Chapter 32: |Promise|

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Chapter 32~ Promise

I didn't have any more cold snacks so I took my pills and went out to get some. I didn't tell my boyfriend because he wanted me to stay at home and rest. Fuck that rest I need more ice cream. Might even pick up some cheesecake and strawberries.

Slowly turning into a fat bitch.

I went to the Walmart closer to Devin's house because I wanted to give him the necklace that finally came in. I bought it after our date and it's been sitting in my house because everything happened and I just couldn't believe my stupidity.


I was getting more fruits and someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and some man about a year or two older than me was looking at me confused. "Yes?" He didn't say anything.

"You don't remember me?" He said after a moment of staring at me.

"Should I?" I continued to shop and he followed me.

"You ruined my life." I've heard that before.

"Caleb? He said I was the cause of his wife leaving him. I didn't know you were married. Plus, I can't even remember what you would look like now."

"No. Garrett." What the fuck?

"Oh, shit," I mumbled.

"Yes, shit. I needed surgery because of you." I stopped walking, turned to him with my lips pursed, and then turned around abruptly, speed-walking away from him.

"Surgery did you justice," I yelled but he wasn't far behind.

He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "Garrett," I warned and he removed his hand. I wouldn't be able to do much because of my wound so it's great we're in public.

"I just want an apology, Adina. You put me through a lot." This fucker is actually serious.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "What happened to you was a consequence of what you did to me." Bitch.

"You volunteered to do that it's not my fault you regretted it after." What in thee actual f-FUCK?

"Garrett. Think back on the day before you were beaten bloody and tell me if you wanted to fuck me or not."

"I really wanted to."

"I didn't. I was a virgin and at the time you were giving rapist so I did what I had to." I don't even want to think about it.

"Damn. I really fucked up. Your reaction makes sense now." No shit.

"Okay." I walked away again but I could still hear him behind me as I pulled the ice cream out of the freezer.

When I turned around he was close up on me. He didn't move and only stared at me. "I'm sorry." He spoke and my eyes widened. Sorry? There's been too many people apologizing to me lately. It's like they just know that I've just been at my lowest but either way I'm grateful for the closure.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, it was dumb. I was...a bitch. I've learned my lesson. I promise you that I've never taken advantage of anyone since and I never plan to. Always ask for consent. Never pressure anyone to do anything they don't want to. I remember."


"Yeah. You repeated it a couple of times while you were beating my head in. Tough lesson but I deserved it." I don't remember that part.

"Be lucky you only got an ass whooping and not jail time until you were unknowingly an uncle." He would've got a slap on the wrist with the police so I'm glad I gave him a couple of slaps on the ass anyways.

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