• Prologue •

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"Do you think he'll be able to sing again?" Ryan asks the doctor in a very concerned tone.

"There wasn't any injury to his vocal chords or anything else that would effect that, so with a little practice, I think he should be back to singing just how he used to. He just has to work that part of his brain, get used to singing again." The doctor says, while looking at something on his computer.

"That's good news." Gracie says, with a sigh of relief.

"If you don't have any more questions, you folks can be on your way!" The doctor says, standing up and walking toward the door.

"Thank you so much, Doctor." She says, attempting to give a smile.

Gracie looked over and saw that Ryan was having a hard time. She reached over and gripped his hand in hers in an attempt to comfort him.

"We are going to figure this out, Ryan. It's going to be okay." Gracie says, trying to sound confident. On the inside, she was crumbling.

Ryan's hand squeezed hers and he takes in a breath and shakily lets it out as tears come to his eyes.

"It's just...so hard." Ryan says, his voice cracking.

"I know, Ryan, I know." Gracie says, comfortingly.

They sit in silence for a few minutes, holding each other's hands.

"You know what I just realized?" Ryan asks, breaking the silence.

"What?" Gracie asks.

"We have a performance next week." He says, sounding extremely defeated.

"I'm so sorry, Ryan." She says, seeing him starting to cry, and she rubs her hand on one of his shoulders. His shoulders shook under her hand as quiet sobs started to leave his mouth.

They sat there for a while, the events of the past two months flooding their minds, followed by a pit of hopelessness.

None of them had any idea how they'd made it this far, and much less how they'd continue.

But alas, someday, they'll get to the good part.

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