced to agree,or more likely,just go with it.I had to,for my parent's sake. We had to move to Burgess because of the Arendelle Corporation headquarters was built here.

Every few months,our whole family had to move because of either business trips that involved the whole family,or because one of our companies in somewhere in the world is sinking.

After seventeen years,I was supposed to get used to it.Too bad the fact turned to a myth.I never got used to it.

I never got used to the horrible feeling of getting airsick,or got used to not having friends,or the size of the house and my room changes every single time we moved.I also never got used to difference of the temperatures,or also the time zones.The things I really got used to were the fact that our parents told us we have a flight to catch in three hours when all of us had not packed yet,packing up for our flight in less than five minutes,the taste of airplane food and how the air in the plane smells like.

People said that I should stay positive and look on the bright side and crap.I appreciate your words,but it's not helping.Between Anna and I,Anna is the "rainbows-and-sunshine" type,not me.

However,I was looking forward towards this move.Probably because my parents told me that this time,with the new headquarters,we're going to stay here in Burgess forever.

No more moving,no more new school with jerks,jocks,hyped up people,no more being airsick,no more tasteless airline food,no more whatsoever.Just a comfortable home,a highschool I'm attending until I can finally graduate properly.

I slipped my hands into my satin gloves as I looked out of the car,seeing the car driving through the driveway of our new home.

I took out a picture of the Evergreen Manor,where I am going to stay for the rest of my highschool life until I graduate.When the car was parked at the driveway, I immediately step out of the car.I compared the current Evergreen Manor to the one in the picture.There was a slight difference.

I bit my lip as I pointed out to mum,"The paint is crippling.The ivory were over populated."

"We could always repaint.And take off the ivory,but we already hire a gardener to do that for us."

I processed my thoughts,before I took out my box with my name written in bold.The rest of my items were already shipped here a week before the move.I walked up to my room,feeling a little strange all of a sudden.As if every move of mine is watched.I walked around the huge boxes of my belongings.

I placed my box on my dressing table,opening the flaps.I rolled up my sleeves,and took out my musical box on the dressing table.I arranged every item in the box on my dressing table.

That was when I heard a sizzling sound coming from the balcony door of my room.I froze,before turning to face the door.That was when I realised that there was a crystal clear substance spreading from the top of the door.

"Hey,"A voice squeaked out from the door,causing me to snap back to my senses.

I pushed my fringe behind my ear,and cleared my throat,"Anna,hey."

The strawberry blonde skipped her way to me.As she takes a step forward,fear starts to increasingly washed over me.

"What were you looking at?"She asked,glancing to the balcony door,unaware of the transparent substance.

"N-Nothing.I was just looking out at the view.It's pretty cool,don't you think?Although it's just a view of a forest,"I stammered with my plain lie.

Anna just nodded,and then saw my gloves,"Since when you're wearing gloves?"

"Oh,I was just trying out these gloves I found,"I lied again.

I always took off my gloves whenever Anna is around.That way,she would never discover my dark secret.Lucky for me,Anna believed every single lie of mine.

"I'm just here to tell you if you're hungry,there is pancakes downstairs,"Anna informed,and left the room when I nodded.

I let out a sharp breath that I was unconscious of holding.I ran to my dressing table and slammed my palms on it.I straightened,and slowly took off my gloves.My gaze fell onto the mirror in front of me.

I took a deep breath again,brought my index finger of my right hand towards the mirror.I pressed my finger lightly on the mirror,ice shooting out and spreaded on the mirror.

I cringed and pulled back immediately.My hands was slipped back into the gloves again.I shut my eyes for a moment,but soon flies open when the sizzling sound from the balcony continues.

Again,the sizzling sound was made from the balcony door.I spun around.

I walked towards the balcony door.I squinted my eyes,trying to identify the substance.A gasp escaped my lips,a hand clamped over my mouth when the substance stopped spreading.

"No way..."I whispered as I backed away.

I swear that wasn't from me.How could it be possible?

It's ice.

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thanks for reading babes

-ggrangerly xx

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