• 8: Please Call Me •

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TW: self-harm, blood ⚠️

Gracie looked down as her phone rang. The caller ID read:

   Mount Sinai Hospital - Psych Unit

   She shakily picked up.


   "Hello, is this Gracie Wilson?"


"We are calling to let you know that Ryan Metzger has been admitted, and he requested that we call you."

"Oh- oh what happened?" She asked, shakily.

"We prefer not to say that over the phone, but we are urging someone to visit him."

"Oh okay. I'm on my way."

She hung up.

She went back to Jack.

"Hey, um, one of my friends called me and they really need my help, so I'll be back. You'll be okay here right?" She asked.

"You're leaving? In the middle of the night?"

"Yeah, just best friend duties." She chuckled.

"At least let me go with you, it's dark and I wouldn't want anything to happen."

She knew he was just being considerate, but she wished for once that he could just not be a nice person.

"No! It's um- it's strictly a girl thing."

"I don't have to go inside, I just want to make sure you get there safely."

"I know, but I should really go alone."


She bit her lip. She was not the best at lying. Probably the worst actually.

"Just- I have to."

"Okay. Just be careful."

She sighed in relief. "I will."

She grabbed a jacket and stepped outside. She practically ran down the stairs and sped to the hospital.

"I'm here for Ryan Metzger?" She said to the front desk after she's been directed to the psych department.

"Yes, he's in room 330, his nurse should be in there waiting for you."

"Okay, thank you."

She rubbed her eyes as she found her way down the hallway.

She thought she was going to fall to the floor when she finally saw Ryan. The nurse came walking out into the hallway before she could even react to what she saw.

"You're Gracie right?" She asked.


She already knew what had happened, just from the glance she got of him.

A suicide attempt.

"Does Ryan have a history of self harm?"

She nodded.

"Do you know for how long?"

"I think only the last few months."

"Okay, do you want to see him?"

"Yes, yes of course." She said.

She opened the door and she saw him again. She felt her stomach drop to the floor.

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