(7) Dylan

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Dylan thought for a bit as he sat and watched TV with Frida and Wildwing. It was Movie Night. He'd seen the choice movie a few times, and didn't need to pay as much attention, but he still liked to watch it. But that was beside the point.

Dylan remembered how the Red Raven had looked without his mask. Now that he had told Huey out loud what he saw, it seemed like he'd been hiding those feelings since he saw it. The boy called Damian looked scared, and alone. Unsure, and frightened. As if he had nothing better to do with his heart. Dylan knew all of those feelings exactly. The Red Raven had gone into hiding since then, and Dylan could only assume that was because he was going through something just as big as what Dylan had gone through.

Dylan had already realized that he and Damian seemed to have a lot more in common than meets the eye. Dylan wished that he wasn't the Red Raven's enemy, so he could talk to him, and tell him he's not alone. But there was no way to reach him. That made Dylan feel a bit sad.

As Dylan came back to his room after brushing his teeth, he saw Wildwing was already there, gently laying Frida in her dog bed. He then moved on to Dylan's bed, to fluff the pillows, as Dylan walked into the room. Once Wildwing had finished, he politely waited for Dylan to take his prosthetic off, and climb into his four poster to tuck himself in. Once he did, Dylan prepared to ask a question as he laid a hand on his chest. He had waited to be alone with Wildwing. He figured if anyone could help him during a struggle like this, it was his wise uncle.

"Uncle Wildwing?" Dylan said.

"What's up Dyl?" Wildwing asked as he straightened the quilts.

"Have you ever been in a situation when you don't know what to do?" Dylan continued. "When there's someone you want to help, but you don't know how to reach them? And you don't even think they want you to reach them? But you want to tell them they're not alone....?"

Wildwing softly smiled, and sat at Dylan's foot on his bed, gently taking his hand.

"I have," he told Dylan, his handsome voice deep. "It is hard to know what to do in a situation like that."

Then he turned, and looked Dylan in the eyes.

"But if you have a chance to help someone, just do it," he continued. "Often, people are silently struggling. Maybe your act of kindness could make their day."

He smiled, moving his hand to gently hold Dylan's fluffy cheek. Dylan smiled, and wrapped his fingers around Wildwing's wrist.

"Yeah, that makes enough sense," he murmured.

Wildwing softly chuckled at that, then leaned forward, and gently kissed Dylan's forehead. Then he sat up, took Dylan's glasses off, folded them, and put them on the nightstand. And then he went to the door, and turned the lights off, exposing the glowing stars and moon of the nightlight.

"G'night Dylan," he said.

"Night Uncle Wildwing," Dylan said back.

With that, Wildwing left, quietly closing the door behind him.

Dylan turned from the door, and put his hands behind his head as he looked up at the ceiling. The gentle glow of the projected stars danced in his eyes, and he slowly drifted off to sleep.


The next day, Dragon Knight flew around on his sky shift of patrol (Dylan and Fenton had decided they would do patrol every other day, or so). He finished his lap, and rested his flight powers. Then the beeping came, alerting him of the shift change. With that, he nose-dived off the building as he always would, catching himself before he hit the ground. And then he started his ground shift.

He still made sure to be discreet, as always, silently hoping for another incident like the Beagle Boys to pop up. But so far, nothing. Dragon Knight didn't mind, though. Once again, he was just glad to be doing his part.

Upon turning the next corner, however, something very intriguing caught his eye. He stopped when he got to it, and came closer to it to inspect it. It seemed like the wreckage of a car crash that no one had bothered to clean up. Only, this wasn't a car. No tires, no distinct windshield, no car-like features at all. This vehicle was different.

From what Dragon Knight could tell, it used to look a bit like a rocket ship, with its tail fins and circular shaped opening. It was hard to deduce that, for two of the fins had broken off, one into a few pieces, and the dome that was probably on top had been shattered. The ship was quite red, and Dragon Knight tried to search for anything that might have explained its port of origin. Looking around at the backside, he noticed a logo with some of its paint scratched off. But it was distinguishable enough, in four big letters: F.O.W.L.

Dragon Knight put a hand up to his comm link, and spoke into the microphone.

"Giz, do you copy?" he said. "I've found something."

"What is it, DK?" Gizmoduck asked.

"I'm not sure," Dragon Knight answered. "All I can tell is that it's a vehicle wreckage, and it has something to do with F.O.W.L."

"What?" said Gizmoduck. "Why would they leave a crashed vehicle in the open like that?"

Dragon Knight shrugged, mainly to himself. "Your guess is as good as mine."

"But they would have taken it back for repairs," Gizmoduck went on. "Maybe they've forgotten it? Or something?"

Dragon Knight thought that might be a possibility, until he saw two tall figures, one big, the other skinny, looking right at him from the shadows.

"Or maybe they're trying to attract attention," he said, his voice quavering. "To trap someone."

As if on cue, the figures jumped out at Dragon Knight and attacked! He tried to fight back, but the big one got him in a hard whole body lock, squeezing him tight.

"DK, what's going on?" said Gizmoduck's voice over comms.

Dragon Knight was fighting too hard to answer, catching a glance at the skinny one, who pulled out something that looked like a small gun. He shot it, and a green smoke bomb exploded, making Dragon Knight cough. He felt tired as he inhaled the scentless fumes, slowly losing consciousness.

"DK? DK!"

And then he blacked out.

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