Chapter 26: |Reconciliation|

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Chapter 26~ Reconciliation

Adina's POV:

I thought I made sure I had everything before I left here. Good thing that they leave early on Thursdays. This is the last place you'd catch me in after what happened last time. I lost something important. Something I can't just buy a replacement for.

My grandpa's ring and my grandma's necklace. They match. It was given to me a long time ago. My parents raided my room once and stole anything nice I had. Every since then I've kept it hidden. I feared that they would see me wearing it and destroy it. My grandparents are too important to me for that to happen. That's why I'm risking everything to be here.

There's a hidden department in the wall under the sink in my bathroom. I just need to go in there and retrieve the box. I parked around the corner and walked the rest of the way just in case they were still home. They weren't. I said a prayer under my breath the closer I got to the house, just to be sure. I used my key to get in and made sure that I didn't noticeably move anything around.

I went straight to my room and made sure the jewelry was there. I sighed in relief when I found it. There were pictures of my grandparents on top of the boxes and I opened them carefully to make sure they were still in there. Thankfully they were and I held the boxes close to me as I ran downstairs.

I went into the kitchen, just to see how bad they'd gotten with the alcohol. They had twice the amount they did last time I was here. As I was walking out a piece of paper got stuck to the bottom of my shoe. I pulled it off and looked at it, a check. There was something sticky covering the part that tells you who sent it. It looked like a liquid was poured all over the paper, barely readable but you could tell from the formatting that it was a check.

Maybe it's from their work?

I put it in the trash and left the house. It was none of my business anyway. I sat the boxes in my passenger seat and put in the address Jebby sent me to meet him. It wasn't too far but it was dangerous. People cliff dive there. I'm no pussy or anything but when it comes down to heights and wind whipping in my ears, I'm not doing it. I'm not sure about the kind of business he has there but I'm sure that's not what he wants to see me for.

He told me to come near the cliff and I obeyed him. He was sitting on a bench, waiting for me. I sat next to him and he pecked my lips. "So, why are we here?" I laid my head on his shoulders and he slid something into my hand.

I glanced down and my eyebrows rose in surprise. "You're giving me a pass to smoke?" He chuckled lightly and that's when I noticed the other blunt in his hand. "Who rolled these for you?" He stayed silent and I looked over the blunt, he didn't do this himself. "At least tell me what's in it?" He shook his head no.

"Do you trust me?" He spoke softly and I moved my body to somehow get closer to him.

I low-key love this question.

"With my ice cream." My life and my heart.

"Get high on a cliffside with me then, Addi." He laughed and I laughed nervously, taking my head off of his shoulder.

"Okay, what if I jump off?" I side-eyed him.

"That's the whole point." He said calmly.

"Not from up here though, right?" We were near the highest hill above the lake.

"I think I've found your weakness." He smirked and put the blunt in my mouth, lighting it for me and then doing his own. I wouldn't take sweetface for a smoker but the way he's holding everything tells me this isn't his first time smoking.

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