(10) Damian

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Damian grabbed his staff and pocketed it, then he grabbed everything else that might have meant something to him. The polish he used for his prosthetic, his spare leather jacket he never wore, a few other things he wouldn't name out loud, and even his Aunt Heron's old robot arm. He stuffed all of this into a backpack, and almost left the room, until he turned back to look at his suit.

The cracked mask still stared at him intimidatingly, but now, Damian wasn't scared. The Red Raven had hurt people, and Damian was determined not to follow in his footsteps anymore. From now on, the Red Raven was gone. Damian Heron was all he would be.

He ran through the halls of F.O.W.L. HQ, making sure to avoid any guards, and keep his staff handy. Damian stopped on the way to his destination for a pickup. He waited until the guards who were in the room were out of sight, and soon enough, they left. Damian took the opportunity, and ran into the room. In there was every prisoner's confiscated gear. Damian found the bag that contained Dragon Knight's armor, as well as his sword, intending to give it all to Dylan when he reached him. He was a bit weighed down by both bags, and everything in them, but Damian was determined to keep going, no matter what. He ran to the holding cells.

Damian hid behind the corner of a wall as one of the bigger guards brought Dylan a meal. Damian couldn't quite hear from where he was, but he thought he heard Dylan say, "Dinner already? How late is it?"

He detected worry in Dylan's voice, but was determined to end it when they both got out of here. He jumped up and put the guard in a headlock, knocking him to the floor! Damian stood and pushed the guard's head down with his foot.

"Nothing personal," he breathed distastefully, before punching the guard in his egg helmet and knocking him out cold.

Dylan looked shocked as Damian pressed the button labeled Cell Door Release. At once, the glass in front of Dylan, and all the other cells, was pulled up and opened. Damian laid Dylan's bag and sword in front of him. Dylan promptly slid them both over his shoulder, then looked back at Damian with sparkling eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I want to do that one good thing in my life," Damian replied, "like you said, so...come with me!"

He softly smiled, looking Dylan right in the eyes, and offered his hand. Dylan took it, then he and Damian ran off!

Damian led Dylan back through the corridors, making sure to be discreet, and hide from any soldiers.

"Where are we going?" Dylan whispered. "What's the plan? How do I know I can trust you?"

"You don't," Damian answered.

But that didn't seem to change Dylan's mind about following him, even if he kept his hands on the hilt of his sword. Damian decided to be just as cautious, and keep his hand on the retracted staff in his pocket. That seemed to be the perfect move, for just as the two turned the corner, there was a big Egghead soldier blocking their path. The boys gasped upon that, as two more cornered them from behind.

"Red Raven," the first one said questioningly, "why is the prisoner out of his cell?"

"He wanted to get some fresh air," Damian said, in his snide voice to catch the soldiers off guard, turning to Dylan. "Didn't you — Dragon Knight?"

With that, Damian pounced onto the guard, wrapping his arms around his neck, and trying to wrestle him to the ground! The other two guards came on either side of Dylan. He drew his sword, and hit one of the soldiers in the gut with the butt of the hilt, then made to slice the other, who dodged. Dylan backed away, holding his sword ready. Before he could make another move, Damian ran up the wall, and tackled the Egghead! The soldier fell to the ground as Damian landed on his feet like a cat. Dylan sheathed his sword, and balled his fists.

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